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Agreed, games shipped complete and bug free
Did I miss the /s?
Bug free certianly not. And in some cases rare but game breaking bugs existed.
One DOS game I played has a pretty simplistic item duping bug that can be reproduced at 100%:
the game adding and removing things in this order and the player being able to skip the "remove" by simply pressing "continue" during that screen.
In other games these bugs have been turned into player skills, like Doom movementspeed calculations.

Complete is a a sideeffect of distribution, if you cant add things, then games are being planned differently, or marketed differently.
But would you come calling Street Fighter 2 complete when you know there is Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Hyper Street Fighter 2?
In todays terms, all these games would have been DLC to the first one.
Currently playing Disgaea 5 with a mod called Requiem. Considering there's no player maps in this version it's not a problem.

Instead of having stats cap of 99 millions the mod makes it so quadrillions of stats can be reached. (18 figure stats iirc.)

Also I edited the stats aptitude cap from 300% to 9,001%. 🤣

Edit: Forgot to say. The enemy tier can be increased to 32,768 or something of the sort instead of 20. 👍
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Did I miss the /s?
Bug free certianly not. And in some cases rare but game breaking bugs existed.
One DOS game I played has a pretty simplistic item duping bug that can be reproduced at 100%:
the game adding and removing things in this order and the player being able to skip the "remove" by simply pressing "continue" during that screen.
In other games these bugs have been turned into player skills, like Doom movementspeed calculations.

Complete is a a sideeffect of distribution, if you cant add things, then games are being planned differently, or marketed differently.
But would you come calling Street Fighter 2 complete when you know there is Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Hyper Street Fighter 2?
In todays terms, all these games would have been DLC to the first one.
Never encountered any game breaking bugs in the PS1/PS2 days personally.

There was no road map or we will add this and that later via DLC or an update.

I'm sure there were exceptions (The Sims springs to mind) especially on PC but in general it was a much simpler time and the quality on release was miles better than what it is these days.
I've been playing a lot of Black Ops 1&2 Zombies with mates. Still haven't reached Round 30 on any map, and we've only managed to (almost) complete one Easter Egg, despite several months of playing :lol:

I've also been playing a bit of Clone Hero, and recently bought AMS2 with some DLCs (Endurance Pack 1 and Le Mans).
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You only need to watch Speed runs that do not avoid any glitch.
These are gamebreaking bugs.
Like the Legend of Zelda flute-memoryoverflow-gameskip bug.
I personally havent encountered any game breaking bugs.

Dont watch Speed runs, i barely have time to play games myself these days nevermind watch other people play them.

What is the percentage of people who Speed runs games, 1% of the total player base if that? Doesnt sound like a massive issue in the grand scheme of things, to the vast majority of people games released free of game breaking bugs.
Currently on GT4, with my sugosuba Celica


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Playing Scrabble(ps4) game. It's fun playing with A.I.

You can set the type of board, match and difficulty/skill level of the computer players.
Randomly started The Witness again and I'm hooked once more.

In case you don't know since it's a bit older, The Witness is a 10/10 first person Puzzle game that everyone should play ;)
Baldur's Gate 3 got a big update so I'm back on that. My sister's a big fan of the original DnD cartoon and was interested in this, so she got it on Xbox and we're going to attempt a crossplay campaign.
Randomly started The Witness again and I'm hooked once more.

In case you don't know since it's a bit older, The Witness is a 10/10 first person Puzzle game that everyone should play ;)
Great game, wish a sequel would come out. I never completed it and probably didn't even find all of the puzzles, but I'd like to start that one over since I've not played it many years.
Great game, wish a sequel would come out. I never completed it and probably didn't even find all of the puzzles, but I'd like to start that one over since I've not played it many years.
I went completely crazy and even got the Platinum Trophy. Probably the hardest one I got.

Jonathan Blow's next game seems to be something completely different unfortunately.
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Cant seem to find anything interesting to play on the PS5 at the moment so bouncing between the PS2 versions of Colin McRae Rally 3 and WRC 4 on the Steam Deck.

The PS2 era was the golden age of rally games for me, both these games are still so fun to play today.
I absolutely love the Evolution Studios WRC games, particularly 2-4. They still look perfectly good today, and in many ways are still just as immersive as any modern game. Long, complex, narrow stages, nice weather effects, long 8-9 stage rallies, cars like the Octavia and Accent that just don't exist in other games. Still have my PS2 hooked up to a CRT and still enjoy these games just as much now as I did 20 years ago.
I absolutely love the Evolution Studios WRC games, particularly 2-4. They still look perfectly good today, and in many ways are still just as immersive as any modern game. Long, complex, narrow stages, nice weather effects, long 8-9 stage rallies, cars like the Octavia and Accent that just don't exist in other games. Still have my PS2 hooked up to a CRT and still enjoy these games just as much now as I did 20 years ago.
I missed the most of the WRC games on PS2 but played all the Colin McRae games.

I have to say the WRC games have aged better than CMR, especially the handling on tarmac, the stages are great and as its just fun to pick up and play on the Steam Deck.

Playing these PS2 classics led me to buying EA WRC for the PS5 today, so far it's better than I expected from what I read online but it's early days yet.
I've been playing FF7 Rebirth on PC, it's much better optomised for PC than Remake was at launch.
I missed the most of the WRC games on PS2 but played all the Colin McRae games.

I have to say the WRC games have aged better than CMR, especially the handling on tarmac, the stages are great and as its just fun to pick up and play on the Steam Deck.

