I like that kanji on 300ZX. It means "courage". I really do like the R32 GT-R though.
Yea i like them alot to! That Skylines color looks much like that other one Skylinefaux posted earlier, perfect drift car in my opinion.

As for the 300ZX, i was about to walk out without it, right when i was paying for my vehicles, i stopped and i was like "what the heck?!, i don't find many vehicles with opening doors often" so i went back and grabbed it, i also felt like you guys would like it so thats another reason why i got it as well.

As for the writing on it, im not sure what it really says.

Sorry i don't have a better quality picture, im not AOS- and i certainly ain't Photonrider ether, my PS Vita isn't the greatest at taking good pics. Really need to invest in getting better backdrops
No, that wouldn't make you a true collector then, because MC5's are not 5-spokes. (known as 5SP)
To be honest me and my brother always made up names for the wheels.
Is this website also what ya'll use identify the average values to certain Hot Wheels such as red lines?
Just so you guys know, when I made the above post, I was referring to this:
Turns out the kanji was a valid name. Really obscure one.
This has been a public announcement. Thank you and good night.
Thats interesting
Ahh, a R129 SL. Pure classic along with the Diablo, SC400!!

Gotta find those once again. Love the R32, I still have mines for all these years, that's when HW started making the Skylines, this is their FIRST GTR! It is a true classic.
Love the Z31 300ZX! đź‘Ť
Yea i like that Benz to, im 19 now and i was like 5 or 6 the last time i got one of these!

(not to be confused with another Benz i posted awhile back) I like Diablos alot so thats why i got it.

As for the Lexus, i got it because i liked the wheels.

For the Skyline, i agree!đź‘Ť I remember when my brother bought one back 2006, i thought it was so cool!

Now i have one of my own.

Don't you think it makes a good drift car?
Thanks for the translation A6. That car has the courage to compete with the R32 and Diablo. Can it beat the RB and V12?
Courage, haha thats funny!

In reality it would probly lose to them

But lets see how these Hot Wheels do on my loop track.
I made that up! I think you are just kidding, but I can't be sure!
Oh so it's just a silly name you made up from that comic?

I like it!

Me and my brother like to give nicknames to some of our cars and i think i may stick with this one.

I see the same Meguiar Ford Focus that I picked up at Walmart. This year. 2012!

I get real excited whenever i find older vehicles at Wal Mart!

It happens occasionally for me.

I remember back in 2006 i went in a rather old Wal Mart, looked like they hadn't remodeled in a very long time, old signs, old logos and much more.

Went to the Hot Wheels area, they had a whole bunch of vehicles from the 90's there!

I remember getting a few there including a flying aces Sol Aire CX-4!

Sadly i was short on time and was only able to grab a few, but talk about a odd coincidence!