1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
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Tomica Limited Vintage

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I've been talking about "finally" spending over $100 on a single car, and I finally did it..... without doing it.

Perhaps the first TLV vehicle I ever brought up in this thread(loooong time ago), I just sniped it for $73(generally goes for over $100).

If you were wondering, my max bid was $100($90.20 + $9.80 shipping). :D

I always guessed that loose Super TH from Malaysia were snuck out of the factory?

I came close to ordering metallic red F40, but no. It has to be perfect!(regular red).

"I always guessed that loose Super TH from Malaysia were snuck out of the factory?" - Second to that

Lolx, I think they should just snuck out a whole crate of real riders wheels to sell will do.
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@a6m5: Nothing like winning a bid that was once in single digits before the decimal then almost triple before the decimal. I'm not speaking from experience, just speaking from a total guess.
@a6m5 thanks for the details on that article. I love the approach TLV takes. Makes me excited for what castings are coming next. My hope is one day they would let Lamley pay them a visit for a future story. If I need a translator...
My Japanese is so rusty, or I would! :D Lamley story on "Inside TLV" would be badass though. Inside any of the manufacturers, really!
I just noticed that set of Matchbox Gathering Tacomas is now up to over $500. Expires in a few minutes.
*jaw hits floor*

I look forward to the unboxing of the buses. :drool:
Tomica Limited Vintage
Oh, man. Pure class. Great choice!
@a6m5: Nothing like winning a bid that was once in single digits before the decimal then almost triple before the decimal. I'm not speaking from experience, just speaking from a total guess.
I'm sick for bidding $20, knowing it'd never go for close to that. I didn't think I'd get it that cheap either though. I guess it's no Kyosho Skyline. :lol: It's the truck like this though, why I like TLVs so much. Offbeat castings keeps things interesting!
My Japanese is so rusty, or I would! :D Lamley story on "Inside TLV" would be badass though. Inside any of the manufacturers, really!

*jaw hits floor*

I look forward to the unboxing of the buses. :drool:

Oh, man. Pure class. Great choice!

I'm sick for bidding $20, knowing it'd never go for close to that. I didn't think I'd get it that cheap either though. I guess it's no Kyosho Skyline. :lol: It's the truck like this though, why I like TLVs so much. Offbeat castings keeps things interesting!

Its just amazing how models can up to thousands..... the actual production cost could be only a fraction if it.
Yo Danriel. I like that new change you did with your photos. It's less gloomy now.

*jaw hits floor*

*jaw breaks off*


2012 Lambo Minicar Collection 4. Miura Jota.



Won this baby for... $4.25. Cheaper than Premium Hot Wheels. Oh my! :embarrassed: I was on the verge of winning some older Aston V8 Vantage for 99 cents, but seller took down the listing before that happened.


2012 Alfa Minicar Collection 3 - TZ3 Corsa



Won this baby for.... $5.50. I'm awesome.
My Japanese is so rusty, or I would! :D Lamley story on "Inside TLV" would be badass though. Inside any of the manufacturers, really!

I would love to. It is getting harder and harder to do it. That video of the Lesney Factory that was posted would never happen now. All the licensing and legal make it difficult. Some posts that I had planned to do with Mattel have now been shelved, and I had to remove some others. Funny when auto manufacturers in Europe are reading your blog.

Too bad, because I have some pretty awesome pics that I can never show...
Yo Danriel. I like that new change you did with your photos. It's less gloomy now.

Thanks, yup less gloomy. I think my lighting is not adequate still, hence my micro lens aint focusing like it should. So all along I have been using my trusty Note 3 to take all my photos lolx. I should really looked into the lighting issue and really set it up.
I would love to. It is getting harder and harder to do it. That video of the Lesney Factory that was posted would never happen now. All the licensing and legal make it difficult. Some posts that I had planned to do with Mattel have now been shelved, and I had to remove some others. Funny when auto manufacturers in Europe are reading your blog.

Too bad, because I have some pretty awesome pics that I can never show...

Any idea that Mattel is pulling Matchbox out of Singapore? Because I have seen quite a number of places, Matchbox all gone.

