I'm too, but while I want NG+...I'm now in the fourth and final zone and I really want it to be over NOW.
And only 2 days later, I have already beat the game, and sure enough, I had a FAR better time this go round than I did before! I guess since I know the game better now, I was able to enjoy it more and fly through it a lot faster. It probably helps that I started with the first game instead of the 3rd one this time because it means I wasn't fighting all that muscle memory I had from Spyro 3, which I had been used to for over 20 years.I’m hoping maybe I’ll have a better time with the game than I did last time since it didn’t do as much for me as the others did. Should be fun! 😎
IIRC there‘s an overview of all moves and combos in the game that you can access by pressing triangle in the „Abilities“ menu.I'm on the final chapter of Yakuza Kiwami, it's been refreshing to play a game from start to finish without getting bored BUT at some point the combat started to get a bit tedious, I feel like all the moves you unlock aren't very well documented so I kept finding myself in situations where I thought "I'm sure there's a move for this situation" but couldn't remember what it was, so I just muddled through the hard way, and bosses have like five health bars now which is kinda dumb, like, as I've unlocked skills and abilities they've also gotten stronger, faster and have more health so I'm not really sure what the point was.
I finished it last night, forgetting all the moves, fighting the penultimate boss was very annoying but not especially difficult, just hard to punch people when they're constantly knocking you down. But I'm sure there was something I could've used to not be knocked down, and I just forgot! Still, great game.IIRC there‘s an overview of all moves and combos in the game that you can access by pressing triangle in the „Abilities“ menu.
Likewise, I'm playing on a Series X with a wheel and the handling is not brilliant. I got shipped off to Ibiza by the Sharps but there was only one race I could do so had to grind it out. Gone back to HKI now.I have been trying out Test Drive Solar Crown as its free play this weekend on GamePass.
Got up to level 12 and unlocked the clans and went for the hip Streets 😎
Playing on Series S, graphics are similar level to Forza Horizon 3.
Car sounds are ace in my starting Alpine A110 and Abarth 500👌
Handling is a bit twitchy, needs settings dialed in I think.
Lots and lots to do in this game, so far. Must admit I'm enjoying it 👍
That Peninsula daily driver race in Ibiza? Yes, same here. I noticed the Ibiza races change tonight though so there may be something new tomorrow. I've gone back to Hong Kong as well, for now anyway.Likewise, I'm playing on a Series X with a wheel and the handling is not brilliant. I got shipped off to Ibiza by the Sharps but there was only one race I could do so had to grind it out. Gone back to HKI now.
I might buy it in the sale.
That Peninsula daily driver race in Ibiza? Yes, same here. I noticed the Ibiza races change tonight though so there may be something new tomorrow. I've gone back to Hong Kong as well, for now anyway.
There's only 3 Clan races so far on HKI and they don't seem to have countdowns so i don't think they rotate like Ibiza does?
One thing I LOVE is the 60+ achievements. Too many games just throw 10 generic ones out, but there's lots for TDUSC.
I might pick up this and TC:Motorfest in sale tomorrow when my credit card rolls over.
Also, will definitely be buying Robocop tomorrow. Which reminds me...
Yeah, I played about 85 hours of it back in 2020, tried to 100% it but decided I'd seen enough by that point, it was amazing though and I loved it. I'm waiting for the next Steam sale to pick up the Yakuza bundle that'll take me up to the sixth game, I think. I can't really imagine that I'll play them all but who knows, I might. I think I'm actually most interested by Ishin, actually, but I'm also keen to play Infinite Wealth, Like a Dragon and, of course, Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii... But I don't want to skip over the other games. Especially because you can get them all in a bundle for not much money whenever there's a Steam sale.Nice! Have you played Yakuza 0? It’s widely considered the best game of the series (also my personal favorite).
I get that, there‘s so many Yakuza games already, even more so when you include all the spin-offs (Like A Dragon etc.).Yeah, I played about 85 hours of it back in 2020, tried to 100% it but decided I'd seen enough by that point, it was amazing though and I loved it. I'm waiting for the next Steam sale to pick up the Yakuza bundle that'll take me up to the sixth game, I think. I can't really imagine that I'll play them all but who knows, I might. I think I'm actually most interested by Ishin, actually, but I'm also keen to play Infinite Wealth, Like a Dragon and, of course, Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii... But I don't want to skip over the other games. Especially because you can get them all in a bundle for not much money whenever there's a Steam sale.
Just started Thank Goodness You're Here, legitimately the funniest game I've ever played but, let's be honest, games that are consistently funny are rare, most try far too hard.
Also, will definitely be buying Robocop tomorrow. Which reminds me...