★☆★ S.T.a.R. Racing League | S.pec, T.uners, & R.acecars! | ☆★☆ Grid spots OPENOpen 

  • Thread starter Luv2Coach
Tuner races @ 480 to 530 PP that way we can use more tracks. IMO
So. Tune a 480pp street car and a 530pp street car and we'll fit those races in....

Sunday line up

Street Tuned 480pp
Street tuned 530pp
Stock GT 300s
Spec cars anyone ?
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Sunday line up(not in any particular order)

Street Tuned 480pp
Street tuned 530pp
Stock GT 300s
Bmw m4 coupe
Ferrari Dino
Spec cars anyone ?
I have the DFGT not G25 but I think it's the same setup.

X-Bow Street and/or X-Bow R
WSR Senna F3
LCC Rocket
Mazda Roadster Touring Car
F430 Scuderia
Spec GT3 at 1350kg/500HP so the field can look varied. Includes the BMW M3 even though it says GT2. Unless the aero is way different then it won't compare.

More that I can't think of because I'm not looking at the game right now.
Sunday line up(not in any particular order)

Street Tuned 480pp
Street tuned 530pp
Stock GT 300s
Bmw m4 coupe
Ferrari Dino
X-bow street
Wsr senna
Roadster touring
BMW 507
A lot of cars here. We will try and run smooth and efficient today and get as many in as possible
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Some aggressive selections here. Hope it works out. Faster cars tend to separate drivers and lead to boring races. If that happens ill strongly push for more low power cars going forward.
Some aggressive selections here. Hope it works out. Faster cars tend to separate drivers and lead to boring races. If that happens ill strongly push for more low power cars going forward.
I strongly agree with you. We've stated many times 350pp to 450pp(<500pp) is the sweet spot for tight fun racing. Higher pp cars may be fun to hot lap on but they don't promote door to door battles in an open lobby. The more you have to fight to stay in control of a car the more spread the field will be and more incidents will occur .I just left it to suggestions to keep people happy and this is what we get lol
Edit: I added a BMW to the list
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Yeah it boggles my mind. People want fast cars but then end up alone on the track cause everyone separates. The best racing is when everyone is tight in a pack and passing back and forth. That can only really happen with slow, well handling cars.
Yeah it boggles my mind. People want fast cars but then end up alone on the track cause everyone separates. The best racing is when everyone is tight in a pack and passing back and forth. That can only really happen with slow, well handling cars.
Or the GT300s. Lol.
300-500HP race cars are where it's at. Fast enough for a thrill. Racing tires to maintain control. Best of both worlds.

I personally love racing cars and would rather race them over anything else. It's pure distilled unfiltered racing lol
300-500HP race cars are where it's at. Fast enough for a thrill. Racing tires to maintain control. Best of both worlds.

I personally love racing cars and would rather race them over anything else. It's pure distilled unfiltered racing lol
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree lol , race cars suck , rarely do I see tight packs or no contact three wide through corners , barely do you see 2 wide clean with race cars. If we were all GTacademy finalists I may agree, but alas we are just casual racers with no real practice wanting a fun time racing our buddies. Stuff like that needs prep time.
I found a bunch of people online that race just as cleanly as we do and it works just the same with race cars as it does with street cars. Iunno... get better? lol
I found a bunch of people online that race just as cleanly as we do and it works just the same with race cars as it does with street cars. Iunno... get better? lol
Clean , sure, follow a guy till he goes off track and slide past. How many times did Ya go door to door 3 consecutive corners? Wasn't there so I don't know . But my suspicion is the finish times are all 5sec gaps(last guy 30+sec. Behind in a Sprint or not even finish) cant you see the fun in the field finishing within a 10sec gap .
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Room was usually 6-10 people and the top 5 would always finish all within 5 seconds of each other. It's the same as the street cars. I'm not saying use LMPs or anything. Just the next step after the highest powered street cars start struggling for grip even when we go to Sport Softs. 400-500HP race cars are a lot more manageable than you might think.
Well I didn't show too well in the tuned races, you guys disappeared. As far as spec goes, I get my butt kicked on a steady basis by most of my online friends so I've had a lot of seat time following fast people and seeing their corner entries. GT Academy helped immensely too. I watched a lot of replays of the fast guys and took notes for sure. Have to credit watching replays from people like longbowx and stiggson too. Always helps to see where you're losing time.
We know you don't like tuning doesn't mean you need to handicap yourself LOL you drove an Audi wagon and the GTbOat damn near beat me with the wagon.
I prefer to be near people. Don't take it wrong, I just would rather be chasing someone and maybe finish poor than take out a troll car and possibly jump out ahead. I also feel that driving slower is condescending so I prefer to just pick a difficult car and see what I can do. Being trash talked by the one guy for being too slow lit my fire though, LOL!!!
Haha, ive raced with ram a lot over the years. Hes decent and clean racer usually. He did pick the fastest car for that race so was no surprise he was ahead don't think he expected our random picks lol. I rolled back after he typed and my prowler would definitely have been competative with him......in the right hands that is lol. Still pleasantly shocked how good that prowler actually is. That was my first time ever driving it gt6 or 5
Sam seemed honestly surprised at his lead when he asked if he was following the rules correctly. Plus you handed it to him at the Autumn Ring (your choice)stock race. Not a big surprise there.👍 Can I get an ataboy? I hit a milestone last Sunday. My first league race Win in the Tuner at Rome. Focus is a troll car but still I was beside myself :D

Still no word from @Luv2Coach :( I'll shoot him a text today to make sure he's okay.

Coach says he was on but couldn't find the room!? @USERID_77a23 Bring some bread crumbs next Sunday lol
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