1 or 2 feet for Petals?

  • Thread starter aragorn318
Didn't you see him matching revs without the clutch on his upshifts?????
Yes you still use the clutch, i didn't sat you never use the clutch. When downshifting (especially through multiple gears) you still clutch. Up shifting, clutching isn't necessary. Watch the video again, you can see him blipping the throttle while left foot braking (shifting without clutching).

i didnt watch the video but how can you shift!!! without the clutch is that even possible ? ? H-pattern ?
Left foot braking all the way, and when using clutch i use my left foot through the corner if i know that i will not need to change down. If I do then i use heel and toe :) im only 15. So havent driven a real car properly yet and havent had a driving instructor telling me not to brake with my left foot :)
Well, you shouldn't break with your left foot in a real car because you could accidently press down on the break and wear down the brake pads. :). I personally, use my right foot for gas and braking. I just take my right foot of the gas and put it on the brake. If I need to clutch I use my right foot for breaking and my left foot for clutch. The only thing I use my left foot for is clutch. :)
I've been using 2 feet with my DFGT since launch.

Just picked up a G27...soooo, my technique is probably about to change :confused:
I think it is a bad habit to drive with 2 feets on real life so i use only one to keep the good habit

I've only driven with one real race car driver, Steve Saleen. He did a handful of laps in my car, (see avatar) on Seattle Intl Raceway, a bit like Laguna Seca, and he used one foot for gas and the same foot for braking. No paddle shifters on that horse! Also, no racing seat belts either, at that time. It's almost impossible to modulate brakes with the left foot and pull ONE GEE while braking, with no where to brace yourself from sliding into the wheel. That is why they came up with the dead pedal for the left foot! Of course we do not have that problem of Gee Force, so we can get away with perfect left foot modulation after we train our left foot, and use the paddle shifters for shifting.
Cheers, Pete