10 Reasons Why We Will See GT5's Sequel Next Summer

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It would satisfy me if they got it right and I'm one of the biggest GT5 critics here.

PS Weather on all tracks is nothing to do power, only one track is loaded at a time so if they can do weather and time on the ring and La Sarthe there is no reason they can't on all tracks, technologically. It's just a time thing.
Well, if you're right and GT6 is released in the summer next year, then this is what I expect from it:
- Similar to GT5, but with better graphical details.
- Physics are slightly improved
- Better online system, less laggy.
- Over 1,000 cars like in GT5, but mostly prenium cars this time as well as some more recent cars added to the game.
- Same tracks as in GT5, but with at least 20 new tracks.
- Some classic GT tracks return such as SSR11, Red Rock Valley, Seattle(all variants), & Grindlewald.
- Day to night & weather cycles for most of the courses.
Yeah but when you look at what people want from GT6, like more cars on track, better physics, weather on all tracks, etc... all those require more processing power, and there is no doubt that GT5 IS pushing the PS3 quite hard. There is not too much room for improvement in that aspect. What they can do is improve is game design and fix some of questionable design decisions, but I don't think that is going to be enough for all the people who were disappointed with GT5 and and expect GT6 to be the second coming of Jesus.

And let's not forget that there are many people here who try really hard to justify GT6 being on PS3 because they don't want to buy another console.

If PD can't put out much more than what they did from GT5 then they've failed as a company. Like SimonK said maybe in the graphics department they can't do much more that's fine, but adding stuff like tracks converting existing cars to premiums, and a few other things come on man. What that really tells me is PD is lazy is all we already know they need to catch up on the times adding more employees or what not.
GT6 = PS3

GT7 = Ok, Kaz, here's the PS4 hardware specs. Takes as long as you want....again.

Kaz: Good, but not good enough. Had to make many sacrifices.

He's an admitted perfectionist, always desiring more and expecting more. This is a common trait. Nothing new.

Haha :D No.

[...] weather on all tracks [...]

This should be possible with the PS3. They have a Day-/Night cycle on a few tracks and i don't see that they can't do it on all tracks with the PS3. Of course weather and the cycle would look far more impressive on the PS4.
I think the rain is bad in GT.

I agree with you on the car on track and physics statement.

And let's not forget that there are many people here who try really hard to justify GT6 being on PS3 because they don't want to buy another console.

This. I think the change are 50/50. Both have advantage and disadvantage. But the biggest problem for a PS3 GT6 release is the end of the cycle, because they needed to much time with GT5 and know the time runs out.

We have many rumours,Leaks, Next Gen announcements like games or engines and some statements that the Next Gen will arrive in 2013/2014.

PD don't have much time to release a GT6 for PS3 and support it with DLC.

What that really tells me is PD is lazy is all we already know they need to catch up on the times adding more employees or what not.

That is Sony's fault. We should blame them, because they don't spend enough money on their top franchise or not smart enough. Secondly they don't gave them enough time.

3. They don't increase the staff enough. I think they did it a few months ago. I don't know.

4. A developer with a 2.000.000-5.000.000 budget can get some GT3 cars and Sony can't. OK the 4. was more a personal request, because i can't understand why we have 800 standard cars and no GT premium car. I know you can say the Nissan GTR from the first DLC is a GT car.

PD have passion and are a very talented team, but they are not enough people anymore for the targets Sony have.
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when gt4 came out it was a year before the ps3 went on sale, it was widely played and is still played to this day. why cant gt6 do the same? at the most we'll have to wait until 2014 to get the game, if its releaesed for the ps4 their hardware and tech will have to be re-written and take two extra years, thus bringing us back to a 6 year wait at 2016.
#8 - GT5 isn't good Enough to Last 3+ Yeasrs

Releasing crumbs of DLC at random intervals along with random seasonal events is not enough to keep GT5 fresh. It has massive holes like no prerace sessions offline, slow AI, no drag racing support, clumsy UI, and other problems like B-Spec. PD can polish and apply coats of paint to a broken machine all it wants, but in the end its still broken.

