1000 ticket - what did you get?

  • Thread starter Mopatop
just got my lvl 12 and 1000 ticket. even though I am level 19?????

for 1000:- 1973 bmw 2002 turbo so semi ok I guess! given what other people have. BUT I already have one in my garage.

lvl12:- ferrari SP1 worth 1.5 mil so that made up for it a bit. the specs aren't listed on dealer so here you go
480BHP, 1450kg, torque 45 all other specs are blank.
I'm pissed, I got that Office Depot Nascar, which is the same exact one i got from the Nascar Prize ticket from the special event. I would be less pissed if i could sell the damn thing.
I bet my next 1000 ticket ill get the car again.

You could send it my way. I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. :sly:

Will let you all know what I get when I get it.
I got a Mitsubishi 3000 GT, the same exact car I got for completing Beginner and Professional Series.
What is this lvl 12 ticket everybody is talking about? Haven't got one, even though I'm lvl 17 already.

I think you get it for clearing all of a single level of A-spec event - all professional, perhaps. I've noticed that those tickets have a level attached to them. The level refers to the car you get.
Nobody has said so in this thread yet, so just thought I best confirm that you do get a 1000 ticket every 100 races / 2000km. Just received my 2nd ticket. Got poor cars both times, but at least they weren't cars I already had. Will have to wait till I get my 3rd ticket before I can take advantage of the quit/retry exploit, as I didn't think to do so before reading this thread! Hopefully with endless runs round IMS it won't take too long. Beyond The Autobahn and Multi-Millionaire here I come :)
Im at 1370 Miles and I havent got a ticket yet, any Ideas? Im on level 19 A-spec and level 7 B-spec, maby I havent gotten enough A-spec miles yet.
I'm doubting whether the "quick power-off" trick actually really works.

My roommate just tried it, and it didn't work; upon restarting the game, he was stuck with the same crappy car he was awarded. It was in his garage and the ticket was gone/used.

I'm wondering how quickly you'd need to quit and power-off the game to make it work... because he waited until the screen asked, "Do you want to use this car now?" and rebooted there, and obviously that didn't work.

But honestly, I'm wondering if these people that are saying that the "quick power-off" trick does work, are in fact fibbing. Because we noticed that the instant that you confirm just USING the ticket, the game does an auto-save as it transitions into the car award/delivery screen. I'm thinking that at that point, your car has already been randomly chosen, added to your garage, and game saved... so there may be nothing that can be done about it.

Can anybody confirm getting the "quick power-off in order to do a random ticket award over again" method to actually work? And if so, exactly how and when did you kill the power by? How long is too late?

On a related note, I'm still trying to find an answer to whether or not the auto-save can be turned off, and if so how?
I searched for this thread thinking no one could've gotten a worse Ticket 1000 gift than me, but I was far mistaken. Have a cold one, Subaru 360 guy.

'93 Civic hatch here.
Nobody has said so in this thread yet, so just thought I best confirm that you do get a 1000 ticket every 100 races / 2000km. Just received my 2nd ticket. Got poor cars both times, but at least they weren't cars I already had. Will have to wait till I get my 3rd ticket before I can take advantage of the quit/retry exploit, as I didn't think to do so before reading this thread! Hopefully with endless runs round IMS it won't take too long. Beyond The Autobahn and Multi-Millionaire here I come :)

I doubt it. I have driven over 8000km and 250+ races. I have only gotten that ticket once.
I doubt it. I have driven over 8000km and 250+ races. I have only gotten that ticket once.

Don't appreciate what effectively amounts to being called a liar, but fair enough you're entitled to your opinion.

Anyway, finally managed to remember what cars I got:
First ticket got me a Mercedes Benz SL 500 (R230) '02
Second ticket got me a Lotus Esprit V8 SE '98
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