
  • Thread starter HoltNFrew
Those videos are crazy... how can a human drive like that lol... but i tried a wheel when i was like 10, 10 years ago, problem was it was so stiff that when i turned the wheel the whole dashboard kind of thing spun around, so that was the end of the wheel for me. Now i use the ds3 and got close to bronze on nurburg and monza, still no bronze tho, I can use the steering and acceleration perfectly, the problem is that i need to start turning a uninmaginable distance before it starts turning, and it feels stupid, i tried for like 20 mins on each and gave up :/
thanks for the guide! it may be possible to gold them with a DS3 but a wheel made things much easier (but still very difficult). like you, I bought a Driving Force GT just for this, study your videos in great details, and managed to gold all three after a month.

it took me more time to gold Nurburgring GP/F than Suzuka though, but one thing I'm sure is I will never ever touch these challenges again!
thanks for the guide! it may be possible to gold them with a DS3 but a wheel made things much easier (but still very difficult). like you, I bought a Driving Force GT just for this, study your videos in great details, and managed to gold all three after a month.

it took me more time to gold Nurburgring GP/F than Suzuka though, but one thing I'm sure is I will never ever touch these challenges again!

LoL I am getting close to being level 30 and attempting these challenges, but after reading all of the feedback on them I am kind of discouraged ha!
Is Vettel challenge in arcade mode? I don't have GT5, but this looks like arcade mode or something, it's the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

I don't even have GT5 but this is putting me off a bit. I thought it was at least a simulation, not scalectrix. Even if the track was magnetic and the car was made of magnets you could not corner that fast.
Incredible man! Congratulations on the skills. It must have taken you hours.

I followed your advice and started with monza. I have a T500 and I took massive advantage of the forcefeedback! Monza is very easy, at least, compared to the other two. I managed bronze easily but i'm still 4 seconds away from silver. Looks impossible! And nurburgring...bronze by less than 1 second!! The secret I guess lies in the pedals. How to accelerate and brake accordingly while turning and keeping max speed.
Suzuka is the last challenge...haven't been able to make it on time. The second lap is crazy.

So once you unlock the car...what is the difference between the one you get in gold and the others?
Thank you :)
I'm doing Suzuka second, like you did, i've golded Monza, but this is a different league of difficulty. I can get to the first time in 28.4, but damn the two bends before it, can't repeat every time, so i'm not learning the rest of the track very good for when I get through it...... any tips???? I'd appretiate it.... i also use the bumper view..... havn't used the chase cam on gt5 yet!!

I've started using chase cam, much easier to see the apex of the corner, takes some getting use to, got bronze first time i finished at 2:12.4xx
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Hey Guys, here is my story HOW to GOLD that Sick Vettel Challenge...
But, first of all, I'll like to be very thankful to another member of that Forum; Rivers, who offered me the opportunity to record these videos in HD... If it was not from him, I'ld would have not post that thread. He did it to help the forum, I opened that thread to help that forum cause of his help! Thanks Rivers...

Ok, well for all my life I've played video games with default controller, I golded everything in ALL 6 Gran Turismo so far with the default Controller... But now, with that Vettel Challenge, I Hitted a Wall...I've read Forum, looked at Youtube, Google, and tried to find a way to GOLD the unreal Vettel Challenge. Trust me guys, it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to do it with a DS3, you can try all your life, you'll die with maybe a bronze... And i consider myself as a top player with a DS3.

When I saw that Challenge, I was not happy, not because it is really tough, but because I play GT for the simulation part, and all these OFFICIAL CARS from yesterday to now. I don't want an unreal impossible dream car in that game... But obv, I have to live with it, that means to Gold it too...

No way i'm gonna spend 200$ for a wheel for 3 challenges... well, what i did was simple, I went to future shop, bought a Driving Force GT, cleared that challenge, and return it for a refund, so it is like a free 4 days rental hahahaha.

So I never played with a wheel in the past, I decided to start with Monza... why? It is the easiest yes, but it is where I'm gonna learn to use a wheel, and to learn how the car reacts with a wheel....

How to;

For all these challenges, My Settings were;
Skid On,
ABS 10,
everything else off...
OBV Driving Line ON....
I Always play with 3rd person view, cause I love to see the car and around it...
And you have to listen and know where you are in the transmission cause with the Automatic, I'll refer a lot to the gears needed for turns...
And the ghost always starts around 1 second in front of you, and he is a bit slower than the gold time, so the idea is to finish the 2 laps as close as possible from him to get gold.


Well, as you'll see, I shortcutted the chicanes, we are not DQ if we do it, so I did it that's it.