This is sort of an odd argument.

1) In terms of "isn't good enough" in regards to quality, it was largely lagging behind FM3 when GT5 was released in 2010. Then FM4 came out in 2011 and left GT5 in the dust altogether.

2) If we're expecting GT5 to keep its several million owners occupied for several years, or in this case arguing that it won't be able to make it that long.... Most GT5 owners moved on by 2011. Even die-hard, long-time series fans have generally moved on by last year. A great example is a buddy that swears by the series, telling me the day before GT5's release about how much he was anticipating it and how he logged so many hundreds of hours apiece in the previous GT games and played each for years, and even he moved on from GT5 after a handful of months. I'd guestimate easily 90% of GT5 owners have already been ready for GT6 for quite some time now.
when gt4 came out it was a year before the ps3 went on sale, it was widely played and is still played to this day. why cant gt6 do the same? at the most we'll have to wait until 2014 to get the game, if its releaesed for the ps4 their hardware and tech will have to be re-written and take two extra years, thus bringing us back to a 6 year wait at 2016.
Well, twenty-three months isn't a year.

You have a good point and I think GT6 is coming for the PS3, but I don't think the rest of what you said is totally accurate. It looks too much like guesswork. Like, have to be re-written? Not necessarily. We need a programmer Admin./Mod. to clear these things up for us. :/

Well, if you're right and GT6 is released in the summer next year, then this is what I expect from it:
- Similar to GT5, but with better graphical details.
- Physics are slightly improved
- Better online system, less laggy.
- Over 1,000 cars like in GT5, but mostly prenium cars this time as well as some more recent cars added to the game.
- Same tracks as in GT5, but with at least 20 new tracks.
- Some classic GT tracks return such as SSR11, Red Rock Valley, Seattle(all variants), & Grindlewald.
- Day to night & weather cycles for most of the courses.
I agree. Even with the 1,000 cars. I don't expect all of them to be current-DLC quality. Maybe even FM3 quality cars interior-wise and Premium exterior. All tracks should really have weather + time change. Let's hope to see Snow at the Ring.
#10 - Tokyo Game Show is the perfect Arena to Suprise Everyone

PD has kept very tight lipped about future projects. TGS would be the perfect place to shock the world and announce GT6 for Spring/Summer 2013. The worst thing they could do is announce GT Vita and ignore GT6. More on that next.

Ummmm ok, this is a major stretch as far as "reasons" go. Shocking the media is the last of PD's worries.

#9 - Releasing GT Vita first is Illogical

If Sony forces PD to focus on PS Vita, what will surely be an arcade style racer masquerading as a simulation for a hand held, then they can say goodbye to their hardcore simulation fanbase.

It's illogical for PD, but not illogical for Sony. The Vita isn't selling well and a GT game would help. (By the way, I am not in any way advocating for the development of GT on Vita. I'm just stating that it is a possibility, unfortunately)

#8 - GT5 isn't good Enough to Last 3+ Yeasrs

Releasing crumbs of DLC at random intervals along with random seasonal events is not enough to keep GT5 fresh. It has massive holes like no prerace sessions offline, slow AI, no drag racing support, clumsy UI, and other problems like B-Spec. PD can polish and apply coats of paint to a broken machine all it wants, but in the end its still broken.


#7 - PS4 doesn't need GT6 to sell consoles

At least it won't initially. The hype of a new Playstation and the almost guarantee of a much lower launch price then PS3 should keep the PS4 selling strong without any great AAA titles for a good while. PS4 wont need GT6 in it's first year, which means GT6 may get pushed back as far as 2015 if Sony makes the bad decision to make it a PS4 title.

True, as long as the PS4 is released before or alongside the next-gen Xbox.

#6 - Releasing GT6 on PS3 After PS4's launch Makes Little Sense

I can't see Sony being happy with GT6 launching as a PS3 game anytime after the PS4 is launched. This will only make alot of people delay in buying the PS4. When was the last time a major AAA Playstation exclusive title was released on a last gen console after a next gen console had already been released? It makes no sense to do that and steal momentum from the next gen console.

