◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
June 9, 2013 lineup:

Pontiac Solstice Coupe Concept '02 (Sports Hard tires)
@Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca (6 laps)


BMW 135i Coupe '07 (Sports Medium tires)
@Rome / Reverse (8 laps)


Acura NSX RM '91 (Racing Hard tires)
@Nürburgring GP/D (7 laps)

Got it, thank you!

You're welcome! :)


Any chance you can post the official graphic of your results? After the test is completed, simply click on 'SHARE THIS RESULT' and then click the 'COPY' link (on the right side of the page) to copy the URL address of the results. Then come back to gtplanet and make a new post, click on the 'Insert Image' option at the top menu bar, and then paste the URL into the window that pops up.
S.N.A.I.L. will make you faster Testimonial.

The last few days I have been going back over a bunch of the license tests and special events in an attempt to "Gold" the ones I hadn't, a year or so ago.

Arguably, I've gone from this set up, which was about 12 feet from my tv and sitting on the couch.


to this. Sitting in a fairly comfortable office chair with wheel and stand raised off the floor on 2X4s to get a better ergonomic relationship, about 6 feet away.


I will also grant that I wasn't running series exclusive to SNAIL, but would argue the seat time put in for SNAIL is much greater than other series.

There are a couple people in SNAIL that can attest to just how bad I was during my first online series back in Feb or Mar of 2012. I improved some between the time I did that Honda Integra RM series put on by R1600Turbo, completed all of the license tests and special events with at least a Bronze, and first joining with this bunch . However, in the last 10 months, while running with SNAIL and a couple other series, I feel my driving and racecraft have improved exponentially.

This was clearly evident while going back over a few special events and license tests. I think, in the license test area I managed just under 40 golds. Over the last few days and as of tonight, that number has improved to 59. That wet braking test is giving me fits
. I spent about an hour on it last night and while improved from the previous Bronze rating, was not able to get very close to the Gold.

The TGTT with the Maserati was the 59th gold for me and while the track is not complicated and the car is fairly stable, the racecraft of the AI on that track is worse than the folks in F1 can expect from Mr. Grojean. I can honestly say it took me by suprise and I found myself getting fairly irritated with the AI when they would punt me into a cone or barrier, after I'd managed to get beside or a nose ahead. SNAIL members have spoiled me rotten in that respect. Pretty much had to throw out everything we preach here regarding racecraft, to get that done.

All the other tests I had silvered or bronzed seemed to come to gold fairly easily and I give most of the credit to participating in events and the people in this league.

Another large chunk of credit must be allocated to Owensracing (who dragged me into this league after meeting me in a PURE event) for his generous coaching and support during this and other series. No Jeff, I still haven't taken your advice and learned how to drift. While I know it will help, whenever I have to seriously get some "wheel sawing" done, my current "cockpit" setup is not stable enough to support it, so I haven't taken the time to develop that skill set.

All else being equal, I'd like to thank all the folks here for keeping the "shells" (someone needs to stand up a SNAIL series and figure out how to use that as an acronym) moving forward and heading down the track the right way.

This is a great league and one of, if not the best, online organizations I've ever come across.

S.N.A.I.L. will make you faster Testimonial.

The last few days I have been going back over a bunch of the license tests and special events in an attempt to "Gold" the ones I hadn't, a year or so ago.

Arguably, I've gone from this set up, which was about 12 feet from my tv and sitting on the couch.


to this. Sitting in a fairly comfortable office chair with wheel and stand raised off the floor on 2X4s to get a better ergonomic relationship, about 6 feet away.


I will also grant that I wasn't running series exclusive to SNAIL, but would argue the seat time put in for SNAIL is much greater than other series.

There are a couple people in SNAIL that can attest to just how bad I was during my first online series back in Feb or Mar of 2012. I improved some between the time I did that Honda Integra RM series put on by R1600Turbo, completed all of the license tests and special events with at least a Bronze, and first joining with this bunch . However, in the last 10 months, while running with SNAIL and a couple other series, I feel my driving and racecraft have improved exponentially.

