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  • Thread starter zer05ive
They are surely not my kind of car. They're to loose on the back end for me especially under acceleration. I can tune it out but stock it's a different animal!

Rather than trying to be "smooth" and fixing the situation at the rear, work on fixing it at the front. The problem isn't just the lack of rear grip, it's also excessive front grip. Cars like that need you to get the steering a bit straighter before you power down. Slow down a bit more in the center so your exit is a straighter line. This will allow you to get back on the power sooner and harder. Your line will be more "diamond"-like. You will be more consistent and faster.
HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY !!!!! To all my fellow veteran's always remember:

I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Bless this nation and it's people. America The Beautiful....
Rather than trying to be "smooth" and fixing the situation at the rear, work on fixing it at the front. The problem isn't just the lack of rear grip, it's also excessive front grip. Cars like that need you to get the steering a bit straighter before you power down. Slow down a bit more in the center so your exit is a straighter line. This will allow you to get back on the power sooner and harder. Your line will be more "diamond"-like. You will be more consistent and faster.
Drive like you would in the rain basically, late apexes are your friend in tight corners with high powered cars. It also gives you room on exit to lay on the throttle and test the boundaries of grip without over correcting into a wall/grass
I notice this happens to me in D1. I submit a vote, and in the summary it says ONESPACE did not submit a vote. And this week I know I voted for combo 2. But it says I voted for combo 1. I don't really care, but I don't like that supra. Just pointing it out, no hard feelings at all about it. It's not the first time my vote was wrong. I'm sure just an error.

Oh shoot I'm sorry onespace it was a type o error
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Happy Veterans Day not just to Veterans in the United States but Veterans around the world. People who have sacrificed so much away from their families. Honor and Respect to all people who have served around the world.:cheers: 👍
I notice this happens to me in D1. I submit a vote, and in the summary it says ONESPACE did not submit a vote. And this week I know I voted for combo 2. But it says I voted for combo 1. I don't really care, but I don't like that supra. Just pointing it out, no hard feelings at all about it. It's not the first time my vote was wrong. I'm sure just an error.

I'll double check this week.

Oops - ninja'd by @TRL_Importlife
Okay, how many of you Snail's are VET's? I'm NAVY, 77-81, I was a green shirt on deck, I caught jet's and some crashed in control of our wire! one A7 blew me 3/4 of the way down to the fantail before I grabbed a wire and I stood fast to complete my task!
another time an A7 with a live 500 lb bomb on the right wing came in and the freaking right gear let go! right in front of me, sparks every where and I never skipped a beat, ran out and unhooked the wire so to get it out of the way as fire and safety approached.
that's only Two!

Let us not forget!
Let us not stop our support!
Let us give Thanks to all that severe, have severed and continue to serve, so we all may live in freedom!
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It's ok Z. I know you have to fight the good fight and defend the league. This is in fact a well oiled machine. There is no other league that is as organized and regimented as this one...which is why the numbers are still up. If someone wants to race somewhere with other people then this is really the only fully operational death star still in existence.
Trust me. This isn't a "good fight". I've been in plenty of heated and intense debates/discussions/fights during my four years working on SNAIL and this isn't one of them. This is you trying to be a mouthpiece for a banned troll. This is you repeatedly declining offers to be informed of the truth because you think you know everything there is to know about this league after a couple of months racing and a couple of PM's from said troll. The more you try to stiff arm the facts, the more obvious your motives are and the less credible you become.

But as much as you tout the numbers, I have found probably 3 divisions worth of people who would still be racing here if it weren't for the unfair treatment of certain people because they aren't in the good graces of those who judge. Most of these people are really good people and fast guys who made positive contributions to the league but were forced out due to unfair treatment.
Just so we're clear, you've "found probably 3 divisions worth of people who would still be racing here if it weren't for the unfair treatment of certain people because they aren't in the good graces of those who judge"?? So let's see.. that would be about 30-48 drivers. Wow, that's a lot! Who are they? Can you provide a list? If you don't feel comfortable posting their names publicly, feel free to PM me. I swear I will not publicize the list if you don't want me to.

My guess is that I'll never see a list of 30-48 drivers from you because you're just making it up. Prove me wrong. Since you only raced with us for a couple of months and probably never even interacted with 30-45 SNAILs, my guess is that a disgruntled, bitter, and butthurt troll who just got banned fed you this number in an attempt to have you troll for him. Again, prove me wrong.

Then again, maybe we should clarify what "unfair treatment" is. According to JoeW, any penalty that is given to a driver is "unfair treatment" if the driver doesn't agree with the stewards decision to penalize them. That seems like an outrageous claim doesn't it? With that in mind, here's the difference between you and me. I'm willing to back up my claims with facts:

After JoeW's very first night racing in SNAIL, someone filed a incident report against him and he was given a minor penalty. He was so upset about the penalty, that he said he was going to quit SNAIL because of it. Back then, I hadn't come to the realization that sometimes less is more, so I asked him to reconsider and race with us again. He replied that, "I would definitely return if the penalty was lifted or he withdrew his protest." That quote isn't what I think he said, or what I'm pretty sure I remember from the conversation, it's a direct copy and paste from the PM he sent me.

