What games are you playing now?

  • Thread starter F1 fan
Playing through Ghost of Tsushima and it’s a pretty good game. Decent story so far, good voice acting overall, enjoying the combat system, and it has good visuals, considering it launched on PS4. It’s not perfect though, as some quests are really not very interesting and a lot of the come down to “clear out this village of mongols”. One of the legendary armor quests has you do that 8 times all to complete one quest, which gets really repetitive and tiring. I’d say the game makes a great first impression but goes from “great” to “good” as you progress. Still on Act 2, so it may end up getting better again. Overall, maybe it was a little bit overhyped, but it is a good game and worth a buy.

Now one game that does not make a good first impression that I’ve just tried is Death Stranding. I’m on episode 2 right now, and I’m really not excited to keep playing. The story, which is probably the least of its problems, is typical Kojima with tons of exposition and constant cutscenes, weird lore and millions of acronyms. I used to like his stuff in my early 20s but I think nowadays I’m not as excited about it. Even ignoring all the typical weirdness, it is not something that makes me care about playing the game yet. Maybe that’s the point as it seems like Sam is of the same opinion, but still, not a great impression. Still, if the gameplay was great, it’s not a showstopper. However, so far it feels like fetch quests dialed up to a 1000. Absolutely mind numbingly boring. I did hear that it gets better after episode 2, so I’m still trying, but it’s just really, really boring at this point. Not only that, but I think the UI design and the way the information is pitched to you is also bad. So yeah, if this game is supposed to make you care about Sam’s quest it does a terrible job of it in the first 6-7 hours. I almost fell asleep at some point.
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My cousin has an old ps2. I'm going to play at his house for a while on there, he has 64 games total. I'm gonna play Asteroids. Remember that classic shooting game?

I’ve been playing some Slowroads (online version) and some Pro Golf on the iPad.
I want to write house flipper 2 here, but there is no discount yet. If you had bought it, I would have written here saying I've been playing for 2 months :)
EA WRC - Took me a while but I finally bought the game for very cheap and it's a great rally game, screen tearing can be awful on some stages though which makes already a tough game with tight stages even harder, that's my only con.

The sims 1 - i'm a teenager again and loving every minute of it, I can see me putting in hundreds of hours in this game. Nostalgia overload.
This weekend I'm finishing Dungeons of Hinterberg. If you are weary of the action RPG tropes these days, give this charming indie a try.

And I finished it. A clever premise done right where the engaging narrative is supported by solid and fun gameplay. It has the perfect length (15-20 hours, more if you are a completist) and the difficulty is never too high or low, just right. The visuals have a pop art aesthetic that is quite charming, and the music is pretty good too. A 9/10 IMO and the third game I finish this year!
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I finished another game today: Banishers Ghosts of New Eden, which I had paused near the end. It's a fine action RPG with excellent all-around production values (I wish we had a modern Castlevania that looks and sounds like this). It felt longer than the almost 33 hours it took me, and I probably didn't explore 30% of the world, so there is a reason to come back in the future and get the other possible ending. My rating is 8/10.

4 games finished out of the backlog this year, and maybe it's time to download God of War (PC) which I picked from a Steam sale. Yes, another action RPG-ish game.
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This game about grumpy bald guy and son is quite good, so I'll keep at it (BUOOOY!!!), also IMO Sniper Elite: Resistance is better than Sniper Elite 5 because the maps are smaller and traversal/cover is so good that when the stealth approach goes bust you can survive hectic shootouts much better.
Sniper Elite: Resistance is better than Sniper Elite 5
I haven't played Resistance but this comment just made me want to, SE5 was an awesome game. Lots of reviews have said "it's just more SE5" as if that's somehow a bad thing.

