Do you ever buy items off Craig's list or another local listing site?
Yes, we may proceed.
The idea is for you buy or build your gaming PC. Do not use a joint credit card or checking account.
If you are building have the parts sent to a local friend or job address.
Take only 2 or 3 pics. Make sure the back drop can not be traced to your house or work.
Send those pics to one of us. We all have your back.
The fake add is placed, with pictures, phony addr and phone. $1400. PC for only $800. but, but,
you tell her you talked him down to $600 or $650. If you are not known as a savvy negotiator, we have, excuse me, you will have a harder sell. Try, the guy was desperate, needs $$, covid related.
She may express her feelings about the money and timing of said purchase.
This part is key, you need to sell her, You need to convince her you will be breaking even, remind her the cost of the new PS5 you were planning to buy is estimated to be around $600. Amazing, it’s like breaking even.
This is the cherry on top, this is the action which will win her over. You may even get some….. Since you did not spend all the money you had planned, depending on purchase price you lied about you give her the $150. or $200., What married wife do you know who would not be elated that her caring husband was thinking of her. Don’t F up the and forget what you told her you paid for the PC. The amount you give her will determine how cheap you really are.
If she asks to see the add, it will have been deleted.
If she asks to see the text msg/ You will delete any browsing and/or text msg. If she asks why you deleted? just don’t need them.
Some may say creative, Some may say devious, some may say, including this guy, if you try pulling the s h it make sure you also have the money needed for first, last and security deposit on your new apartment.