True, although this is another a stretch as far as "reasons" go. GT6 on PS3 after the PS4's launch would never happen in a million years.

#5 - PD needs to buy time to optimize GT for PS4

Theres a good reason why there are so few AAA launch titles for new consoles. Top developers need time with the new systems to optomize code for the new console. If PD were to release GT6 on the PS4 in the first year of it's life we'd likely get "Gran Turismo 6 HD" or something to the effect. It would be GT5 but maybe with a few more cars on track and in true 1080p. And that would be it. Not much different from what can be offered on the PS3. GT6 on the PS3 next summer buys PD 2-3 years to optomize GT on PS4 and it keeps the fans off their back.


#4 - Reusing Resources for GT6 PS3 Makes Sense Money-wise

If PD waited to release Gran Turismo 6 on the PS4 it would have to be on a new graphics and physics engine. 80 million USD was spent developing GT5. Why not reuse most of the resources that are in GT5 and create a new PS3 game instead of spending another 80 million on R&D of a next generation graphics and phyiscs engine?

Square Enix is starting to do this with thier Final Fantasy franchise. Like PD they released a dud of a game (when compared to previous iterations), but quickly released an apology game reusing alot of the resources from the original. It saved them money and pleased the fans. PD should follow suit.

True, and they've already said that they're doing this.

#3 - PC Sims Are Picking Off Former GT fans One at a Time

The PC sim market is growing. Before it was just a niche genre, now it's gaining steams and more and more developers are throwing their hat in the arena. With the arrival of iRacing, Sim Raceway and Rfactor 2 around the corner, as well as project CARS and others PD must respond, and fast. The bleeding needs to stop. Most sim buffs were disappointed with GT5 and have moved on. If PD waits too long to release a sequal to the disappointing GT5 then they risk losing alot of their core fanbase.

GT doesnt need to be a realistic as these PC sims, thats not what made it appealing to them. It was the fact it was funner then PC sims. GT5 stripped most of the fun from the GT series, GT6 can add it back.

This won't be a problem for Sony until PS5 IMO. Playing games on consoles is still much easier for the vast majority of consumers, and I don't see this changing until another ten years or so passes. And even then, the PC racing game market would need a very good GT/Forza imitation before it grew significantly.

#2 - Forza 4 is already here. Forza Horizon and Forza 5 are Both Coming

If Forza continues its trend of releasing a title very 2 years we will see Forza 5 next year. PD cannot let 2-3 Forza titles come and go before they release a new Gran Turismo. They will lose even more support to their direct competitior. It doesn't help that all these Forza games have been highly rated while GT5 was poorly rated. You will find very few reviewers who recommend GT5 over Forza. That needs to change, fast.

Can't agree more here. Most people can only afford to buy one console during the first half of a console generation, and when faced with the decision to buy Xbox/Forza or Playstation/GT, I can't help but feel that most would go with Xbox/Forza nowadays. I know I would, since I feel pretty bad about my decision to buy a PS3 exclusively for GT5.

#1 - GT5 Is Easy To Improve

The major complaints about GT5 really aren't rooted in it's physics or even the problems with the graphics. GT fans want much more A-Spec events, pre race sessions like practice and qualifying, faster more aggressive AI, longer A-spec races, better career progression without grinding, drag racing, streamlined UI, pp restrictions for A-spec races, better representations of NASCAR, Super GT, and WRC, license tests that matter, an event creator, and improved B-spec. I dont see how such improvements are not possible in 2 1/2 years. Little quirks like the pit crew not fixing visible damage can be fixed as well.

Keeping the standard cars but adding around 150 new premium models that are either upgraded popular standard cars like the Veyron, XJ220, or Countach, or new cars alltogether like Noble or SSC will keep the game fresh. Add weather and time change to more tracks. Throw in a new licensed racing series like V8 Supercars, Indycar, or Grand-Am. There is much PD can do for GT6 and not make it feel like GT5.5. A livery editor would certainly send GT6 over the top.

I sorta agree. Not having to work on physics will speed up the development process immensely.