I've just started Yakuza Kiwami, last I played I'd, um, exited the funeral. It's not as good as 0 so far but it's Yakuza, it's comfortable and solid, I'm looking forward to playing more but because I went pretty hard on 0 and tried to 100% it I think I will probably skip a lot of the side quests and optional stuff.
I got A Game About Digging a Hole on Steam and while the concept is exactly what you expect it to be, it's entertaining enough to pass the time when I'm on the phone.
I got A Game About Digging a Hole on Steam and while the concept is exactly what you expect it to be, it's entertaining enough to pass the time when I'm on the phone.
Literally the opposite of a time filler! :lol:

I've been enjoying Grid Legends, so I've picked up the 2014 game Grid Autosport which surprisingly is still up for sale on the Xbox store (usually licences run out for licensing cars in driving games). I already have it on PS3 disc, but not previously on Xbox.

Obviously the Xbox360 graphics have dated a lot, but the handling model and core gameplay still hold up well.

It's a 7GB install - how I miss those days, especially with the "tiny" HD on the Series S!

Even more surprising, the servers are still up, and the 5 weekly events (1 for each category) are still running. There are approx 11 times currently listed for each event. Obviously, they must be set events which continously cycle round at this stage, I am interested to find out how many weeks are in the rotation and will keep playing them as this week's were a fun mix.
Literally the opposite of a time filler! :lol:

I've been enjoying Grid Legends, so I've picked up the 2014 game Grid Autosport which surprisingly is still up for sale on the Xbox store (usually licences run out for licensing cars in driving games). I already have it on PS3 disc, but not previously on Xbox.

Obviously the Xbox360 graphics have dated a lot, but the handling model and core gameplay still hold up well.

It's a 7GB install - how I miss those days, especially with the "tiny" HD on the Series S!

Even more surprising, the servers are still up, and the 5 weekly events (1 for each category) are still running. There are approx 11 times currently listed for each event. Obviously, they must be set events which continously cycle round at this stage, I am interested to find out how many weeks are in the rotation and will keep playing them as this week's were a fun mix.
I think Grid Autosport has had a long and successful life on Android (where the graphics were enhanced), so maybe that's why the servers are still active. In fact, Grid Legends has been ported already to iOS/Android. May it find success there too.
GRID Autosport was only released on the Switch and mobile a couple of years ago so essentially it's still a contemporary game, which keeps the Xbox360 version fully alive on modern hardware. It's a great game still. I don't even think the graphics are that poor really - lots of games from that gen it's the lighting effects that really age them (thinking the DIRT games and their luminous orange road surfaces) but GRID is pretty much ok on that. Still dip in and enjoy it occasionally. Love the crash physics still.
Tomb Raider IV-V-VI Remastered
Already completed IV (The Last Revelation) since I happened to have played the original in the last few months before the remaster was even announced. Have to admit it's my least favorite Tomb Raider of the PS1 era. I don't mean it's bad, but it lacks the charm of the three before it and the puzzles are sometimes too cryptic. It's also easy to get lost and miss key items because the level design is a bit sloppy.

Started V aka Chronicles last night and so far it might be my favorite of the PS1 era. I've never played this one before so it's all fresh and to me it feels more in line with the original games than Last Revelation did.
I really like Grid Autosport, always have. I like the physics, the graphics, sounds and the AI. I like the way that they really keep you on your toes, are aggressive, determined to beat you, leading to some spectacular mistakes on their part! Just great. I initially played it on Xbox but have now got it on PC so everything is maxed, 60fps gameplay etc. I pick it up from time to time. I don't believe subsequent titles were as good as this.
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Well put - the more recent games are OK, but there was so much more going on with Autosport that they've never tried to do again - it's more of a final hurrah for the 2000s Race Driver approach I feel, trying to make something that captures the nuances/complexities of real life motorsport....Legends majors on the story/game aspect but is very much a straightforward arcade racer at heart, Autosport focused more on the racing side, so much going on but not as cohesive as a game. I'll always love it.
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Well put - the more recent games are OK, but there was so much more going on with Autosport that they've never tried to do again - it's more of a final hurrah for the 2000s Race Driver approach I feel, trying to make something that captures the nuances/complexities of real life motorsport....Legends majors on the story/game aspect but is very much a straightforward arcade racer at heart, Autosport focused more on the racing side, so much going on but not as cohesive as a game. I'll always love it.
Yes definitely focused on different disciplines. I know some prefer the original game, (I like it too), but GAS for me is pretty perfect, lots of choice, once you get a little fed up of one type of racing you just switch to another! And it has touring cars, and the best type - Aus V8S. Perfect! Also I adore most of the street racing circuits that they have created in this series. A brilliant adrenaline filled game.
I think I will probably skip a lot of the side quests
I was wrong. It's so good to be back in Kamurocho and for some reason even more satisfying on a small screen held between my hands, I want to absorb the whole thing directly into my consciousness.
I really like Grid Autosport, always have. I like the physics, the graphics, sounds and the AI. I like the way that they really keep you on your toes, are aggressive, determined to beat you, leading to some spectacular mistakes on their part! Just great. I initially played it on Xbox but have now got it on PC so everything is maxed, 60fps gameplay etc. I pick it up from time to time. I don't believe subsequent titles were as good as this.
How's it compared to Grid Legends physics wise and AI wise? I've got Legends already, but if it's better in those aspects I might get this one too.
Physics and feel are very much a personal and subjective thing, but my opinion is yes you have more feeling of what's going on GAS compared to to later two. And the AI in AS is very good, bordering on too aggressive but I don't mind that, at least it feels like they are real and putting up a fight.
Physics and feel are very much a personal and subjective thing, but my opinion is yes you have more feeling of what's going on GAS compared to to later two. And the AI in AS is very good, bordering on too aggressive but I don't mind that, at least it feels like they are real and putting up a fight.
I totally agree with the above. It's a battle, but normally a good, clean battle. My only criticism is that my TV is now so big that the graphic limitations are bigger too, but that's not the game's fault, it's over 10 years old. The racing, the career structure, the choice of tracks, cars and classes all make it one of the best racing games I've got. 😮 I've also got all the DLC. Buy it while you can.
I've never played a Yakuza game but the new spinoff pirate one looks like a lot of crazy fun. There is a free demo so no reason not to give it a go.

I've also got enough MS Rewards points for a month of Game Pass Ultimate, so may see if Avowed works well on the Cloud/Fire Stick combo.
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Took a look at Awowed this morning before work. Made it off opening island.

Got to say I'm impressed so far.
Now one game that does not make a good first impression that I’ve just tried is Death Stranding. I’m on episode 2 right now, and I’m really not excited to keep playing. The story, which is probably the least of its problems, is typical Kojima with tons of exposition and constant cutscenes, weird lore and millions of acronyms. I used to like his stuff in my early 20s but I think nowadays I’m not as excited about it. Even ignoring all the typical weirdness, it is not something that makes me care about playing the game yet. Maybe that’s the point as it seems like Sam is of the same opinion, but still, not a great impression. Still, if the gameplay was great, it’s not a showstopper. However, so far it feels like fetch quests dialed up to a 1000. Absolutely mind numbingly boring. I did hear that it gets better after episode 2, so I’m still trying, but it’s just really, really boring at this point. Not only that, but I think the UI design and the way the information is pitched to you is also bad. So yeah, if this game is supposed to make you care about Sam’s quest it does a terrible job of it in the first 6-7 hours. I almost fell asleep at some point.
I was pretty much the opposite of you with Death Stranding, I was hooked from the moment I first walked alongside the stream near the start and Low Roar started playing. The gameplay loop isn't the most compelling unless you're into slow, long winded missions where you just have to get from A to B but that was my favourite bit.
I was pretty much the opposite of you with Death Stranding, I was hooked from the moment I first walked alongside the stream near the start and Low Roar started playing. The gameplay loop isn't the most compelling unless you're into slow, long winded missions where you just have to get from A to B but that was my favourite bit.
I love Death Stranding even though it took me two attempts to get into it. Initially bounced off pretty quickly, but tried again years later with the Directors Cut and oh my god what a game.

Can't wait for DS2.