1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
I just won my own RR10SP $TH S2000 for $13. Now I have the biggest dilemma that is whether or not I should open it in the future.

Now I'm going to proceed with getting that Holiday Rods Gay-yardo and the Colour Shifters Cobra.

I also got myself some multi-pack exclusives. That seller was a total scumbag when I asked him if he had other multi-pack Fast Fishes.
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I'm going to have to open mine now. This weekend. And Andy, $13 sounds about right. 👍 I paid $20 at the height of its popularity, and it arrived with a bent card. :crazy:

I ordered three more premium Hot Wheels on TTP tonight. If I quit that site, I could save some coins. I can't quit you!!!!!
That's a good excuse. "I quit collecting. I started Toy Peddling."

TTP has done a number on me as well. I've already done well over 100 purchases in a year. I'm crazy, but those sellers got crazy-good things for low prices you wont find on eBay half the time.... like that Speed Machines F1- god I still can't get over the fact that dude would sell it for $2.
True. Also, TTP sellers generally have bunch of nice cars readily available & are very accommodating. Having said that, I still bought from both TTP & eBay tonight. I'm a cherry picker!
That was interesting watching that S2K listing. The seller contacted me last night apologizing for using my article but I was fine with it since he credited it. The photos? He should have used his own, but I didn't want to make a stink about an interesting auction.

I think $192 is about right for this one. It is extremely rare (less than 10 that I know of), and a Super TH wheel variation is not something that happens frequently. Actually, at all. I traded two Mustang Supers from 2012, a Garage Shelby GT500, and a few other basic Mustangs to a collector in Germany to get mine. The last I know about that sold went for $300. This price seems right.

And I agree with Jason. It is a beautiful model, and worth opening. (Not the vari, just the Hunt.) I put it right behind the 599XX as best Super of 2012...
Kyosho 1:64 Prince Skyline Sport Coupe BLRA-3


By the way Cano, I accidentally closed out of my Photobucket and didn't open it up for a while and realized I neglected to post this a few weeks back when I bought the Neet Streeter. I may not have gotten any pics of the show hoss but I did manage to get these pics of the Antique Mall ;) :

You may have heard of a train being painted on the side of a building in North Carolina, well that building it is painted on happens to be the Antique Mall I visit. ;)

Here is a picture of some minty redlines in a display, sky-high expensive :scared: but you can tell what most of them are. ;) Everything from a few Cougar's to some Twin Mill's and even a Custom Fleetside. :eek:

Here is the rotating case I got the Neet Streeter from. ;) There is a Deora in there as well as a green El Rey Special (you can barely see it) and two other vehicles (Racecar of some sort I forget the name) and a Custom Mustang as you can see. ;)

They have more than just old Hot Wheels in the case, everything from Tomica's to Matchbox's, Johnny Lightning's, Yat Ming's, and even brands I have never heard of.

Edit: Reuploaded since I no longer need Photobucket.
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Look at those price tags.... That is why I never got into Redlines and vintage collectibles. They're expensive and they don't look that pretty to me. Smart move, considering how well I can control my compulsive spendings.
Dayum, there are some pretty rare cars in there, that Custom Mustang really screams at me. The prices scream too, but those re normal prices for redlines in that condition. Maybe a bit high for the more common ones, but still in check. Cool place, a pity they do know what they are selling.
Just sold my Jada 1:64 Evo for 17.00 on Amazon. :D

I have left the 1:64 yellow FD RX-7. I also have the 1:24 Jada FC new in package with the little figurines. Feel free to PM me serious offers for the two of them. If someone here wants them, I'll add in some minty 80-90s vintage hot wheels as well. (Probably another $10 worth of dupes I have or 1-2 $5 cars. Just give me an idea of your likes ie. Manufacturer, era, specific model)

I'll pay for shipping and tracking. Insurance would be an additional $2. International shipping-- I'll pay for the first $10 and the rest would be up to you including insurance.

I wrecked my road bike last weekend and the bill to date is up to $220, mostly from having to replace my cracked carbon seatpost... :banghead:
Yo, all these damn intake variations on the Tacoma....Painted, unpainted and even missing?!

