Is this F302 Super Touring Car - Audi A4 Quattro STW the most tweaked car ever?
To lighten the rear light lenses which can look extremely dark at times:
;lighten rear light lenses
PROP_0 = ksAmbient, 0.5
PROP_1 = ksDiffuse, 0.1
Also, add
Material #42
to the doublesided mesh config to stop sunlight coming through the dashboard and lighting up the footwells.
Attached is a rescaled/repositioned driver to solve his slight dwarfism and for better pedal reach, and better steering wheel & shifter grip.
(remover the .txt extension and put in the animations folder)
Edit: this car has such a prominent antenna on the roof, it's a shame it's not a separate mesh that can be animated as cars corner, accelerate and brake.
We have the code for it, but it needs to be a separate mesh.
NAME = antenna ; name of the node to move
CONNECTED_TO = X, Y, Z ; point to which node is attached to, and around which it will rotate
MAX_RANGE = 0.003 ; max range node can move from its original position
DAMPENING_LAG = 0.99 ; think of it as usual AC lag value, trying to zero node s speed
G_GAIN = 1 ; how much G-forces affect node s speed
GRAVITY_GAIN = 1 ; how much gravity affects node s speed
OFFSET_GAIN = 2000 ; how strong is returning force
STIFF_AXIS = 0, 1, 0 ; optional higher stiffness axis to reduce movement along it
STIFF_AXIS_STIFFNESS = 0.2 ; now stiff is optional stiffness axis
G_FILTER = 0 ; temporal filter for G-forces
DEFAULT_GRAVITY_INCLUDED_ALREADY = 1 ; either `0` or `1`; set it to `1` if you don t want gravity to skew your stuff when car is in neutral position