That's what I get for sharing my tune.... lol. I'd have had sgeti in the first race but he ran me into the guard rail right before the finish line... bad form... lol. Red had his own tune and apparently it was superior to mine.Results
I hope you guys had fun and were able to get some close racing in. I see you didn't let Bear dominate the night,
I tuned into Mike's broadcast during the second race, just briefly enough to send him distracting messages and then watch him get DQ'd, lol.
Thanks for doing the scores for me Red.
Congrats to @Rednose58, this weeks "Mr. Awesome" for the overall win
Thanks for the tune Bear!That's what I get for sharing my tune.... lol. I'd have had sgeti in the first race but he ran me into the guard rail right before the finish line... bad form... lol. Red had his own tune and apparently it was superior to mine.
But who am I kidding he'd have still beat us with the tune I sent everyone.
I was hoping that with all using the same tune, it would be like the road race of champions and we'd have had really close racing.. might have happened with more practice time as I noticed guys were getting faster and faster as the race went on.
Perhaps next race shared tune would be something to think about.
Kudos to dragon, he gave as good as he got. Both on the track and in the trash talk. Good clean driver, and witty as well. He fit right in with the bobs.
That's what I get for sharing my tune.... lol. I'd have had sgeti in the first race but he ran me into the guard rail right before the finish line.
All I saw at first was word salad... until I got to the part truthful leader, doing a fantastic job??...I can 100% not disagree with the final outcome of the last turn in race one with @yogi bear , however the path in which we followed to the outcome has alternative facts. Is there a possibility, which everyone knows does not exist, I "ran" him into the guard rail, of course there is no proof, only so called proof is fabricated by the fake media and how do I know there is no proof of such a fake claim, that is the story i keep hearing. Just wait, surely someone will be posting some deep fake video of the last turn to try and manipulate your thoughts. Don't believe what you see or hear, I have been told over and over again you have to keep an eye out for those crazy Canucks. especially the ones from the west, no one disagrees they are the worst. Unlike their truthful leader who is doing a fantastic job, fantastic job, but of course not as good as ours, so I am told.
Again I can not 100% disagree with the outcome. “ran him” into the wall ?? I prefer the correct analogy, “pinched him “ . @yogi bear had the run coming out of the last turn. My idea was to leave a small opening on the outside, make him think of going for the small ever evaporating hole of passing opportunity, which he did, then slowly continue my line moving to the outside towards the guard rail and wait until he realized he was not going to fit, surely he would back off and ……………… well that was the ending I had planned.
The funny thing is I thought it was colts.Who I had an amazing few laps with earlier, close clean racing.
My intention was and never is to race dirty or take anyone out on purpose. To bear I am more than likely seen as a white rabbit, which he will keep chained up inside his mind and wait until the opportunity arises when he will surely use me to wipe his azz.![]()
Mike and I won't be testing until later on this afternoon. If you have an idea for a combo, go for it, if we don't have to test today, so much the better! Send us a pm.Ys know, we hsven't done VGTAs or FRs in a while...
I probably won't send until this evening, but OK, will do.Mike and I won't be testing until later on this afternoon. If you have an idea for a combo, go for it, if we don't have to test today, so much the better! Send us a pm.
Cars and Tracks for June 1st, 2020
We will be running a combo submitted by @GTLehman
Thanks Shaun
Ford 1600 Racing
SMS Formula Rookie
Dubai Club (Autumn)
Donnington Short (Autumn)
Did I not specifically ask you if you were going to make the entire night? Bad boy, go to your room!Annnnd... might be late or have to miss tonight...If I do, enjoy, should be a great time.
Great combos! Cars so different, yet so close in competition.
Dunno what happened with the Rookie in Dubai.... It was on rails and refused to come off it no matter how hard I tried. Must have been a glitch.... remember Rouen Les Farts in the wet.....
The other three races - always someone in my neck or in front, making me sweat - at least it was a good kind of sweat.
... but then, what happened at the end of Race 1? - I got a lot of "free" points there, which is a bit of a taint on my awesomeness tbh.
All in all it is not all about me. I'm glad that spiff could join us, Steve was as high as Burj Khalifa himself, Colts discovered the sun and the secrets of spray nozzles, Lobban cut corners like a bank robber in a high speed chase and everybody else laughed their asses off.
Until next week then...
Once in a while the bear pulls a rabbit out of a hat, race 2... 1st place in front of red???... and it wasn't even his set up.Great combos! Cars so different, yet so close in competition.
Dunno what happened with the Rookie in Dubai.... It was on rails and refused to come off it no matter how hard I tried. Must have been a glitch.... remember Rouen Les Farts in the wet.....
The other three races - always someone in my neck or in front, making me sweat - at least it was a good kind of sweat.
... but then, what happened at the end of Race 1? - I got a lot of "free" points there, which is a bit of a taint on my awesomeness tbh.
All in all it is not all about me. I'm glad that spiff could join us, Steve was as high as Burj Khalifa himself, Colts discovered the sun and the secrets of spray nozzles, Lobban cut corners like a bank robber in a high speed chase and everybody else laughed their asses off.
Until next week then...