I moved it.

Okay. 👍

edit: Oh that is it. I just got a 2013 $TH Falcon XB loose.

You know what this means? My 3 other $upers are going to have to go loose as well.

edit edit: Just got myself the 2006 FTE/Unpainted Insert variation Tacoma and an FTE Sport Elise.

edit edit edit: Wow. There's a 2009 Colour Shifters Shelby Cobra that is dark blue when ice cold, and changes to yellow with warm water. This guy sells me one with a picture of it cold. I bring the package home, it's yellow. Great. That's just great, because I just placed a bid on a 2011 Water Revealers and it turns out it's the exact same thing. It's yellow with the exact same appearance. 🤬
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Kyosho 1:64 Prince Skyline Sport Coupe BLRA-3


Oh wow,great Prince Skyline, she is gorgeous kakashi, I have one in 1:43 scale from a company called HISTORY, i will definitely have to add the 1:64 kyosho to my collection.

Also, atleast the prices on those vintage hot wheels are not like the sky high prices on ebay.
unless i just saw a price tag that said 397$..
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edit: Oh that is it. I just got a 2013 $TH Falcon XB loose.

You know what this means? My 3 other $upers are going to have to go loose as well.

edit edit: Just got myself the 2006 FTE/Unpainted Insert variation Tacoma and an FTE Sport Elise.

edit edit edit: Wow. There's a 2009 Colour Shifters Shelby Cobra that is dark blue when ice cold, and changes to yellow with warm water. This guy sells me one with a picture of it cold. I bring the package home, it's yellow. Great. That's just great, because I just placed a bid on a 2011 Water Revealers and it turns out it's the exact same thing. It's yellow with the exact same appearance. 🤬

You win the lottery recently or something? :crazy:
Actually, it's compulsive purchases. I have terrible money management skills when I'm too driven with the image of a collection.
That Prince Skyline Coupe!!!! :eek:👍

RCK, I'm full of jelly here, my goodness she's a beauty! Gotta get one soon...

And Jason, my package arrived today, I have checked and they still said the 16th, but it's here today :odd:. The USPS needs to get their act together on their ETA dates. But they are here and since I was doing something my mom brought me my package, got into trouble :scared:. But I told her that we trade games so I got away, but with a warning.

Loving the 2F2F R34, the 993 GT2 and the rest. Thanks again. 👍
Not my cup of tea, but I can definitely get behind that Prince Skyline. Very different from what we usually see, in a good way. 👍

Edit:Sorry to hear about you wrecking your bike, Wyvern. Glad you are OK. Couple of people I know who recently crashed their bike, one was killed, and the other was seriously hurt & will never be right again. Both accidents due to other cars invading their spaces.
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Couple of pedestrians I know were killed recently..... by a hoser taking off on a motorcycle on a sidewalk.

Here are some cars I didn't find on pegs.

Don't ask me why the picture's sideways. Photobucket is being a photobuttheaded.
🤬 I found out I picked up yet another HW Classics T-Bird duplicate.... most embarrassing one of them all. I've been hunting a 5SP T-Bird for a while and all this time I've had one.


That's 2 dupe T-Birds. omg. Does anyone need any?
Don't ask me why the picture's sideways. Photobucket is being a photobuttheaded.

You won't have to worry about that much longer. 👍 Also those TH's. :grumpy:
You'll still be able to embed pictures from Flickr or anywhere else, I'm just not sure why you'd want to. :D Uploading photos will be literally as simple as dragging and dropping the files over your browser window (you can even copy and paste images from other sources directly into the post editor), or you can upload images directly from your smartphone's camera..
:lol: at Andy. *runs away before he flips the table*
You won't have to worry about that much longer. 👍 Also those TH's. :grumpy:
Very cool! 👍

They used to have imageshack built right in, but it was killed off for whatever reason. :odd:

For $28, which 2 would you buy?

I'm deciding between the Gallardo and the McLaren. One is nice, but got the cruddy OH5s, and the other is legit, which I also don't have. The Reventon Roadster is a must-have for me.
I was also thinking top left, bottom right, but yeah, with those third-world wheels, I'd go with two Lambos.