1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
I can't see myself spending $20 on the current selections that I've seen at my K-Mart, but if their pegs aren't full of what's pictured above, I may be out $20+.
Then again, that Dodge van is very tempting. Especially since I forgot to send in my 20 cards from the last K-Day. :ouch:
Remember you can only send in card backs from a certain range of serial#'s. So if you go to the event, just pick out 20 cars. Only problem is you may get stuck with 20 cars you don't want/need. :lol:
Depends. Purchase 20 cars for whatever your K-Mart sells them for, then mail the card backs to mattel along with a check or money order (I think) for the shipping. I think it's around $5?
Depends. Purchase 20 cars for whatever your K-Mart sells them for, then mail the card backs to mattel along with a check or money order (I think) for the shipping. I think it's around $5?
Could be, sounds about right,;) Toy R Us used to have these all the time, not sure if they do anymore haven't been in there for a while but i remember they had it about the same way. I still have some old flyers from years back. I can upload a pic of it if you want.;)
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The most only promotional thing TRU has ever done in the recent years to my knowledge was that you can buy 5 basic cars for $5...that's $1 per car, but only when you buy them in increments of 5. Makes you buy more, but at least they can get rid of old stock this way.
C-Case 2013 Treasure Hunt is:

Every time you post a new TH, I add it to my iPod notes. :mischievous:

Considering how I never come across any THs in the Walmarts here, I'm placing my faith in Target once it hits Square One next year.

The funny thing is that the HWs here are distributed from Mississauga... where I live. Yet I find more stuff in Toronto. Bet it's the employees there. :grumpy:
Which is a good attempt but you can imagine those employees are also collectors so they would know how to look up how to identify THs like us. In other words, killing the green stripe will only work for so long and consumers still are at the disadvantage.
Maybe. The only employees I've ever come across talk about "the green ones". Many stories on HWC about people who asked to go through boxes, etc and were told by the employee that "the green ones are gone". Then the collector pulls out a Super TH.

We'll see I guess.
I'm definitely getting the Galaxie, that's one non-Import casting I love and do collect. Will pass on the others.

Edit: Peek-a-boo.

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TH's are green... or used to be.
I admit I didn't catch the green stripe, but old news. Lame. :grumpy:

I do see what Sony's talking about though. There is gecko head peeking out. :lol:

Edit: Oh, I get it. It was about the lizard. Put your lizard back in your... nevermind. Is that your pet Jason? :dunce:
Not entirely sure were your going here, but i am serious, if you look in the middle there is gecko on the pegs, probly a toy but it looks almost real.:eek:

Nope its real. Another collector posted it on HWC.

BTW I was in Walmart tonight, saw about 20-30 green stripes. :D
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