◆ SNAIL [THE LOBANARO LOUNGE] No longer runningPS4 

  • Thread starter aerolite
.....And why am I posting at 5:00 am? I can't sleep. My Uncle was diagnosed with COVID Wednesday after spending Monday at my Mom's house. He felt sick Tuesday morning so his wife, whom is THE VICE PRESIDENT OF CLINICAL SERVICES for our County Health Department, told him to go get tested. After leaving the test he went and golfed nine holes, then went to the bar and had a few beers, then went home and got his results on the answering machine. My Mom and I, nor my son and his grandmother/my mom, have seen each other since March - even though my brother passed last October. I swear guy's, if I didn't have some beer, and some Sim-racing against some AI... There's a world of hurt I would like to put on my uncle right now, but my good sense keeps me from doing anything irrational. Fortunately, my mother is feeling fine so far, and will be getting tested later today. My aunt and uncle went to two graduation parties last weekend, had all their grand kids for a birthday sleepover the weekend before, and my uncle goes golfing and to the bar daily. All of this my Mother and I were unaware of until after he stopped by her house, and then was obligated to let her know he was infected. PISSED!!!
Yup. Very irresponsible choices by your uncle (and aunt too) during this Covid season. He's put a whole lot of lives there at risk and uncertainty.
Me? I not playing them games of russian roulette or putting any lives at risk. I not going to no parties, not even to bars. I good home. If I have to go out in public is just on the odd business only if I have to, grocery/store and to pick up take-away lunch and always with mask on....and I keeping distance and watching everybody cokey eye.
Well what can I say, Lobban's bailed on us so how can it be called the Lobanaro Lounge anymore?

All kidding aside, I guess all things run their course, we had a good 3+ years of good banter and fun racing. I will certainly miss those of you who don't come over to the darkest side eventually. I will also have a new PC up and running in the next couple of weeks. After trying Mike's out, there was no hesitation for me to go that route either. It is just that much better, and more stuff available. I doubt I'll be going the iracing route, but ACC, Atomobilista 2 and even PCars 2 on the PC will be good. I'll still have my PS4 running for Dirt Rally and WF though.

So a big thanks to all of you who have been apart of the Lounge, and especially to those who've been with us since the start. You're support was awesome.

What the mudd......???? You gone too? I has consprcy thery.

hey guys im going to host a dry run of the historic league tomorrow. Lobby will open at 7:30 est and race qualy will start at 8. I am open to suggestions but I was thinking of doing the Lotus 25(I think?). The 1963 model f1 car with the 2.0 litre V8. There will be 2 races, 15 min qualy each, and race will last ~30 min. 1st track will be Indy motor speedway roud course. Second track will be Snetterton. Also open to suggestions on that.
hey guys im going to host a dry run of the historic league tomorrow. Lobby will open at 7:30 est and race qualy will start at 8. I am open to suggestions but I was thinking of doing the Lotus 25(I think?). The 1963 model f1 car with the 2.0 litre V8. There will be 2 races, 15 min qualy each, and race will last ~30 min. 1st track will be Indy motor speedway roud course. Second track will be Snetterton. Also open to suggestions on that.
Sounds great, should be a good test run. I am day shift, so will try to post if I won't make it. Tnanks for setting this up Sstern.
Just got back from a week at the cottage.
Picked up my new PC from Mike, he got the same guy that built his to build me one as well, thanks bud. Downloading ACC as
I write this. Will be interesting to see how my G29 feels on the PC.
i tried out Mikes new screen as well, it's very cool!
Hope to be back to Wreckfest on Fridays again though!
Just got back from a week at the cottage.
Picked up my new PC from Mike, he got the same guy that built his to build me one as well, thanks bud. Downloading ACC as
I write this. Will be interesting to see how my G29 feels on the PC.
i tried out Mikes new screen as well, it's very cool!
Hope to be back to Wreckfest on Fridays again though!
Good to hear. Missed you on Wreckfest the last two Fridays. Last Friday never got off the ground. Sent invites etc but no one showed up. I figured I'd try again Friday coming and if nobody or hardly anybody else showed up I wouldn't bother to make the effort again.
Don't count on me for pCars on Mondays. If I'm on then it will probably be ACC (unless you get some really rad combos going.) :sly: Running Tuesday pCars2 and Thursday Nights ACC on PS4 is about what I can afford right now. Trying to get more seat time on PC with the recent dbag deserters as well. :lol: Look at me trying to please everyone.
Don't count on me for pCars on Mondays. If I'm on then it will probably be ACC (unless you get some really rad combos going.) :sly: Running Tuesday pCars2 and Thursday Nights ACC on PS4 is about what I can afford right now. Trying to get more seat time on PC with the recent dbag deserters as well. :lol: Look at me trying to please everyone.