But the fact that it takes six months for them to render a premium car prevents me from feeling that "GT5 is easy to improve". Rather, GT6 will simply be easier to develop than GT5.

BTW, I am one of the people who believes that GT6 is being developed for the PS3.
"Can't agree more here. Most people can only afford to buy one console during the first half of a console generation, and when faced with the decision to buy Xbox/Forza or Playstation/GT, I can't help but feel that most would go with Xbox/Forza nowadays. I know I would, since I feel pretty bad about my decision to buy a PS3 exclusively for GT5."

I feel the same way.
If GT6 isn't presented at Gamescom in two weeks one can make som fair assumtions that GT6 is for PS4. Why Gamescom and not TGS? Well, the Europe is the best selling territory for the GT franchise and showing it at TGS wouldn't get as much attention by mainstream media in Europe and would be a hugh miss by Sony and PD.

If there's no announcement regarding GT6 at Gamescom(or at TGS for that matter) there's too little lead-in time for the game to be released before PS4. There has never been a GT-game announced and then released within a 6-9 month (or even a year) timeframe. This coupled with the recent interview in which Kazunori said that they always aim for the newest technology, doesn't make it difficult to see that GT6 is bound for PS4.
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HKS racer
Now the thing I hate the most in GT5 is the freakin menu.
Just throw that s***t out the window PD, seriously.

When I boot rFactor in a matter of seconds I'm on track.

With GT5 it's so fooqueen slow. What about people just wanting a couple of races after a day work? I can't waste my time waiting the stupid loading menu, and yes I clean the chace everytime.

I want GT6 on PS3 with a much faster menu, or at least a fix for the damn thing on GT5.

Have you done the full install to your hd because it don't take two long for me.

To the people that say gt5 is the worst gt are you serious Iv never played a gt as much as I have gt5 played it almost every day since the release can't say as much for the rest of the gt series
Have you done the full install to your hd because it don't take two long for me.

To the people that say gt5 is the worst gt are you serious Iv never played a gt as much as I have gt5 played it almost every day since the release can't say as much for the rest of the gt series

Maybe you can't, but a majority says it's the worse in the series, and for good reasons.

One thing I always say about GT5 it didn't get the benefit that GT3 did on PS2 it was one of the first racing games anyone ever played on PS2 cause if I'm not mistaken the other racing games of that time either they had just gotten started, or they were just being ported over to the PS2 by the time GT3 released.

In short GT3 had a leg up on the comp where GT5 did not whether it be arcade or sim racer.
Have you done the full install to your hd because it don't take two long for me.

To the people that say gt5 is the worst gt are you serious Iv never played a gt as much as I have gt5 played it almost every day since the release can't say as much for the rest of the gt series

Yes, it's called an opinion buddy.
Have you done the full install to your hd because it don't take two long for me.

To the people that say gt5 is the worst gt are you serious Iv never played a gt as much as I have gt5 played it almost every day since the release can't say as much for the rest of the gt series

There are plenty of useless menus in GT5. He's right that in rfactor you are literally playing in seconds, not minutes. The comparison gets worse by adding more actions (finding the car, tuning, etc.).

For example, I think one of the very best things GT6 could improve on is simply removing the gt auto menu as a whole.
There are plenty of useless menus in GT5. He's right that in rfactor you are literally playing in seconds, not minutes. The comparison gets worse by adding more actions (finding the car, tuning, etc.).

For example, I think one of the very best things GT6 could improve on is simply removing the gt auto menu as a whole.

Indeed, they just need one simple button for those operations in the garage so they're done instantly. Not a whole sub menu that takes time to load followed by pointless animations and then a further loading screen to get back to the garage.
Well, if you're right and GT6 is released in the summer next year, then this is what I expect from it:
- Similar to GT5, but with better graphical details.
- Physics are slightly improved
- Better online system, less laggy.
- Over 1,000 cars like in GT5, but mostly prenium cars this time as well as some more recent cars added to the game.
- Same tracks as in GT5, but with at least 20 new tracks.
- Some classic GT tracks return such as SSR11, Red Rock Valley, Seattle(all variants), & Grindlewald.
- Day to night & weather cycles for most of the courses.