My apologies, I forgotten to combine the postings.
I believe they are pulling out of sg, many are talking about it. Matchbox has pulled out from Malaysia as well, if I'm not wrong.:boggled::crazy:

Edit: My bad, Malaysia still has them in stores.
I wonder what that means in the big picture for Matchbox.
Kyosho cars aren't sold in America, I'm assuming Tomicas aren't either?
Yeah, Kyosho situation is really unfortunate. Standard Tomicas(aka crap), I used to see them at Toys R Us. I don't think they carry them anymore.
Its just amazing how models can up to thousands..... the actual production cost could be only a fraction if it.
When I was young, thought of the scientist trying to manufacture diamonds or gold fascinated me. When I was older, I realized that people already did this. Turn worthless material into pure gold. :D
I would love to. It is getting harder and harder to do it. That video of the Lesney Factory that was posted would never happen now. All the licensing and legal make it difficult. Some posts that I had planned to do with Mattel have now been shelved, and I had to remove some others. Funny when auto manufacturers in Europe are reading your blog.

Too bad, because I have some pretty awesome pics that I can never show...
Wow, that really is too bad(damn lawyers, amirite? lol). While reading the TLV story, Lesney video did pop up in my mind. I am intrigued by the behind-the-scene stuff, but they are pretty much rare to non-existent. :crazy:
I wonder what that means in the big picture for Matchbox.

Yeah, Kyosho situation is really unfortunate. Standard Tomicas(aka crap), I used to see them at Toys R Us. I don't think they carry them anymore.

When I was young, thought of the scientist trying to manufacture diamonds or gold fascinated me. When I was older, I realized that people already did this. Turn worthless material into pure gold. :D

Wow, that really is too bad(damn lawyers, amirite? lol). While reading the TLV story, Lesney video did pop up in my mind. I am intrigued by the behind-the-scene stuff, but they are pretty much rare to non-existent. :crazy:

I have seen those videos of Matchbox in youtube and I really love it. LOLX turn worthless into gold... well done.
Wow, that really is too bad(damn lawyers, amirite? lol). While reading the TLV story, Lesney video did pop up in my mind. I am intrigued by the behind-the-scene stuff, but they are pretty much rare to non-existent. :crazy:

Matchbox has one they show at the Gathering, but no one can copy it and no one can show it elsewhere. It was done about five years ago and does show the process. Of course a lot of that could be different now.

And yeah, I had full pics of the Matchbox Cayman, Tesla, Lambo LM002, and quite a few others to show, but they are hidden now. I was most excited to show the Cadillac One. I guess we wait...
Well, I did consider the chance it was a counterfeit... I'll have to take a closer look.

Of course it's real, son. Get real. :P


2014 Retro Entertainment James Bond 007 Casino Royale

Can you believe we haven't had a DBS since he 2013 white mainline?


Rollcage version! No one wanted to pay $2.75 for it.
Dat Aston. :drool:

Still have yet to see one Hakosuka, cage or no cage. Even with a nearly full dump bin at Walmart.
@AOS- There has been an Aston released in between the white and Retro. Black, in foil packs, still only found in Germany and New Zealand.

@R1600Turbo - Would a 2-seat vari just be a wrong interior? I haven't heard of a 2-seat interior being made for the Hako. Of course I thought the same thing on the Flying Customs Kenmeri.
@Spacegoat - The best part of the job for that TLV guy? He probably gets to call the shot on which car they are doing next. :lol:
Greatest job, ever.
If they let me choose one, the mood I'm in right now:


Supercharged Mister Two. :P

Oh god, yes. A TLV MR2 would be killer. :drool:

And the Ladder truck. Seems like you got a real good deal there, congrats. 👍 That thing looks huge too!
Tomica Limited Vintage

Love the Datsun, such a pretty little car. Nice choice. 👍
@AOS- There has been an Aston released in between the white and Retro. Black, in foil packs, still only found in Germany and New Zealand.

@R1600Turbo - Would a 2-seat vari just be a wrong interior? I haven't heard of a 2-seat interior being made for the Hako. Of course I thought the same thing on the Flying Customs Kenmeri.
Theres a thread in the V&E section on HWC.