I thought we moved to PC games on Mondays. I also have AC for the computer. That is still a good game too.
I thought we moved to PC games on Mondays. I also have AC for the computer. That is still a good game too.

Ah yes, I forgot the new SRM rooms then:lol:. Starting next Monday officially. But we’ll do stuff tonight too.

You guys understand... my son is twelve and a half years old. A gaming PC in this house?

Just NO!

My son has never received a grade that wasn't an A. Always, every class, above 95% He's starting seventh grade, has already had a year of algebra, and all A's. Not going to wreck that with a gaming PC that I KNOW he'll take over. Ughh... I hate it guys, but I just can't do it.

We'll meet again. And tonight is the third night I've been playing with my new load cell brake pedal assembly. "Oh B'have!" (Austin Powers) is all I have to say. Don't wait around guys. If you're going to spend money on any sim-racing, just invest in a load cell brake pedal. Everything simulating a load cell is exactly that - a simulation. I wasn't convinced until I tried it. Just such a fun modification. I will admit, GT Sport doesn't make it shine. It's better, but not a game changer. But every other game... Good Lord is it better!

I actually want to buy a PC instead of a PS5, just for ACC. I'm convinced it's a worthy game that just doesn't work on PS4. But I'm going to stay in the holding pattern. Like I said, I kinda love F1 right now, can get some kicks out of PCars 2 and the original AC, so I just need to stay patient. My hope is that GT7 rocks, ACC makes a full on game for PS5, and CodeMasters fixes the pile of crap Ian Bell produced with the Project Cars franchise (What a stupid, drunken, idiot). Ian Bell smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty!

You guys understand... my son is twelve and a half years old. A gaming PC in this house?

Just NO!

My son has never received a grade that wasn't an A. Always, every class, above 95% He's starting seventh grade, has already had a year of algebra, and all A's. Not going to wreck that with a gaming PC that I KNOW he'll take over. Ughh... I hate it guys, but I just can't do it.

We'll meet again. And tonight is the third night I've been playing with my new load cell brake pedal assembly. "Oh B'have!" (Austin Powers) is all I have to say. Don't wait around guys. If you're going to spend money on any sim-racing, just invest in a load cell brake pedal. Everything simulating a load cell is exactly that - a simulation. I wasn't convinced until I tried it. Just such a fun modification. I will admit, GT Sport doesn't make it shine. It's better, but not a game changer. But every other game... Good Lord is it better!

I actually want to buy a PC instead of a PS5, just for ACC. I'm convinced it's a worthy game that just doesn't work on PS4. But I'm going to stay in the holding pattern. Like I said, I kinda love F1 right now, can get some kicks out of PCars 2 and the original AC, so I just need to stay patient. My hope is that GT7 rocks, ACC makes a full on game for PS5, and CodeMasters fixes the pile of crap Ian Bell produced with the Project Cars franchise (What a stupid, drunken, idiot). Ian Bell smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty!

hey Jeff, it sounds like you’re more concerned about your son than you are aboot yourself...which is only natural and commendable. You could place limits on your sons exposure to a PC just like everything else in life. Or tell him, “this is MY toy, not to be touched by your greasy little paws”. Lol.
Thing is, all us guys who upgraded are old BoBs with no more baggage at home. If it wasn’t for the flight sim, I probably would have gone the PS5 route, but when your games boot up in 15 seconds, I’m glad I went the way I did. Automobilista 2 is amazing as well....my favourite racing game at the moment.
To me the PC is just another box with a few racing games on it, however......