Basically what gt5 should have been then!
when gt4 came out it was a year before the ps3 went on sale, it was widely played and is still played to this day. why cant gt6 do the same? at the most we'll have to wait until 2014 to get the game, if its releaesed for the ps4 their hardware and tech will have to be re-written and take two extra years, thus bringing us back to a 6 year wait at 2016.

Not so, the gt5 engine can be used for gt6 on the ps4, they don't need to create a whole new engine.
This won't be a problem for Sony until PS5 IMO. Playing games on consoles is still much easier for the vast majority of consumers, and I don't see this changing until another ten years or so passes. And even then, the PC racing game market would need a very good GT/Forza imitation before it grew significantly.

Playing racing games on consoles is easier for most consumers, yes. But PD stands to lose a good portion of that base if GT keeps sliding down a slope.

If we wanted really good physics and not much else theres always been the PC sim titles for that. At the moment GT is still behind PC sims in terms of physics, advanced car setup, etc. If PD wants GT to go head to head with PC sims in those categories they will lose, badly.

They need to focus on their bread and butter, customization of cars and fun. For the longest time, at least until GT5 came out, I trashed A-Spec races as unnecessary and pointless with the advancement of online racing. After GT5 was released I realized it was the Gran Turismo mode that made GT what it is, not online or anything else. Earning the cars in Gran Turismo mode and using that cash to upgrade them is what the GT games were all about and should always be about.

With GT5 PD appeared to just copy paste from previous GT games and not add nothing new, in fact they probably cut more then they added. The short and tiny amount of A-Spec races felt like something better suited for a mobile Gran Turismo, for someone on the go and with little time to really enjoy themselves. It was such a disappointment. Earning the cars and unlocking the new races was not fun at all, it was all a big grind.

Why didnt we get any new tuning options like tire pressure or caster? Why were almost all of the endurance races from previous GT titles? Why was the NASCAR championship something you could complete in an hour? Why were prototypes used at the Indy 500? Why are Le Mans prototypes at the Nurburgring 24 hours?

GT5 was too much of the same combined with awful design decisions. Yes it has the best physics of the series so far and online. But thats not what the GT series is about. GT is about earning and collecting cars in GT mode. Its about customizing those cars with performance parts and racing modifications. GT needs to focus on improving those aspects of the game. Forza took GT's Formula and is doing what PD should have done with it...keep advancing it. PD's formula is stale. They need to add more to the table.
If GT6 was for the PS4, it would be similar to GT5, probably a bit better, but not finished.

GT6 needs to be on PS3 for it to be complete in my opinion. As for cars, stick all the duplicates in a trim menu that appears when buying a car. Make as many premiums as possible, drop the standard cars, making sure most of the 'must-drives' are premium.

Make most of the road cars RM'able. Hell, allow them to have 2, 3 different race mods. Kaz has said he wanted FIA GT, why not make race mods for the GT-R, Ford GT, 458, MP4-12C, Aston's etc. to go with the Vette's? If they aren't going to get a new series maybe get all the SuperGT tracks and a few more NASCAR tracks? Although with the new V8 SuperCar being a Nissan there is a possibility for the Holden and Ford machines, especially with Bathurst coming to the game.

Also, livery editor would be awesome, as well as Engine Swaps, which always has the possible-ity for fun cars, and some very good sleepers.

Oh, and give the option for adjustable tyre wear, while the 40ish minute races on Race Hards are fun in most cars and the 1-stop/2-stop are almost equal, in some things it's stupidly fast wearing and, for LMP's, just no where near good enough.
If there's no announcement regarding GT6 at Gamescom(or at TGS for that matter) there's too little lead-in time for the game to be released before PS4

true but PD is stationed at japan so unvailing it at Japan will be most likely. if not at TGS or Gamescom....:scared:
...After GT5 was released I realized it was the Gran Turismo mode that made GT what it is, not online or anything else. Earning the cars in Gran Turismo mode and using that cash to upgrade them is what the GT games were all about and should always be about.