So you come out from the pit full throttle obv.... for the first lap, and the first chicane, you brake at the 50 meters marker on the left...high 1st gear or low 2nd.... as soon you start to turn left FullThrottle... till the second chicane,
You brake once you passed the 100 meters marker on the left... You can deal that chicane with high 2nd or low 3rd gear...

And I usually passed the Ghost right after the second Chicane so that's why I will not add reference time for that track, you should be able to manage easily to pass or to be directly on the ghost after the second chicane of the first lap...

Full throttle till the first right turn, as you can see on the video, I keep the gas at the floor, and just hit a bit the brake at the beginning of the sand, or with the driving line, hit the brake right after the red part... for the second right, second marker on the left, hit the brake just a bit harder than the last turn... full throttle....

S-Turn, Hit the brake right after the red part of the driving line down to the 4th gear (you are better to release gas for that braking part)....then full throttle to manage the rest of that S-Turn... then the last right before the finish, you hit the break right after the red part of the driving line, down to 4th gear and full throttle....

For the second lap repeat, BUT but for the first chicane, you had to brake to the 50 meters marker on the first lap, for the second lap you brake at the 150 meters marker.... if you manage first lap below 1:04, easy gold...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6YoDm1hAt8">YouTube Link</a>

Once I Golded Monza, I managed to gold Suzuka 2nd... why? the hardest for many, and Nurburgring should be easy once I golded Suzuka sick track at 400 kmh....


Fullthrottle till the first right turn, you brake at the end of the red part of the driving lane..down to 3rd gear, full throttle... for the S-turn, I managed the first left right full throttle, for the second left right, look at the video, i'm full throttle, but i just hitted the brake a bit to slow down the car... full throttle all way that long left turn... now you reached what was for me the hardest part of that track...the first right, can be easily managed full throttle no brake... the problem, well my problem, was to manage to place the car in the right line for the sharp right just after, at 400+ kmh... it sucks... cause the track is really narrow, and if you go out, DQ...
Once you manage to get a good line after the first full throttle right turn, hit the brake for a 2nd gear sharp right... full throttle... 1st reference time; 28.2 or less

you reach the hairpin, easy to manage, once you pass the right turn hit the brake till you see smoke from the tires, then full throttle... you shouldbe around a high 1st low 2nd gears....full throttle for the long right... then you reach a left, left turn... the first one, hit the brake down to the 4th gear, as soon a you are in 4th, full thottle for a second, then hit the brake down to the 2nd, as soon you are in 2nd, full throttle till the chicane...
2nd reference time..52.5 or less...

for the chicane, there is no reference I used for when to brake...I braked around halfway of the red part of the driving line, just before the bridge...
You can try to shorcut a bit the chicane, but you'll be airborne a couple of time... still doable as you can see on the video...
As soon you start to enter the left turn of the chicane, full throttle till the finish line...
My First lap was very slow on the video, but my second was near to be perfect... for Reference, 1st lap below 1:05.3 is better...

For the second lap, repeat, but for the first right turn, since you reach it at a higher speed than the first lap, brake just before the end of the red part of the driving line...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I1BQId0xCk">YouTube Link</a>

I Finished With Nurburgring, easy once you Golded Suzuka, even if you don't know much the track...


As you will see in the video, i used all the track, since you are not DQ in the first section if you don't stay in the driving line, why not take it to my profit!

Full throttle, for the first hairpin, brake at he last "50 meters" marker on the left, forget to try to read these markers, that'S the last on the left :P

then full throttle for the wide left turn, then you reach a sharper left, just brake at the end of the red of the driving line, down to 2nd gear... then full throttle for the right turn... it doesn't matter if you go out of the track, BUT, if you go on any grass you are DQ...
you reach a left lap, as you will see on the video, again I kept my foot on the gas, but hitted the brake till the 4th gear...for that turn, break after the red of the driving line... then full throttle till the sharp right, as you can see, I took it a bit soon and slow... but you brake till 2nd gear...then full throttle till the wide Hairpin... Hit the brake after the red of the driving line, down to 2nd gear, hold the throttle then full throttle... I never noticed the 1st reference time cause it is right after and before a turn, so there is the 2nd reference time... below 34 secs

then full throttle for the wide left-right.... now you reach the hardest part of the track, the first left is not that bad, brake late till the low 4th or high 3rd gear, you can go wider than the track but you'll have problem for the right turn, this is where you can get a .5 sec edge on the turn... so after the left turn, follow the driving line, and try to take the right turn as fast as you can, around a high 4th gear....full throttle till the chicane... 3rd reference time... Low 49 sec..
For the chicane, there are 3 markers on the right, brake at the second, you should be fine... once you are in the chicane just full throttle... then the last right before the finish line...brake down to 2nd gear then full throttle...first lap should be low 1.04, but as you can see, it is easy to go below 1.04...

for the second lap repeat BUT for the first right hairpin, since you are full speed, there are 3 markers on the left, now you brake at the second one....

