10 Reasons Why We Will See GT5's Sequel Next Summer

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An Enthusia 2 with the new Fox Engine would be better than any GT6 for me.
But its just a dream hehe.

To be honest, i don't know what to expect from GT6 but i have the feeling that it is going to be disappointing...

I just hope that i am wrong :)
If GT6 is a disappointment then GT series is finished as we speak.

The only thing people ask for from GT6 is the following(hope I'm right)

-License Tests Mandatory like the old days
-A-spec career mode longer like GT4 or GT3
-B-spec the way it was in GT4 with the ability to speed up time
-Replay functions of the older GT games
-More Tracks by more I mean all tracks from previous GT games back plus say 10 new ones
-Cars converted to Premium so the finalized roster would be like 450-600 cars premium while a minimum can still be standard.
-Nascar, Rallying, and even Karting made relevant.
-Improved Course Maker with ability of point to point races, and adding in props like people, buildings, and other stuff
-Event Creator
-Return of One make Races
-Better Menus GT4 wasn't that great either mind you, but it was creative that's one reason I gave it a pass.
-Also the return of different length A-spec races. Like 2, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc etc. (Anymore than 25 it becomes an endurance race just to me though.)

Everything else won't matter if these things right here aren't fixed.

I can deal with the shadow issue maybe even the rear view mirrors issue too, but without these things GT5 was a bust for me.
I just want PD to take there time with Gran turismo 6 and have a livery editor and not have a game thats not finished like Gran turismo 5.
Before they do anything else, they need to fix the basic core of the game, the racing and the AI. Nothing else that they do or don't do matters if these two things aren't fixed.

The events should be races, where you drive door-to-door against a pack of cars for several laps, in an effort to cross the line first. Winning should present a challenge. Chasing a car that starts a minute ahead of you might be challenging, but it is not racing. It's essentially a time-trial. I want to race against other cars, constantly. While I'm racing against other AI drivers, I would love it if they weren't morons. If you don't think the AI is stupid, you've never tried B-Spec at Monaco. It's infuriating how stupid the AI is in this game.

Once they've fixed the AI, and created actual racing events, then we can worry about how many cars and tracks there are for us to race.
I just want PD to take there time with Gran turismo 6 and have a livery editor and not have a game thats not finished like Gran turismo 5.

Then your issue lies with Sony, not PD. They were definitely taking their time with GT5, but it was Sony who hurried them out the door.
Then your issue lies with Sony, not PD. They were definitely taking their time with GT5, but it was Sony who hurried them out the door.

See here is my problem with that while Sony did rush PD into making the game they took too much time(PD).

Even Kaz himself said he likes to take his time with those games, and when you think about the generation if PS4 comes out in 2014 or 2013 it would mean we got GT so far into the thing that it was already half way over.

By the time we got GT3 the generation had just started, and with GT4 it was almost over, but it was good enough to last because of how good it was made.

Plus at that time GT was like the gold standard as well. Now more like bronze standard cause again they got out the gates wayyyyyyyy too late.
Right before the launch of GT5 Kaz said that he wasn't entirely happy with the game and the level of detail they where working with would be more suited to the next generation. I believe this is where they are focusing. But maybe at least we will get a vita version with some sort of cross-play ability for GT5.

P.S. I am still very satisfied with GT5 despite minor issues it's still and amazing game... For me. Plus I only have a thousand cars, there are still lots of ten and twenty million dollar cars I can't afford yet.
Right before the launch of GT5 Kaz said that he wasn't entirely happy with the game and the level of detail they where working with would be more suited to the next generation. I believe this is where they are focusing. But maybe at least we will get a vita version with some sort of cross-play ability for GT5.

P.S. I am still very satisfied with GT5 despite minor issues it's still and amazing game... For me. Plus I only have a thousand cars, there are still lots of ten and twenty million dollar cars I can't afford yet.

This pretty much proves most people's point we like the fact he's passionate about his creation, but we aren't worried about the level of detail to the extent he is.

