Every person feels things differently, it can be the fact that some people play the game with the controller or a streering wheel...
For me like a said, PD just put the "old" physic that comes with the game in first place. So this 1.14 didn't bring a new physic, but the original and first physic, with that better feeling (personal thought)
I can't remember how it felt on day one now but i know for a fact that before this update using the ds3 was real awkward to get small steering angles and correct the small slips. Now its like you can move the stick over a lot further to catch the car in a small angle drift and you don't automatically spear off in the direction you are counter steering in. Its as though you now have time to correct then recentre the stick. Where as before it always felt like you had no chance to recentre the stick quick enough.
There is one corner at Silverstone (can't remember the name) its the big sweeping down hill curve that brings you back to the start line, and i remember if i had the fully tuned (sports hard tires) m3 gt3 on that bend in forth gear and pushed it over the limits of grip, I always had counter steer (and lift off throttle). Now on the very same corner i can stay on the power every time and only have to use the steering to catch it (without having to lift off). This game feels like the games i play on p,c, now. Before this update i did not think that at all. I absolutely loathed the thing where you counter the drift then almost always spear off in the opposite direction. It ruined the game for me. Now i love it. How has that happened if nothing related to steering has changed?.
Something is different for me and i am sticking with that. I also respect what other people decide they think as well though. I won't tell them they are imagining stuff, its their opinion and that fine, but! i don't want them to say i am imagining things either. That will just lead to arguing.
I have decided not to vote in the poll, as it won't actually prove a single thing for me. Only solid proof can do that.
A definitive answer from P,D, would be the only way to solve it.
Although i am not voting, i do appreciate the effort the guy put into creating the thread and the poll. Respect to him for that.
You cannot base your claim of an over all physics change based on one car, which is what you are trying to do. Sure, they might have made some tweaks to the Zonda, but that doesn't mean they made a change to the physics engine as a whole. Like I said before, if there was a change in physics as a whole, a lot more people would have noticed it and the conversation would have been widespread from day one, not 2 or 3 days afterwards by just a few people. I'm sure the fine people from F.I.T.T. would have noticed it right away and would have started a thread about it like they have done in the past. You can beat your chest all you want proclaiming there was a change, but that doesn't mean you are right. Since you are the one claiming this change, the burden of proof lies with you. Its up to you to provide some concrete evidence of your claim. And I'm not talking about taking some car out on the track and trying to guess if it feels different or not. There are just too many possible variables in a test like that. So, if you could provide some evidence of your claim, that would be great. Oh, btw, have you looked at the poll lately.
I think ALL cars feel different. Not just the Zonda.
I think the handling has been tweaked, and respect that others don't think so. I am not going to start telling them they are imagining things.
I get that you think nothing is different, and that is fine, i accept that.
I think its changed, and thats okay as well isn't it?
Why do i get the feeling i am now trying to defend myself here.
All i want to do is read personal opinion, i don't want to see comments telling me i am wrong or imagining things.
Or, "why do people always think there is a change every update" and so on, as that's just childish!
I am just going to reply to people who think its changed now, as that will ensure no arguments.
Only two people can make me change my mind, either i myself decide i may be wrong or P,D, say nothing has changed.
I really do not understand why you are trying to talk me out of believing my own feelings. Am i not to trust in what i myself can most definitely and obviously FEEL,
You think a poll full of people make for the correct answer? WOW! Each to there own i guess.
I prefer solid proof to solve a mystery, not guesswork and numbers. If 5 million vote no, does it prove a single thing? NO, it proves nothing.
This is pointless now.
I think its changed.
Others don't.
I respect their opinion, can they respect mine? Instead of saying "stupid! always someone imagining things"