The reasons why I'm making the switch:
  1. My wheel has dials and switches that can not be programmed on PS4
  2. GTSport: FFB is there for rumble strips, grass/sand, understeer effect etc, but your butt is not connected to the car and it almost feels like you are constantly driving on ice. Instead of feeling the tires work, they only squeal harder. There are some great cars and the graphics quality of them are supreme, but when an AMG GT3 sounds like a 4 pot going by the pits..... I'm looking for my puke bag. So, I don't plan to buy a PS5 and GT7 and my PS+ membership will expire in May next year (I think). After that, the PS4 will be boxed up and sold with a G29 wheel.
  3. The graphics quality on the PC games are the same as GTSport (which actually says a lot for Yuri Kamakazi and his team to have pulled it off on a PS4). ACC graphics sucks on PS4. AC and PCars2 are ok on PS4, but is far off from their brothers on PC. Unfortunately I don't have PCars2 on PC and I don't plan to get PC3 either (that's the plan......).
  4. Currently I have Automobilista 2, ACC and AC full game versions. I also bought the basic PCars1 a few years ago and that is still a good game. If there is not enough online racing interest among friends, there is enough career content, special events and single races where I can get challenged. There are also a ton of MODS in AC and PC1 that can be explored to make things interesting. These games are developed for PC and when they come to console, they don't live up to the same standard.
....and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I was trying to write up this whole long article on going to PS5 or PC next. No one will read my race posts let alone a long essay about the topic.:lol:

But basically @Rednose58 summed it up. If sim racing is your primary type of gaming, then console just won’t have anything close come next gen. The PS4 filled the void very well with some great Titles, options and ease of use. I think we all “grew up” on that system and are ready to graduate to vast new and exciting but complicated frontiers.

I still might get a PS5. I love the exclusive Sony games, so if there’s a new Uncharted or Last of Us game I’ll have to get one.

My biggest concern was still racing with my friends. I lost a lot after moving from GT6 to PCars, and even pcars1 to 2. Luckily it seems a lot of us are on the same page and will be moving forward together.

And as long as people show up, I’ll be running Tuesday pCars2 races until my PS4 gives out.
I was trying to write up this whole long article on going to PS5 or PC next. No one will read my race posts let alone a long essay about the topic.:lol:

But basically @Rednose58 summed it up. If sim racing is your primary type of gaming, then console just won’t have anything close come next gen. The PS4 filled the void very well with some great Titles, options and ease of use. I think we all “grew up” on that system and are ready to graduate to vast new and exciting but complicated frontiers.

I still might get a PS5. I love the exclusive Sony games, so if there’s a new Uncharted or Last of Us game I’ll have to get one.

My biggest concern was still racing with my friends. I lost a lot after moving from GT6 to PCars, and even pcars1 to 2. Luckily it seems a lot of us are on the same page and will be moving forward together.

And as long as people show up, I’ll be running Tuesday pCars2 races until my PS4 gives out.
Sim Racing is my only venue as far as gaming and like I said it's one or the other (PS5 or PC) and you guy's summed it up perfectly.
Well I got my new PC up and running and now have ACC and Automobilista 2. My G29 certainly feels different on the PC, so much smoother and more controlled feel. Gain is at 100 in ACC where on the PS4 I had it down at 45. Auto 2 is what PCars 3 should be, bunch of different cars and tracks, and some decent vintage stuff to boot. Can't see myself doing much racing back on the PS4 now, the PC is so much better, (it is so nice not to sit and wait for 2-3 minutes for a game to load!) So will likely only do some wreckfesting for now with the PS4.
Looking forward to @mphile77 getting the PC ACC Monday night going soon!
Well I got my new PC up and running and now have ACC and Automobilista 2. My G29 certainly feels different on the PC, so much smoother and more controlled feel. Gain is at 100 in ACC where on the PS4 I had it down at 45. Auto 2 is what PCars 3 should be, bunch of different cars and tracks, and some decent vintage stuff to boot. Can't see myself doing much racing back on the PS4 now, the PC is so much better, (it is so nice not to sit and wait for 2-3 minutes for a game to load!) So will likely only do some wreckfesting for now with the PS4.
Looking forward to @mphile77 getting the PC ACC Monday night going soon!

To be fair, it seems like most of the guys joining us with Phile want to run AMS2 instead. Which is fine since we all have it. I should probably change that on the website, but it was kind of a quick change.
Damn you all rich folk with your new PCs. Setta bloody traitors. Meh, I sticking with PS and when I get my new PS5 with 10 times the processing speed etc I'll be laughing at y'all. Ha!

Re: "My wheel has dials and switches that can not be programmed on PS4"
Hi Rednose I was wondering about that. Those are the encoder switches like what I see on the Fanatec Clubsport Formula V2 wheel right? (The dials just above the 3 buttons at the bottom). This wheel:

I was looking at that as a future purchase (sweet looking wheel) and wondering if they would be able to be used/function on console.
To be fair, it seems like most of the guys joining us with Phile want to run AMS2 instead. Which is fine since we all have it. I should probably change that on the website, but it was kind of a quick change.
A suggestion, why not switch each week. Can we get private lobbies in ACC on the PC?