That said, I will be waiting anxiously to see if your list is simply a list of drivers who quit SNAIL because they didn't agree with the stewards over a penalty given to them, or if it's a legitimate list of 30-48 drivers who have actually been treated unfairly by the league. You've made some pretty bold claims. Now it's time to back them up.

It's fine...these guys prosper elsewhere but you are losing great members.
Do you realize how absolutely silly you sound when you say "these guys prosper elsewhere" when that "elsewhere" is another SNAIL series? I actually don't even know how to respond to such an absurd statement. As the founder of SNAIL, I love it when ANY of our series prosper. In fact, my desire to better promote our non-Sunday events was the one and only reason I "took the dots out" of our new logo.

You can keep hiding behind your sarcasm and redirecting the spin while calling all dissenters "delusional" but the facts are in place.
Who's the one hiding?? You're the one hiding from my repeated offers to PM you detailed facts about anything you want to know. And when have I tried to "spin" anything at all? Just look at your statement above. According to you, I call all dissenters "delusional". Please tell me when I have ever said anything of the sort. Please show me. Back up your statements. Support your claims. If you can't do any of that, then who's the one spinning?

As for the facts beings "in place." Yes, they absolutely are and I will once again restate my offer to detail any specifics about this entire situation to you. I will answer any question that you have. I will detail any specifics that you're curious about. I will address every concern you bring up. From there, you can decide for yourself whether I'm being truthful or if I'm full of ****. Why are you so afraid of engaging in this discussion with me? Why are you so afraid of the truth? Who is the one hiding??

You do have a great monopoly going right now. I don't see that changing anytime soon because of the sheer size and history of the series. But it will continue to be a rotating door until the "secret inner circle" mentality goes away. Just have a look at how many people join the series every week...still. Then wonder why the league is still shrinking. I know the gamut of reasons...too fast, too slow, too regimented, too strict, not for me, not time etc. But when you weed out all those guys...many are leaving because they felt they were treated poorly or unfairly. And you dismiss it like it's nothing.

We are still hundreds of divisions strong...no one else is that big...

Well there you go. Exactly how you were expected to respond.

Anyways...I'm off to see the wizard...I need a heart, brains, courage and all that jazz. Enjoy.

I'll reevaluate your league when GT7 drops and see if anything has changed. As I'm sure MANY of those who left might do. And we're talking a lot of people. You guys could see 10+ divisions easily if you can make it inviting again to those left because they felt slighted.
Again, just more of the same from you. Big claims, but absolutely nothing to back them up. Also, don't mistake my talking about the number of divisions we have as bragging. I was merely pointing out your obvious double standard. Why is it that when other leagues lose members (or fold altogether), it's because their members just lost interest, the game isn't fun anymore, or life just got in the way, but when SNAIL loses members it's because of iron-handed, bad apple, figurehead leaders who treat their members unfairly?

You will notice that I've asked you a lot of questions in this post. Don't even bother replying if you're just going to dance around those questions with nonsensical rhetoric. I don't have the time to invest in a conversation like this when both parties aren't willing to examine the facts together and try to see if they can find a common ground on what the truth is. I'm an open book and I've got nothing to hide. Hopefully you'll take me up on my repeated offer, but please don't waste any more of my time if you're not willing to either seek out the truth or back up your claims.
For "reasons" this whole drama aimed at SNAIL leadership is too familiar to me.

It's frustrating when people are just trying to do their best (and obviously doing a great job) and it not only goes unappreciated, but are actively drug through the mud in public for no reason.

It happens too often in organizations like this, and too often it ends up with the leaders who were just doing their best feeling like it's no longer worth it. I would hate for that to happen to SNAIL, this place (apart from GT Academy) is the main reason I even boot up GT6, ever. And It's because of people like @zer05ive that we have a place like this at all.
Thank you for the support, but nobody has to worry about me "feeling like it's no longer worth it" because of some trolling. In fact, I actually use it to fuel my fire. It helps to re-ignite my motivation to make SNAIL the best it can be and to fulfill its potential. Everyone has different ways of getting motivated, and I just happen to drink troll tears to boost my dedication and determination. :mischievous:

Thank you @ConnorWolf for pointing this out. I started to write something, then thought I'd just stay out of it.

I appreciate opinions, but appreciate leadership more. In a community such as this, somebody needs to decide what's right versus what's wrong. Heavy is the crown. I've been around for about 14 months, and I'd say our leadership is extremely fair, and very tolerant; especially when it comes to opinions.

@zer05ive , thank you for your leadership. You've made difficult decisions to keep this league fun. I can understand why you are frustrated. My family obligations limit my time, but I'm ready to help out in any way I can to keep this league moving forward. Please PM me to let me know how I can help.
Again, thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot. 👍

This is quite true.

Out in the "real world" the term favoritism gets thrown out a lot and to be frank it is true and does happen, everywhere. However, I also believe that behavior is often a reaction to actions expressed by others. Sometimes people that feel they receive the short end of the stick are the only party holding it, and simply don't consider to turn it around.
Wise words indeed. I actually just googled parts of your last sentence to see if was somehow a popular saying that I have never heard of. You get bonus points for originality! :lol: