10 Reasons Why We Will See GT5's Sequel Next Summer

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If i was sony i would definately hold gt6 for ps4 launch title it would almost be stupid not to
The franchise has always been a system seller and kaz sure likes to take his freaking time, seems like a match made in Heaven
Actually it'd be pretty stupid for them to make it a PS4 launch title.

For the simple fact that in GT's history two games come out per console, and with the way GT5 was received(mixed views) it would be in their best interest to bring another GT game to PS3.

Plus people aren't going to jump on PS3 that easily especially considering the graphics jump and the price point. Even saying that I have yet to see people having enough if you will of the PS3 yet.
Yeah, GT6 should be on the PS3. The console already has a large amount of users, so PD and Sony should give them another game, giving them more money that could be used for GT7 on the PS4.

GT6 on PS4, especially as a launch title would be a stupid idea. Not everyone has money to buy a new console and a game right at launch. Compare the cost of a new PS3 game to the cost of a new console, as well as a new game for said console.

New console: Around $399.99-$499.99.
My estimated cost for a PS4 game: $49.99-$69.99.
New game for PS3: Around $39.99-$59.99.

I added an extra $10.00 to the cost of a PS4 game as the cost of games seem to add up by $10.00, and the console is a bit cheaper than the PS3 as launch as it is said that the PS4 will be less expensive. Now tell me, do you want to pay around $450-$570, not including taxes, just for a new console and a game right from the get-go?

Unless you are rich, I bet not.
A few reasons why GT6 will be on PS3 as already mentioned in this thread

1. At this point there are more than 65 million PS3 consoles on the market. At the moment of GT5 launch (end of 2010) there was significantly less, around 40 million. That is increase of more than 50% in the userbase in only 2 years

2. Userbase will absolutely rise even more as the introduction of the new PS3 "Super Slim" console is approaching with rumored extremely low price (sub-200$) for the entry model during this year, probably for the holiday-season. What we know at this point is how "next-gen" consoles will not appear before 2013, with Sony most probably going into 2014. With new more affordable PS3 console on market in next 48 months it really could be very important for PD/Sony to take advantage of that number and market-saturation with their most renown franchise - and not lean onto current expanded/budget-release of 2010 game.

3. Despite heavy criticism and not-so-flattering mainstream reviews GT5 managed to sell in stunning 7.5 million copies till November 2011, which is result months prior to release of GT5 Spec II/GT5 XL on NTSC markets (JP/USA) and before GT5 has released as Greatest Hits title in PAL (GT5 and GT5:Prologue are also best selling PS3 games overall, with better results than COD/GTA or any other series on PS3). We can pretty much presume how 7.5 million is now surpassed. Not releasing another PS3 Gran Turismo title with +50% stronger userbase for actual console and such strong results of previous PS3 titles on PS3 would be absolutely wasted opportunity for both Sony and PD.

4. No DLC release and revenue form DLC (despite great results of the initial DLC pack that peaked in over 1 million downloads) can replace sheer amount of revenue from full disc-release. If Polyphony Digital has used experience from past 2 years and expanded the initial game into desired way, managed to improve current state of GT software into more feature-wise one, or even managed to find a way to introduce majority of wishes of the community, I think we are safe to presume how nobody with even slightest amount of sanity would not compromise the potential of another GT series release on PS3.

Simple example: if they release 5 more DLC pack for GT5 with cars (for 6$ per pack) and 2 packs with tracks (for 5$ per pack) and manage to sell it to 1 million users (not going to happen since we can presume how 1st DLC was most attractive, but let's say..), they've earned 30 million $ in revenue. Now transfer that same content into new full-release that sells for average of 50$ and manage to reach the same sales as GT5 (pretty much given with more than 50% increase in userbase for console, etc.). You've earned 350 million in revenue. Almost 1200% more. Mathematics says it all.

#7 - PS4 doesn't need GT6 to sell consoles

At least it won't initially. The hype of a new Playstation and the almost guarantee of a much lower launch price then PS3 should keep the PS4 selling strong without any great AAA titles for a good while. PS4 wont need GT6 in it's first year, which means GT6 may get pushed back as far as 2015 if Sony makes the bad decision to make it a PS4 title.

#5 - PD needs to buy time to optimize GT for PS4

Theres a good reason why there are so few AAA launch titles for new consoles. Top developers need time with the new systems to optomize code for the new console. If PD were to release GT6 on the PS4 in the first year of it's life we'd likely get "Gran Turismo 6 HD" or something to the effect. It would be GT5 but maybe with a few more cars on track and in true 1080p. And that would be it. Not much different from what can be offered on the PS3. GT6 on the PS3 next summer buys PD 2-3 years to optomize GT on PS4 and it keeps the fans off their back.

#4 - Reusing Resources for GT6 PS3 Makes Sense Money-wise

If PD waited to release Gran Turismo 6 on the PS4 it would have to be on a new graphics and physics engine. 80 million USD was spent developing GT5. Why not reuse most of the resources that are in GT5 and create a new PS3 game instead of spending another 80 million on R&D of a next generation graphics and phyiscs engine?