This was clearly evident while going back over a few special events and license tests. I think, in the license test area I managed just under 40 golds. Over the last few days and as of tonight, that number has improved to 59. That wet braking test is giving me fits
. I spent about an hour on it last night and while improved from the previous Bronze rating, was not able to get very close to the Gold.

The TGTT with the Maserati was the 59th gold for me and while the track is not complicated and the car is fairly stable, the racecraft of the AI on that track is worse than the folks in F1 can expect from Mr. Grojean. I can honestly say it took me by suprise and I found myself getting fairly irritated with the AI when they would punt me into a cone or barrier, after I'd managed to get beside or a nose ahead. SNAIL members have spoiled me rotten in that respect. Pretty much had to throw out everything we preach here regarding racecraft, to get that done.

All the other tests I had silvered or bronzed seemed to come to gold fairly easily and I give most of the credit to participating in events and the people in this league.

Another large chunk of credit must be allocated to Owensracing (who dragged me into this league after meeting me in a PURE event) for his generous coaching and support during this and other series. No Jeff, I still haven't taken your advice and learned how to drift. While I know it will help, whenever I have to seriously get some "wheel sawing" done, my current "cockpit" setup is not stable enough to support it, so I haven't taken the time to develop that skill set.

All else being equal, I'd like to thank all the folks here for keeping the "shells" (someone needs to stand up a SNAIL series and figure out how to use that as an acronym) moving forward and heading down the track the right way.

This is a great league and one of, if not the best, online organizations I've ever come across.


Wow... Just awesome.... Is there a smiley with a tear?? Thanks D.W.!!

Hmmm... Gives me an idea!💡
Wanna get rid of the other wheel in the corner? lol


I've been on the fence about that since getting my G27. It has some marginal sentimental value as a gift from my son and wife and should I ever get a second Play Station in the house, it could be used for that along with the second copy of GT5 I have. Also, the grandkids aren't allowed to use my rig so if they want to play they get the DFGT. After using both I wouldn't recommend it anyway. So, sorta kinda not really.

Thanks for asking though. :cheers:
Attention D4 Drivers, you assistance is needed​

As you can see from the list below, there are a couple of holes we need to fill. Specifically the Replay Uploader and Primary Host.

The Replay Uploader job is really quite simple and not very time consuming, 15 minutes max. All you need to do is save each of the replays from the nights racing and export them to Sugarsync before 10:00 P.M. EDT Monday night. We have a video that explains how easy it is :)

The Primary Host is even easier ;) All we need is your connection and you to be in the Lounge first (you're going to race anyway right). Try doing a test on Speedtest.net, if you're A- or greater you're a good candidate to be a host.

If you help out, you're eligible for this 👍

Division 4 Responsibilities
  • Directors --------- ExoSphere64 (scorekeeper) / Chuthulugoat (settings)
  • Division Steward -- Handlebar
  • Replay Uploader --- HELP WANTED / ExoSphere64 (backup)
  • Data Specialist --- ExoSphere64
  • Photographer ------ JESter82178
  • Primary Host ------ HELP WANTED
  • Capable Hosts ----- HELP WANTED
The Pit Board


I strip away the old debris
That hides a shining car
A brilliant red Barchetta
From a better vanished time
I fire up the willing engine
Responding with a roar
Tires spitting gravel
I commit my weekly crime...

~ Rush ~​

One foot on the brake and one on the gas, hey
Well, there's too much traffic, I can't pass, no
So I tried my best illegal move
A big black and white come and crushed my groove again​
~Sammy Hagar~​

Holy smokes!! What a week it has been... (and it still isn't over) I want to dedicate this weeks [late] Pit Board to all the SNAILs that want to race but real life has gotten in the way. We haven't forgotten about you and hope that you will all see the grid soon!

First up. The picture above. I stumbled across this story a few days ago and just had to share it with you all. For those that have not seen this, the headline reads: Honda builds 130mph fire-spitting lawn mower. "Honda creates the worlds most frightening lawn mower thanks to a challenge from the British television program Top Gear" The fairer sex wil never understand that it really IS in our DNA... Read the full story here.