I'm not going to take the time out to admire how the gravel/road surface looks you know. There are things I notice that are cool like the people that hold up the flags in GT5, or even the people who stepped onto the tracks in GT4 that was cool, but after awhile not going to care about it any longer especially if the game isn't in very good shape.
No no and no again! Gt6 will not be a ps3 game, anything that a gt6 game would have over gt5 can be added via dlc. Gt6 needs to be the ultimate driving simulator again and kaz can only achieve this on a much more powerful machine. Gt6 on the ps3 would be nothing more than gt5 with a few more tracks and cars glitch improvements (hardly ground breaking) basically the game gt5 should have been in the first place!
I don't know what to think. My soul want it badly right now, but my mind keeps screaming "u fool, don't forget how many years gt5 has took to be *finished* and how badly raw was in the stage 1"...
No no and no again! Gt6 will not be a ps3 game, anything that a gt6 game would have over gt5 can be added via dlc. Gt6 needs to be the ultimate driving simulator again and kaz can only achieve this on a much more powerful machine. Gt6 on the ps3 would be nothing more than gt5 with a few more tracks and cars glitch improvements (hardly ground breaking) basically the game gt5 should have been in the first place!

Put the crack pipe down son.

I'd rather have the game GT5 should have been on PS3 than to wait even longer, and have to pay for PS4 plus the game just to get disappointed again because it plays the same as GT5.
GT6: I would be happy if it looked somewhat the same as GT5 graphically, just more cars, more tracks, more events like GT4. Maybe a event generator. AND arriving next year!

I would be happy. oh and on PS3!
Reading through the thread it's amazing how many people still don't realize that GT6 was developed along side GT5 because other then some of the little things (cars/tracks/UI) they're exactly the same. Just like GT1/2 & GT3/4. Not to mention that Kaz has stated that they started focusing fully on GT6 as soon as GT5 went Gold (which was November 2010) so that's basically puts GT6 at having 2 more years of development already then GT5 (including GT5 dev time since it'll be the same base engine).
Disagree with #7.
There's no way I'm prepared to buy a PS4 without good reason, and GT6 seems like the only reason of said value.
Disagree with #7.
There's no way I'm prepared to buy a PS4 without good reason, and GT6 seems like the only reason of said value.

I dont want to buy a ps4 just yet i have 50 games and i still play them on ps3 so buying a ps4 just for gt6 its a no for me.
Put the crack pipe down son.

I'd rather have the game GT5 should have been on PS3 than to wait even longer, and have to pay for PS4 plus the game just to get disappointed again because it plays the same as GT5.

like your not going to buy a ps4 when it comes out, and how would it play just like gt5 when its going to have a far more powerful system to run it, most of the problems gt5 has are to do with the limits of the ps3. The basic gt5 engine is fine, that can be used as a base for gt6 on the ps4 only this time running at full potential (somthing gt6 on the ps3 would not be) get real!
This thread makes sense. Kaz did say the wait for the next Gran Turismo game will be smaller than the wait for Gran Turismo 5. Those who are expecting a PS4 release/Q3 2014 are wrong.
like your not going to buy a ps4 when it comes out, and how would it play just like gt5 when its going to have a far more powerful system to run it, most of the problems gt5 has are to do with the limits of the ps3. The basic gt5 engine is fine, that can be used as a base for gt6 on the ps4 only this time running at full potential (somthing gt6 on the ps3 would not be) get real!

Please list them.
For the hype and anticipation for GT5, it's a huge disappointment. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but it didn't live up to it's predecessors. GT6 should go back to the roots, like licenses should be mandatory, make the game more challenging and more tracks. Plus something like GT4 where you can buy most cars new and all the old tracks plus some new ones. Then they can add new stuff like the livery editor. GT5 was a step-back for the series. GT6 should have better replay value compared to GT5.

GT6 is probably gonna be released on the PS3 a year or even a few months before the PS4 comes out. So pretty much it's gonna be announced sometime later this year or early to middle of next year, before being released a few months later.
#10 - Tokyo Game Show is the perfect Arena to Suprise Everyone

PD has kept very tight lipped about future projects. TGS would be the perfect place to shock the world and announce GT6 for Spring/Summer 2013. The worst thing they could do is announce GT Vita and ignore GT6. More on that next.