Square Enix is starting to do this with thier Final Fantasy franchise. Like PD they released a dud of a game (when compared to previous iterations), but quickly released an apology game reusing alot of the resources from the original. It saved them money and pleased the fans. PD should follow suit.

If GT6 was a PS4 launch game then what are the most copies it could sell? A little over a million if every PS4 owner decided to buy it. Even if GT6 was released on the PS4 12 months after launch the global install base might not have reached 10 million at that point. Theres really no way they could sell more copies of GT6 on the PS4 then on the PS3.

Some will say it will force alot of people to upgrade to the PS4. I'm not so sure about that, especially after being disappointed by GT5. Forking over $300+ for a new console and $60 for the game and $120+ for the new wheel is an expensive proposition for a game that let alot of people down.

Do you want GT6 to look like Forza 2? Thats what happens when a racing game is poorly optimized for a next gen console.

Yeah, GT6 should be on the PS3. The console already has a large amount of users, so PD and Sony should give them another game, giving them more money that could be used for GT7 on the PS4.

GT6 on PS4, especially as a launch title would be a stupid idea. Not everyone has money to buy a new console and a game right at launch. Compare the cost of a new PS3 game to the cost of a new console, as well as a new game for said console.

New console: Around $399.99-$499.99.
My estimated cost for a PS4 game: $49.99-$69.99.
New game for PS3: Around $39.99-$59.99.

I added an extra $10.00 to the cost of a PS4 game as the cost of games seem to add up by $10.00, and the console is a bit cheaper than the PS3 as launch as it is said that the PS4 will be less expensive. Now tell me, do you want to pay around $450-$570, not including taxes, just for a new console and a game right from the get-go?

Unless you are rich, I bet not.
I still think that the ps3 limits the possibilities of a GT6 way too much. My guess is that GT6 will release as the same time as the PS4 does. A God of War or Killzone wont create the sales GT6 could offer. But we should wait for the Toyko Game Show to be sure. There is a slight possibility that they may show the game, when you are right. If it will be a PS3 release, this will be the show to announce it.

GT6 will be great, but I dont see it coming for the PS3.

Rumors on the news sites say that the PS4 will come out late 2013 in japan and Q1 2014 in the rest of the world. I think PD and Sony would definetly wait half a year to get it out on the PS4. They still have the GT Academy going on and more DLC might come. Especially, when Forza 5 comes out on the next xbox. Sony definetly wouldnt want to get their game compared to a next gen game.

But I also dont want to dismiss the other arguments that foresee a PS3 release.
Reason against GTVita release: this console is not selling well, especially in Japan where it appears most decisions are based on. There were already several millions PSP released worldwide when GTPSP got released.
If they release GT6 on PS4 they'll doom themselves are people really wanting to shell out $499 on a PS4 or who knows even $699? Cause we have no idea of a price point.
Just give me ~400 DIFFERENT cars (minimum 100 race modifications possible) I would actually want to drive (cut 90% of the extremely slow cars and 95% of the duplicate street cars), ~40 different tracks (at least 20 with day/night/weather variations, plus short course/reverse versions), a huge variety of challenging A-Spec events (no rabbit chasing) and multi-race championships (cut the single 3-lap races completely), and a challenging AI with 20 cars on track, and I'll pay $100 for the basic version at midnight on release day.

tl;dr: Cut the fluff, add different cars, cut crappy/duplicate cars, add tracks, and make racing more challenging/fun, take my money.
If they release GT6 on PS4 they'll doom themselves are people really wanting to shell out $499 on a PS4 or who knows even $699? Cause we have no idea of a price point.

These high prices came from the new next gen tech in 2005/2006. Remember how much pc hardware costed around this time. The bluray-player was also really expensive for the ps3. These are really cheap now. I think that a price of 300 $ to 400 $ is realistic.

When the PS3 came out, many people were ready to pay the high prices. If the price is to high for someone, then he should wait till it gets cheaper.
when said that Forza 5 would be for the next xbox? and if GT6 is a PS4 title, i won't be buying it, it's stupid to spend that much on a new console just for one game and for the game to be ****, if that happens this generation will always be remembered as the worst one ever in the GT series, just one game for the PS3 and it is ****
when said that Forza 5 would be for the next xbox?

They didn't talked about Forza 5 yet. But i think it's realistic to assume that Forza 5 will be a Next Gen games. Forza 4 didn't had so much sells and i can't see them improving much on the 360. New cars, tracks, events and so on, but not a timecycle or weather.

Rumours say the new console will arrive 2013/2014.

If the companies don't release GT6 or Forza 5 in 2013 we can assume that they'll be Next Gen games.
Once again people seem to be saying that GT6 has to be on PS4 as if GT7 on PS4 wouldn't be possible.

Exacly what I think. It's not like the series will die after the 6th installement. Besides GT6 on PS3 could be the chance for PD to "redeem" themselves for releasing an unfinished game before moving to the next gen consloes. You would think twice befre watching the sequel of a not so good movie just because it's 3D this time.

