
  • Thread starter Dudebusta
Same here. One thing I thought was the closest proof to Bin Laden's connection to the bombings was one of the video tapes that came out just after and he was translated as saying something like he didn't know the attack would go so well... or something. Anyhow, if the translation was accurate (and I was awaiting someone fluent in his tongue to refute the translation but it doesn't appear this has happened - figured that refutal would have been big news... maybe these people have come forward and have been killed??) then Bin Laden was admitting to prior knowledge of the attacks. Well, enough rambling. Although he didn't admit to funding the attacks, it seems he was in the know and how would he be in the know of such an attack without be involved... and why wouldn't such a wealthy known terrorist not have been involved in such an attack that he knew about? I don't know, news is unreliable.
Well, the videos could have been easily created by someone with enough knowledge in video editing. And I never remember seeing anything that had him saying he did it. besides, why would he be stupid enough to create those tapes in the first place and let someone who wants to kill him get to them?

I just don't buy it at all.
Well, he didn't say that he did it... just that he was happy and that he didn't think it would be so effective... or something like that - course my saying this is probably worse than seeing anything on the news. Anyway, yeah, didn't seem like something he would want out in the open... just, if the tapes are for real and the translation was accurate and the news isn't lying to us... then we almost have proof on Bin Laden's connection to 9/11! :rolleyes:
nobody knows how old those tapes are. the media is a bunch of overpaid arseholes that will manipulate anything they can for someones benefit/misfortune.
another thing that gets me is those suicide bombers in israel. they are all supposed to be palistinians. HOW THE **** DO THEY KNOW? theres nothing left to tell. 'oh heres a tooth...yep...hes a god damn palistinian. i mean come on.
Originally posted by Dudebusta
nobody knows how old those tapes are. the media is a bunch of overpaid arseholes that will manipulate anything they can for someones benefit/misfortune.

Sad but true. Don't know about overpaid though...
Dudebusta we are not dealing with a normal human being here, he (Osama) is a religious zealot. if you want to experience something similar but way, way tamer go and knock on the door of a Jehovah’s Witness church tell them you’re an atheist but are ready to listen to reason. Apologies to any Witness’s out there but seriously God is not that strict, God has a sense of humour, for evidence…. Ladies and gentlemen I give you the duck billed platypus and human reproduction, not together though, that would be sick!…..

I agree that you should be skeptical about those tapes, I too think there is definitely something a bit odd about them but it has already been admitted that they are suspect by those promoting them. But this whole conspiracy theory thing is just way off the mark. For a start the Americans just could not keep something as big as that (Sept 11) quiet, they have this big hang up about ‘freedom of speech’, which means they tell everyone everything. It’s in them virtually from birth, they’d go to war and be prepared to die over it! But there is just no way that they could keep it under wraps. I suspect that in Aussie you’re used to a similar class structured political system as we are here in “dear old Blighty” but the Americans do not have the same structure. Their government is far more open than ours, they do not keep the people in the dark. You have to remember the only President they ever sacked was sacked not for being incompetent but for being caught lying and withholding information about being incompetent.

No guys, Sept 11 was not an action initiated by the American government of that you can be, almost, certain. And I suggest you stop yanking their (the Americans in the forums) chain over it as well Duduebusta as honestly it’s in rather poor taste. Oh, and the Yanks are not responding to your thread because they want to distance themselves from you and this subject.

On a personal note a number of phone numbers were not answered when traders called their counterparts in NY on the 11th Sept from our trading desks.

Having said that Dudebusta I have no issue with you, you appear to be a likeable if slightly misguided sort of chap. Now calm the **** down and leave the yanks alone it’s not happened to you (Oz) so you don’t know what it’s like.
I really don't stay up that late considering that I dont get out of work until about 1 am. It's really hard for me to fall asleep as soon as I get home. I'm a chef so I am constantly moving around and am usually too amped up when I get home. So it takes a few hours to relax. That way I get to see what all the people from the other side of the planet are doing in here.

I usually have to check up on Dudebusta to make sure he isn't bad mouthing us Americans. LOL.
Thats one thing about australians, we can be perceived as arseholes because we voice our opinions a lot of the time without thinking. im proud to be an arsehole :lol:

a friend of mine is a chef but all he eats is take away food. he told me that when he cooks for someone else all day he cant be arsed makin his own food. i guess you can sympathise boom?
I sympathise completely. When I get home and am hungry I usually go for whatever is the easiest. I bust my arse all day with food at work, why do I want to deal with it at home. I go out to eat alot. Make someone else do the work for me. Im also dating the concierge (sp?) at the hotel. Thats cool cus she gets everything in town for free! Alot of free meals at nice places!

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