Great quote man. Sums most of my feelings. Online is great... it really is, be able to play with friends, etc... but "GT Life" is the core of the game and its really weak on GT5... its the core of the game that should keep you busy for months, then you have your fleet of cars to compete and drive online too.

For some weird reasons I feel now that GT5 was just a placeholder for GT6... on PS3. Because the next game will be what it was supposed to be...
Great quote man. Sums most of my feelings. Online is great... it really is, be able to play with friends, etc... but "GT Life" is the core of the game and its really weak on GT5... its the core of the game that should keep you busy for months, then you have your fleet of cars to compete and drive online too.

For some weird reasons I feel now that GT5 was just a placeholder for GT6... on PS3. Because the next game will be what it was supposed to be...

That's exactly how I feel online play was great, but for the last 4 games of the series it never had online play, but it made up for that in the career mode or GT Life mode it had.

GT5's version is a shell of anything that would be considered a career mode.

When playing GT3 I remember it was an extremely long time to get a good car the first racer I remember getting I think was between the Spoon Sports S2000 and the Raybrig NSX(One of my fav not so much in GT5 though).
Plus even being able to buy cars felt like a reward back then whenever you finally earned enough money.
That's exactly how I feel online play was great, but for the last 4 games of the series it never had online play, but it made up for that in the career mode or GT Life mode it had.

GT5's version is a shell of anything that would be considered a career mode.

When playing GT3 I remember it was an extremely long time to get a good car the first racer I remember getting I think was between the Spoon Sports S2000 and the Raybrig NSX(One of my fav not so much in GT5 though).
Plus even being able to buy cars felt like a reward back then whenever you finally earned enough money.

Yep, the economy of the game is completelly flawed. It's old news, but this plus the fact that licenses aren't mandatory anymore simply helped to make A-spec kinda lifeless.

I'm playing GT2 all over again on PSP. Damn, even with the ammount of races its hard to get a proper car... takes some time! GT3 was even harder. I miss this, the historical Gran Turismo "poor man beginning", fighting for the lead in a crap old Silvia or Civic, dreaming about better days when you can finally buy that LM spec car.
I remember back in the day having GT2 and getting my license for the first endurance race at Trial Mountain. I remember entering it thinking "Wow, even if I finish 6th I'll get 20,000cr I think it was" then winning it to get the JGCT Supra and 150k. It still was a great battle throughout the A-Spec though, none of that was in GT5.
Yep, the economy of the game is completelly flawed. It's old news, but this plus the fact that licenses aren't mandatory anymore simply helped to make A-spec kinda lifeless.

I'm playing GT2 all over again on PSP. Damn, even with the ammount of races its hard to get a proper car... takes some time! GT3 was even harder. I miss this, the historical Gran Turismo "poor man beginning", fighting for the lead in a crap old Silvia or Civic, dreaming about better days when you can finally buy that LM spec car.

That's a perfect way to sum it all up "Poor man's beginning." No lie long ago when I was playing both GT4 and GT3 I really thought that GT would have a system like Midnight Club in that you had to progress to a certain point to have certain type of cars available.

In fact I'd go so far to say I miss how GT3's arcade mode was maybe I'm mis-remembering, but I do remember E, D, C, B, A, and S class I believe it was maybe I'm just making that up. :confused:
Great quote man. Sums most of my feelings. Online is great... it really is, be able to play with friends, etc... but "GT Life" is the core of the game and its really weak on GT5... its the core of the game that should keep you busy for months, then you have your fleet of cars to compete and drive online too.

For some weird reasons I feel now that GT5 was just a placeholder for GT6... on PS3. Because the next game will be what it was supposed to be...

Sort of like a Prolog Spec 2
#6 - Releasing GT6 on PS3 After PS4's launch Makes Little Sense

I can't see Sony being happy with GT6 launching as a PS3 game anytime after the PS4 is launched. This will only make alot of people delay in buying the PS4. When was the last time a major AAA Playstation exclusive title was released on a last gen console after a next gen console had already been released? It makes no sense to do that and steal momentum from the next gen console.

*in reference to bolded*


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