5th batch of horns sent!
196, 8, 260, 181, 60
Horns 259,260,261,262 and 263 sent. I will try to send as many horns as I can on a daily basis.
6th batch of horns sent! 116, 117, 165, 219, 205 👍
Have been sending you quite many horns, just too busy to update here - today I have sent my last ones. Good luck getting the rest of them 👍
7th batch - 101, 96, 72, 86, 239 sent
8th batch - 261, 265, 215, 57, 20 sent
I am trying to collect all of the horns in the game. I can't trade cars and tickets for a few weeks, but I can trade everything else that I have.
Link to my horn collection (updated 11/5 10:32 am central):
5 Horns Sent Please let me know if you received
Received, thanks.
10th batch sent!
88, 168, 145, 7, 164
Donation of - 238, 231, 228, 227, 223 - SENT
Donations of Horns, 198,199,200,206,210 sent
AMG MC's 3,5,6,7,9 Sent
11th batch sent!
135, 69, 159, 62, 252 👍
Only 3 horns left to send and were finished! Will send tomorrow last 3 horns 👍
You collecting museum cards now? Let me know what you need I didnt update my mygranturismo account for that though because its too many. Type in what manufacturer and cards you need il send you. 👍
AMG MC's 10,11,13,20 Sent
AMG MC's Complete
Last batch sent!
176, 155, 102