Today was just one of those days. I am running on fumes and still have several places I must be. The single entity that got me through it all was the music. Battling the stress of the day, horrible traffic and every moron ever to sit behind the wheel, I thought I was at the end... Just then, Rush's "Closer to the Heart" started up and it really lifted my spirits. I finally relaxed a bit and it got me to thinking about the relationship of music, driving, racing and GT5. Music really sets the tone for what kind of driving you are involved in. The song playing will dictate whether you drive around the track or attack it! An interesting experiment would be to track lap times based on what kind of music is playing!! Hmmm... Maybe I need to apply for a government grant to study this!! Different music motivates different drivers but the result is still the same. The right car on the right track with the right song really puts the whole package together. Another great study would be to see what music was playing when a driver gets a speeding ticket! I would bet that "Freebird" doesn't come up very often.

On those lines, I really hope that GT6 has better incorporation of personal music. While I am one of the few fans of the standard Gran Turismo lounge lizard fair, that infernal tune we have to suffer through every Sunday night isn't the most inspirational when it comes time for the green flag to drop. Last Wednesday night, right before practice, I was jamming out to some of my favorite stuff and I felt really good on track that night. I don't think it was a coincidence... There has [always] been much talk about the ultimate home driving rig. I thought about that too. Triple screens, the right wheel and seat. Adding the thunder of Buttkickers and such to add to the realism. I want all of that someday but what I would add to all the coolest rigs I have seen is a simple 4 channel mixer and separate speakers to add music into the cockpit to maximize the overall thrill factor!

Second up. Congratulations to all of the May Champions!! Excellent work gentlemen, excellent work!! Promotion and Relegation happened in record time thanks to kcheeb, zer05ive and the rest of Team SNAIL!! A quick word on P&R. Just based on the words "promotion" and Relegation" and their literal connotations, most feel that it is a process of reward and punishment. Nothing could be further than what the words mean. The core value of SNAIL is clean racing. Second to that, and one of the many things that sets us apart from all of the other leagues, is that we put an immeasurable amount of time and data into making sure that group you race with is as closely matched as possible. The division you race in has nothing to do with rewards or punishment. The whole idea is to race as clean and CLOSE as humanly possible. A win by a mile is kind of anti-climatic but a win you had to fight hard for.... Well, it really is about the fight isn't it? Some of the best nights I can recall haven't been for a win per se, but a dog fight for 6th!! Just something to keep in mind every month and help keep flack jacket costs down for some members!!:sly:

Lastly, there are many exciting things going on within our community and with the new month starting, becoming a member of Team SNAIL couldn't be better!! Contests and rewards aside, becoming a member of Team SNAIL and taking on a bigger role in our racing community will ensure our continued success and to be frank, it just feels good!! Good night all and can't wait to start the June season!!

Race Hard, Race Clean, Race S.N.A.I.L.

Thanks, but that's only showing a 'C' grade. Have you hosted a full room before without any connection of lag issues?

Nice connection! Definitely much better than we've seen from anyone in D4 so far. Please click the 'Edit' button on your post above and then click on the 'Insert Image' option on the top menu bar. Then copy/paste that URL address into the window that pops up then click 'OK'. Please make a new post to confirm when this has been completed. :)
I would like to join racing lg my psn- PICHON617

Hi Pichon617,

Thanks for your interest! We would love to have you in the series. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
Turning into a bad week for me. I've already missed my other two race series this week and not sure I'll be home in time for tonight's race either.
I'd like to give a BIG thank you to all the new SNAILs starting tonight! Thank you for joining AND completing your time trials. There are 6 new SNAILS and 1 prodigal SNAIL that will be racing this evening. :cheers: to full grids this evening!
S.N.A.I.L. will make you faster Testimonial.

snip ...

This is a great league and one of, if not the best, online organizations I've ever come across.


Good stuff Dragonwhisky 👍

In my mind, this is what S.N.A.I.L. is about. People doing their best, people helping them get better and everyone having a blast along the way!!!

The Pit Board


snip ...

Race Hard, Race Clean, Race S.N.A.I.L.

Many thanks exosphere64!

I eagerly await the Pit Board every week :D Your perspective is appreciated and refreshing 👍