Playing these PS2 classics led me to buying EA WRC for the PS5 today, so far it's better than I expected from what I read online but it's early days yet.
Personally I think CMR started to lose its lustre when it went into the 128bit era, for me anyway. The first two games had this gritty, hardcore motorsport enthusiast feel, but when they got to 3 they became more concerned with making it, I dunno, a game with a more in-depth career mode, progression, unlocking stuff, ‘being Colin McRae’. But I didn’t want to be Colin McRae, I wanted to drive through Kielder Forest in a Skoda Felicia Kit Car. So even though I concede those PS2 era games were good games, I didn’t really like them. I was too busy sliding a Hyundai Accent through a Welsh forest in WRC2: Extreme, and so at home doing that.

WRC 1 was pretty much a tech demo, 2 was flawed with difficulty spikes and ‘sticky’ barrier etc, but I fell in love with it for being exactly the rally game I wanted, 3 and 4 were perfection for what they were. Evolved they tried to make it a game, and lots of people adored it, but I was disappointed and took my anorak elsewhere.
Personally I think CMR started to lose its lustre when it went into the 128bit era, for me anyway. The first two games had this gritty, hardcore motorsport enthusiast feel, but when they got to 3 they became more concerned with making it, I dunno, a game with a more in-depth career mode, progression, unlocking stuff, ‘being Colin McRae’. But I didn’t want to be Colin McRae, I wanted to drive through Kielder Forest in a Skoda Felicia Kit Car. So even though I concede those PS2 era games were good games, I didn’t really like them. I was too busy sliding a Hyundai Accent through a Welsh forest in WRC2: Extreme, and so at home doing that.

WRC 1 was pretty much a tech demo, 2 was flawed with difficulty spikes and ‘sticky’ barrier etc, but I fell in love with it for being exactly the rally game I wanted, 3 and 4 were perfection for what they were. Evolved they tried to make it a game, and lots of people adored it, but I was disappointed and took my anorak elsewhere.
I agree with the 'being colin mcrae' aspect of CMR3, that ruined the career mode of that game but they learned their lessons for number 4 I thought.

I'm having a lot of fun catching up with the WRC games at the moment having only played 3 previously, I think I would've preferred the WRC series at the time if I had played them more I think.

Another game from that era I enjoyed a lot was VRally 3, not the best rally game but for me the best career out of the lot. This one however has not aged anywhere near as well as the other 2 series.
I agree with the 'being colin mcrae' aspect of CMR3, that ruined the career mode of that game but they learned their lessons for number 4 I thought.

I'm having a lot of fun catching up with the WRC games at the moment having only played 3 previously, I think I would've preferred the WRC series at the time if I had played them more I think.

Another game from that era I enjoyed a lot was VRally 3, not the best rally game but for me the best career out of the lot. This one however has not aged anywhere near as well as the other 2 series.
I used to buy and play WRC every year, while my friends always bought CMR. CMR always looked the more "professional" title, but WRC always seemed the better rally title minus the "glossy bits". I spent years trying to convince my friends to try/buy WRC instead. Never succeeded. Nice to finally get a new convert after all these years :lol:
Several people have mentioned RoboCop: Rogue City recently. It is currently on sale on the PS Store - £16.49 in the UK (2/3 off). That seems like an absolute bargain based on everyone's comments.

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I see a new Sniper game available for download (Game Pass) I click on download. Same old game as far as I can see, but no matter, time to bust some Nahtzees!
Same! Also CarX Street dropped another update and DLC, also insta-buy for me. And Tokyo Extreme Racer, though that's more of an intermittent thing while it's in early access.
Finished Lego Star Wars II on PS2 with 100% on Wednesday. It was pretty darn fun when I started playing, but once the nostalgia wore off, it started to get repetitive and exhausting in the last 25% of the game, and I was ready for it to be over. It greatly expands upon the first game with a lot of quality-of-life improvements, but I feel like they overdid it with the requirements to get 100% and it really overstays its welcome after a bit. Still, I am glad I replayed it! :)

As of last night, I decided to keep things going by replaying Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars again. To be totally honest, I tend to heavily favor the classic games, and this one and the ones that came after it never really appealed to me as much, but I am hoping this game will be better than I remember. It should be interesting to see because this will be the first time I have started a new save since I got it back in 2011, and it's the LSW game I am the least familiar with.
In Heroic I have two quick selection slots (last played) and for a while they've been
Assassin's Creed DC
Art of Rally
Infinity Nikki.

It's genuinely great too, I initially picked it up for the photo mode but I'm really enjoying the missions and putting together outfits! It also helps that it's a very pretty game, the fabrics especially look great and move in a realistic way but the game is full of little visual details that show they've really put some care into making it.

This was captured on PS5.

I'm on chapter 7 of Eastward, chapter 6 was absolute rubbish but it was short so I kept going. It's an OK game, overhyped though, and so much waffle to get through, I fast forward conversations all the time now and have just about kept up with the plot.

Also I decided to play it on my lunch break yesterday and almost immediately fell asleep at my desk, that probably isn't a great sign. Although to be fair I probably would've fallen asleep regardless of what I was playing.
Last night I completed the main story of Star Wars Outlaws (including the Wild Card DLC) and have to say that game was fantastic, I enjoyed it very much. Thinking about it while the credits rolled maybe it isn't the Star Wars open world game fans wanted, maybe the Jedi/lightsaber battle stuff is more appealing than stealthy, thief, Han Solo-y stuff? But it was so good as it's own thing that I think it's worth a try.

I briefly started Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora last night for about an hour and I am impressed. I think I expected lower quality, maybe a lower budget game but it's not that at all. I am very excited to dive into it, the world is especially gorgeous. I am learning that you don't need to be a fan of the source material to enjoy a game (Robocop Rogue City, Star Wars Outlaws included). Turns out on sale you can find hidden gems like these.
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD demo. Will probably wait until Switch 2 before buying this game to see if they make any improvements for that. Got Wii version still somewhere and have the newer Tropical Freeze already on Switch.

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