Well it sounded better in my head.
Exacly what I think. It's not like the series will die after the 6th installement. Besides GT6 on PS3 could be the chance for PD to "redeem" themselves for releasing an unfinished game before moving to the next gen consloes. You would think twice befre watching the sequel of a not so good movie just because it's 3D this time.

Well it sounded better in my head.

You're right or at least I get most of what you're saying. That's my biggest thing for PD though why release on PS4 when you first need to redeem yourself, and also the rest of us aren't going to jump just because a PS4 is out in the wild.

Again no one knows the economic landscape of 2013 or 2014 between now and those years we could all be better or worse then what we're dealing with right now.
I originally thought GT6 would be a PS4 game, with a constant evolution of GT5 including plenty of DLC keeping the game fresh up until the new consoles release. Spec II last Autumn seemed to be backing this up. However, the DLC that we have had has been spasmodic at best and quite underwhelming in it's content.

I'd happen a guess that it's a sign that PD's resources have been concentrating on GT6. With 18 months between the announcement of a new Playstation and the actual launch of the console to be expected, Sony/PD would be mad to wait that long at the very least before they release their next title.

PD's actions are unpredictable. We've known this since the beginning of the development of GT5.

We've known this since the release of GT2.
Just want to throw this in here: Why TGS? Why not the upcoming GamesCom which will feature two new, unknown Sony titles? While the chances are small, GamesCom was also a huge presentation platform for GT5, including the first ever playable demo being there.
Well TGS is a Sony only affair I believe.
They need to keep content back to pad out the show.
What is this DLC keeping GT5 fresh that people speak of?

Far as I'm concerned as great as XL Edition is for me there are many cars from the DLC I barely use, and my use of the Circuit that also came with it is minimal at best.

One main reason is because it wasn't included in any way shape or form in the career mode or A-spec/B-spec.

Although I know this is only my opinion I just don't agree with how fresh people make this game out to be.
There has been a lot of buzz about GT6 and the Euro Bundle being released in Sepetember. This could mean. G 6 next summer
maybe they'll make an official announce of GT6 next year, but it won't release...that's for sure in my opinion.
is it just me or has the next generation of console games taken a long time than average to work on? considering sony, are they purposefully waiting on something such as a gt game. also if gt6 comes out on ps3 people will complain that there is no gt on ps4 and will have to wait 6 more years, and if its on ps4 people will complain why it took so long. PD cant make everyone happy.
If GT6 appear on the PS3 it should be rather sooner than later, but I don't see any indication of that, no trailer, no nothing.

If PS4 launches in late 2013 or early 2014 recipe for success is simple, release GT6 in first few months after PS4 launch, premium cars are "PS4 ready" and they had enough time to make more, better tracks with more details and here you go. After early GT6, PD will have plenty of time to optimize their engine and release GT7 some 4 - 5 years after PS4 launch and with noticable graphics improvement. Which is something I don't see happening on the PS3 where GT5 have massive performance issues like screen tearing, big framerate drops, poor shadows, etc.
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If GT6 appear on the PS3 it should be rather sooner than later, but I don't see any indication of that, no trailer, no nothing.

If PS4 launches in late 2013 or early 2014 recipe for success is simple, release GT6 in first few months after PS4 launch, premium cars are "PS4 ready" and they had enough time to make more, better tracks with more details and here you go. After early GT6, PD will have plenty of time to optimize their engine and release GT7 some 4 - 5 years after PS4 launch and with noticable graphics improvement. Which is something I don't happening on the PS3 where GT5 have massive performance issues like screen tearing, big framerate drops, poor shadows, etc.

It might backfire on them right now do you know there are still a lot of people back on the PS2 that haven't moved on from that system yet, and also the install base of PS4 the first 3-4 years is going to be pretty small I predict.

Cause I'm not in a rush to buy PS4 I haven't really seen all the games I've wanted to play yet, and I'm sure a majority of people are like me.
It might backfire on them right now do you know there are still a lot of people back on the PS2 that haven't moved on from that system yet, and also the install base of PS4 the first 3-4 years is going to be pretty small I predict.

Cause I'm not in a rush to buy PS4 I haven't really seen all the games I've wanted to play yet, and I'm sure a majority of people are like me.

Funny you mention ps2 i met someone at a eb games store who is still only playing his ps2 i asked him why and he said he hadnt finished playing the games he wants on the console i thought it was refreshing seeing someone who loved games so much he wasnt going to move on till he was ready.
Funny you mention ps2 i met someone at a eb games store who is still only playing his ps2 i asked him why and he said he hadnt finished playing the games he wants on the console i thought it was refreshing seeing someone who loved games so much he wasnt going to move on till he was ready.

That's the way a lot of people are in a way I wish I was also like him, but my PS2 had kicked the bucket that's why I got a PS3.

Before I even think about getting PS4 there are like 50 more games I got to try on this system.
Well I certainly won't be buying a PS4 purely for GT as I did a PS3, that's for sure.

I learned my lesson on that this generation I got my PS3 for three games.

FFXIII, GT5, and MGS4 all, but one were terrible/mediocre can you guess which one lol.