League Co-Coordinator - The primary function of this role is to respond with our "welcome post" whenever someone requests to join our league. This role is best filled by someone who has access to gtplanet for the majority of the day and keeps up with the thread fairly well.
I can handle this one.
Color/Number Manager - This role is pretty self-explanatory. You would manage the reserved colors and numbers for each division. tezgm99 was the first color/number manager for the league so he has dibs on this position if he wants it. However, please post if you're interested in role in case he does not want to resume that responsibility.
Since I'm trying to cobble together this paint market thing, I'll also take over the paint and number manager.
Rally, how can I get to see the paint market thread that you have set up? Appearantly I need to be in the group to look at whats available? Thanks for help!
ExoSphere64Oh lord.... I has come to my attention that I could have an issue. If anyone were to really scrutinize my affiliation with SNAIL, there would be many recommendations for therapy, 12 step programs and outright lobotomy. I am rarely in the position to post but I check this thread way too often and spend way too much time pondering race situations. The first thing I do in morning is check the thread. Much of this dawned on me tonight as my wife and I planned her upcoming birthday. As we set the date and discussed everything that we would do, the more my inner racer screamed "THIS IS SNUFFING ANY CHANCE OF RACING THIS NIGHT!!" That was the moment I realized I had a problem... My Name Is Exo S. and I am a SNAIL-A-HAULIC...
The Readers Digest version of all this is I will not be racing Sunday April 7th. I know this is way early but I have league duties and I want to make sure they are covered way in advance. I will broadcast this a couple of more times just to make sure.
For Sunday April 7th, I won't be racing so I if any one could help a brother out and take care of D4 video uploads and results data.
Much Grassy-Ass
Much Grassy-Ass
Rally, how can I get to see the paint market thread that you have set up? Appearantly I need to be in the group to look at whats available? Thanks for help!
I would be willing to help out the paint market.
SchmiggzAttention all snailers looking for good racing tonight. Performance points cap on D3 needing at least another 5 pilots. Come on over... it's fun and snaily. All you have to do is putting together 4 cars (1FF, 1FR, 1AWD and 1 MR) with a combined pp cap of 1575pp.
SchmiggzObviouslyyyyyyyyy.... snail style greeny![]()
But nothing coming from Dacia?![]()
After extensive research and testing (yeah about 10 minutes) I've came to the conclusion that first corner at Deep Forest Reverse can be taken at full throttle from a standing start.
Use it to your advantage.![]()
About the color group, if we managed to get five dupers, we could maybe let them have access to the five division lounges and then each SNAIL would send in their color to that division and then the dupers could send the colors out. Just a thought and maybe the easiest way of keeping all the colors for each division together.
dangerzone641Had a great time today with Tex, tgafaboutany, mopar440, moperlover, drgreen,
Ajk, and chatva. Great racing guys 👍
Had a great time today with Tex, tgafaboutany, mopar440, moperlover, drgreen,
Ajk, and chatva. Great racing guys 👍