Matra Rancho. This casting and the trailer with the boat is what made me want this set in the first place and I was certainly not disappointed, if anything, it exceeded my expectations!
I thought for sure this thing was a Land Rover of some sort at first, but upon opening the box, it turns out it’s a Chrysler I had
never heard of before. It has a trailer hitch and I of course am a sucker for trailer hitchs on castings, part of why I love Corgi’s Ford Sierra so much, so it’s no surprise why I wanted this one. It’s ride height is kind of low for an SUV in my opinion, but I imagine it was so it would be even with whatever trailer it pulls, which it is.
Of course, it don’t stop there. It has an opening trunk in the back, which I did not expect to see. Good feature! 👍
^Although despite the fact I got this set completely unopened, the paint on the roof hasn’t aged well. It seems to have cracked possibly due to the climate it is from whoever owned it before.
Overall though, I am very happy with this casting! It was even better than I expected it to be and I will certainly be buying some more in the future to customize because this is one I would love to make a custom of!
Inflatable Dinghy with Trailer. At least that what Hot Wheels called it. This of course is what the Matra Rancho can pull and I am always happy to get new trailers for Hot Wheels regardless of the brand. Although the boat and trailer can be easily separated, they will stay together very well and won’t separate super easy like the Hot Wheels Seasider’s boat does. Very well designed in my opinion!
Of course, here is the trailer without the boat. You can see the pegs where the boat can attach to.
And here is the boat itself. It’s made entirely of plastic, but it’s done really well and I wish we had more like it. The motor in the back can be moved from left to right just as you would expect. That’s not even the good part though…
Believe it or not,
this thing can actually float on water! I was quite surprised to see this, but it does and it does it
very well! I even tried sinking this thing several times and it wouldn’t sink, it just went back up to the surface being only partially submerged in the water. Taking it out and putting it back in however will make it float like it should again.
Maybe mine is an outlier and isn’t meant to float, but either way, I am
beyond pleased with it and I
really want to get more of these someday!
Ford Transit Van. Been a long time since I got another one of these, last time I did was with
this old set I got years ago. Nothing much to say here, it’s a rather large casting with some nice police tampos. Pretty cool! 👍
Whatever helicopter this is .Not too sure what the name of this one is, but it’s one I see pop up on Ebay sometime, but never got one for some reason. The rotors fold up and although I never liked that design all that much, these are the best set I have seen yet. They fold easy, but still spin pretty well unlike the Hot Wheels Proper Chopper. Nice to have another helicopter! 👍
Ford Cargo Truck. Just a nice big flatbed truck that can carry other vehicles, obviously intended for the helicopter in this set. Didn’t expect to see deco on the bed, but it’s a nice touch! 👍 Definitely a nice one to have for sure!
Accessories. Just a stop sign, 4 cones, and what appears to be a policeman. I love how Corgi tries to include more than just die-cast in their sets, really adds to the set! 👍
And that’s it for the Rescue Set. Beyond pleased with this set, more so than expected! Easily the best of the 3, especially with the Matra Rancho and the boat and trailer!