Man! I been absent from the thread lately, mostly posting, but I have been lurking though.
@Sony: Woah! I'm impressed with your graduation presents, like Cano said, you hit the pay dirt with those rare HWs. I like them, but that Police Cruiser......amazing!

Real jelly bro!
@RT1600: now I'll keep my eye out for that 2002Ti with the newer wheels and clear windows. The black wheels really do stand out on the BMW. Way better than the OH5s or "Koieng Balants".
And I'll PM you after this post. I need your address and name as well. And when are you sending my package out and the total? And do you have any spare R35s, Brand new VW Beetles and any Viper ACRs and I'll take that SRT GTS as well. Thanks.
@RCK and Torque: Ahhh, fellow JDM and RennSport guys!
I'm quite jelly with those Skylines, 935 Mobys and that Amuse Nissan 350Z, hand them over!!!

And do anyone make the HKS CT230R, S2000 GT1, Nismo 400R and the Tommy Kira R R34 GTR? I want to get one of these cars for my collection bad.
@Cano: so that Mopar that Zach didn't know is a A330? Thanks for the name of the car, I didn't know myself, and I'm a Mopar guy!
Well since my area doesn't get that many HWs or even MBs lately, yesterday I really lucked out when I found a MB Caddy CTS-V Wagon, the gold one, in Walgreens. It was strange since I don't see that much MBs where I'm at, only at Target and Walmart in my area. But I'm glad I got it