#9 - Releasing GT Vita first is Illogical

If Sony forces PD to focus on PS Vita, what will surely be an arcade style racer masquerading as a simulation for a hand held, then they can say goodbye to their hardcore simulation fanbase.

#8 - GT5 isn't good Enough to Last 3+ Yeasrs

Releasing crumbs of DLC at random intervals along with random seasonal events is not enough to keep GT5 fresh. It has massive holes like no prerace sessions offline, slow AI, no drag racing support, clumsy UI, and other problems like B-Spec. PD can polish and apply coats of paint to a broken machine all it wants, but in the end its still broken.

#7 - PS4 doesn't need GT6 to sell consoles

At least it won't initially. The hype of a new Playstation and the almost guarantee of a much lower launch price then PS3 should keep the PS4 selling strong without any great AAA titles for a good while. PS4 wont need GT6 in it's first year, which means GT6 may get pushed back as far as 2015 if Sony makes the bad decision to make it a PS4 title.

#6 - Releasing GT6 on PS3 After PS4's launch Makes Little Sense

I can't see Sony being happy with GT6 launching as a PS3 game anytime after the PS4 is launched. This will only make alot of people delay in buying the PS4. When was the last time a major AAA Playstation exclusive title was released on a last gen console after a next gen console had already been released? It makes no sense to do that and steal momentum from the next gen console.

#5 - PD needs to buy time to optimize GT for PS4

Theres a good reason why there are so few AAA launch titles for new consoles. Top developers need time with the new systems to optomize code for the new console. If PD were to release GT6 on the PS4 in the first year of it's life we'd likely get "Gran Turismo 6 HD" or something to the effect. It would be GT5 but maybe with a few more cars on track and in true 1080p. And that would be it. Not much different from what can be offered on the PS3. GT6 on the PS3 next summer buys PD 2-3 years to optomize GT on PS4 and it keeps the fans off their back.

#4 - Reusing Resources for GT6 PS3 Makes Sense Money-wise

If PD waited to release Gran Turismo 6 on the PS4 it would have to be on a new graphics and physics engine. 80 million USD was spent developing GT5. Why not reuse most of the resources that are in GT5 and create a new PS3 game instead of spending another 80 million on R&D of a next generation graphics and phyiscs engine?

Square Enix is starting to do this with thier Final Fantasy franchise. Like PD they released a dud of a game (when compared to previous iterations), but quickly released an apology game reusing alot of the resources from the original. It saved them money and pleased the fans. PD should follow suit.

#3 - PC Sims Are Picking Off Former GT fans One at a Time

The PC sim market is growing. Before it was just a niche genre, now it's gaining steams and more and more developers are throwing their hat in the arena. With the arrival of iRacing, Sim Raceway and Rfactor 2 around the corner, as well as project CARS and others PD must respond, and fast. The bleeding needs to stop. Most sim buffs were disappointed with GT5 and have moved on. If PD waits too long to release a sequal to the disappointing GT5 then they risk losing alot of their core fanbase.

GT doesnt need to be a realistic as these PC sims, thats not what made it appealing to them. It was the fact it was funner then PC sims. GT5 stripped most of the fun from the GT series, GT6 can add it back.

#2 - Forza 4 is already here. Forza Horizon and Forza 5 are Both Coming

If Forza continues its trend of releasing a title very 2 years we will see Forza 5 next year. PD cannot let 2-3 Forza titles come and go before they release a new Gran Turismo. They will lose even more support to their direct competitior. It doesn't help that all these Forza games have been highly rated while GT5 was poorly rated. You will find very few reviewers who recommend GT5 over Forza. That needs to change, fast.

#1 - GT5 Is Easy To Improve

The major complaints about GT5 really aren't rooted in it's physics or even the problems with the graphics. GT fans want much more A-Spec events, pre race sessions like practice and qualifying, faster more aggressive AI, longer A-spec races, better career progression without grinding, drag racing, streamlined UI, pp restrictions for A-spec races, better representations of NASCAR, Super GT, and WRC, license tests that matter, an event creator, and improved B-spec. I dont see how such improvements are not possible in 2 1/2 years. Little quirks like the pit crew not fixing visible damage can be fixed as well.

