Happy born day Steve
I took a good look at that phone holder. Being a diy kinda guy, I have a plan for tomorrow to build my own holder with some pvc sheet left over from another project. Pics to follow. Jeez, I only have about five phones I could use.
And by the way.....Happy birthday Stevie.
Cars and Tracks for June 22nd, 2020
I was talking to mike the other day about how this new holder I am using came to be. Had to wait till the site posted.
For you Thrustmaster T300 owners (and some other’s) here is an option you did not know you need. Many of us run the app RS Dash on a tablet and or phone. If you don’t have the app yet suggest you open up your wallet, dust away the cob webs and buy the app. You now will have a great way to use your phone as a MOTEC display dashboard. I use to have my phone attached to the wheel. On more than one occasion my phone came lose and flew across the room. This new holder with some putty or foam strip solves all issues. Small money for another level of immersion. I usually have my display set as RPM gauges with shift light indicators. This holder locates the display in the natural dashboard position. No need to post pics twice, If you want pics of the holder installed on my rig just check out the site.
Not going to make it tonight. Kitchen drain is clogged up. Be back next week
Fun night of racing and a few new faces popped in and out, hope to see you guys again soon.
Shaun M was on fire last night, especially in the the Carrera And this is his first overall win in a combined group! Here's some stats, during our split of Groups A & B, Shaun was "Mr. Bawesome" a total of 7 times, from July 23, 2018 to Sept 30, 2019, but his only "Mr.Awesome" as a group overall before, was way back in PCars1 on Mon June 26, 2017. I'm sure the stats would show more overall wins if he didn't have to leave to get up so darn early for work. Anyways, great job last night.
Congrats to @sgohsixthree, this weeks "Mr. Awesome" for the overall win