Keeping the standard cars but adding around 150 new premium models that are either upgraded popular standard cars like the Veyron, XJ220, or Countach, or new cars alltogether like Noble or SSC will keep the game fresh. Add weather and time change to more tracks. Throw in a new licensed racing series like V8 Supercars, Indycar, or Grand-Am. There is much PD can do for GT6 and not make it feel like GT5.5. A livery editor would certainly send GT6 over the top.

The Future of the GT series will be decided at TGS, for good or for bad

I mostly agree and think you are correct except for one thing:

"If Sony forces PD to focus on PS Vita, what will surely be an arcade style racer masquerading as a simulation for a hand held, then they can say goodbye to their hardcore simulation fanbase.

Have you even played GT PSP? That was only on the PSP, and it was unbelievably far from "an arcade style racer masquerading as a simulation". GT PSP was amazing, not just for a handheld. the only shame was that we couldn't hook a wheel up to it. The physics were better than most of what you'll find on console, outside of GT5 and Race Pro. GT Vita would have the potential to be even more realistic, plus the ability to use the right analog for the throttle brake will make a huge difference for most players. If they somehow find a way to integrate it with PS3, and making it possible to play it with a wheel, it would be even better.

GT Vita could end up being a very impressive title if they do it right. Kaz already had one intelligent thing to say about it when he said he wants to make sure the Vita is in full swing with 3G multiplayer before they get it on the shelf. Meaning that it will definitely have legitimate multiplayer, something I think is absolutely necessary but also a great idea. It may be the one thing that convinces me to get a PSV
Please list them.

I'm not complaining about GT5, but you asked for performance issues so here's a few...

No Smoke in rear-view mirror?

Pix-elated smoke in photo mode?

Running 16 cars in the rain (1080) can reduce frame-rate?

16 cars? How about 30-40 cars

and i'm not sure where this problem goes but in MP I can usually only see my own tire marks.

Also for GT6 I want more dynamic weather systems as in temperature change and seeing rain clouds roll in, snow accumulation, lightning, high winds. PS3 is a boss, but gaming still has lots of room to grow, I'm happy with what we have but give it 10 to 20 years and we will see some truly amazing power. I hope PD and SONY are there to provide.
For the hype and anticipation for GT5, it's a huge disappointment. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but it didn't live up to it's predecessors. GT6 should go back to the roots, like licenses should be mandatory, make the game more challenging and more tracks. Plus something like GT4 where you can buy most cars new and all the old tracks plus some new ones. Then they can add new stuff like the livery editor. GT5 was a step-back for the series. GT6 should have better replay value compared to GT5.

GT6 is probably gonna be released on the PS3 a year or even a few months before the PS4 comes out. So pretty much it's gonna be announced sometime later this year or early to middle of next year, before being released a few months later.

I agree with your statement about gt5, I Love the game but its a let down at the same time, a victim of its previous success maybe, but I don't think Sony will want pd releasing gt6 on a system that's (according to your timescale) about to be replaced, that makes no sence at all, they will want it as a mega launch title for the new console. If pd do release gt6 on the ps3 it will be at least a year before any new console from sony and with the ps4 rumored to be around 18 months away gt6 would need to be in the pipeline now, and there is no sign of that.
One reason that we wont:

I agree with your statement about gt5, I Love the game but its a let down at the same time, a victim of its previous success maybe, but I don't think Sony will want pd releasing gt6 on a system that's (according to your timescale) about to be replaced, that makes no sence at all, they will want it as a mega launch title for the new console. If pd do release gt6 on the ps3 it will be at least a year before any new console from sony and with the ps4 rumored to be around 18 months away gt6 would need to be in the pipeline now, and there is no sign of that.

I read somewhere on GTP in someone else's thread (I would put the link if I could find it again) that Kaz Hirai himself said the PS3 would have a 10 year lifespan. So around 2016. And even then they might release the PS4 earlier to overlap with the PS3's lifespan, like the PS2 and PS3. So maybe around late 2013 to sometime in 2014.

Plus if PD are developing GT6 for the PS4, Sony would have provided them with a similar software to the PS4. But if not, they will probably announce GT6 later this year or sometime next year. We just don't know because there's no indication of both.