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMnpncYJcg4">YouTube Link</a>

So that's how I managed these challenges, then I returned the wheel for a refund to Futureshop... hahaha

And guys, don't be rude, English is not my native Language so sorry about it, but I hope that thread will help you...

And thanks again to Rivers to have converted these videos in HD...

Hey 1st of all congratulations on getting gold on all 3, but just disappointed that you moved from DS3 to Wheel, I just find the challenge of perfecting with DS3 so much better. I got gold in Monza so far after a few days :-(, bronze in nurb and haven't tried Suzuka yet as it is the hardest. Congrats on your achievement and whoever has got gold too.
Hey Guys, here is my story HOW to GOLD that Sick Vettel Challenge...


As you will see in the video, i used all the track, since you are not DQ in the first section if you don't stay in the driving line, why not take it to my profit!

Full throttle, for the first hairpin, brake at he last "50 meters" marker on the left, forget to try to read these markers, that'S the last on the left :P

then full throttle for the wide left turn, then you reach a sharper left, just brake at the end of the red of the driving line, down to 2nd gear... then full throttle for the right turn... it doesn't matter if you go out of the track, BUT, if you go on any grass you are DQ...
you reach a left lap, as you will see on the video, again I kept my foot on the gas, but hitted the brake till the 4th gear...for that turn, break after the red of the driving line... then full throttle till the sharp right, as you can see, I took it a bit soon and slow... but you brake till 2nd gear...then full throttle till the wide Hairpin... Hit the brake after the red of the driving line, down to 2nd gear, hold the throttle then full throttle... I never noticed the 1st reference time cause it is right after and before a turn, so there is the 2nd reference time... below 34 secs

HoltNFrew, thanks for the video and description, it helped a lot.

I've just manged to gold the Nurburgring and I thought I could share reference times, so anyone still strugling with it, could see which sector should be improved.

1st: 19.7
2nd: 33.6
3rd: 48.6

If you have trouble reaching 1st sector time, the "key" part is breaking before the third turn. You should stick to left side of this turn, so you could get easily into the next one.
Well if you use the Bumper cam, now with the chase cam, you should find the car is "slower" so I guess that will help! I never used a wheel before these challenges, it took me like 7h to gold Suzuka so keep going! I decided to finish with Nurb cause it was an easy track but a new track for me, so at least, if I'm very good with the X1 cause I golded Suzuka, well, Nurb would be a lot easier...

Just golded Suzuka.... delighted.... so damn hard. Earlier I had a 1:05.1xx first lap, then screwed up the second, so disapointing! Pushed on anyway and got it.... on to Nurb!!!
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piece of cake!

Just got the gold on Nurburgring, thats them all, took a little over an hour, almost got it after 20 minutes, but cocked up... did a 1:03.6 first lap, then cocked up the second lap and missed out by 0.023, then straight away did a 1:04.4xx first lap and a 1:03.5xx second lap and.....GOLD!!! So happy!! iI will never set eyes on this challenge again.

So thanks for the tips and advise, changed the way I did them acording to my own driving style with regard to what gear to break down to..... The BEST piece of advise you gave me... CHASE CAM, much better :)

Going to back up my save file!!!
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Hey HoltNFrew!
I ve just golded them thanks to you! I didnt think I was able to do it until I read your post and description! It really helped me you know! I owe it to you!
Just thought I let you know
Keep up the good game :)

ps: To express how happy I am: www.nyan.cat
Took me 5 hrs yesterday! but I finally decided to sit down and get my vettle gold metals after seeing this post. Suzuka was the most difficult for me, I had gold on that track 2 or 3 times! and screwed it up in the last chicane every time before finally putting it all together! I found your driving settings to be very helpfull though.but I had to run hood view, Thanks for the info!
Thank you for this nice, complete, A-Z explanation.:cheers:
I golded the monza as it is the easiest one, but I'm really stuck with the other two.:banghead:
Going to try and get the reference points as you mentioned.
When I get the other two golded, I only have one more 24hr race to do to get my platinum trophy.:D
Wish me luck...
Thank you for this nice, complete, A-Z explanation.:cheers:
I golded the monza as it is the easiest one, but I'm really stuck with the other two.:banghead:
Going to try and get the reference points as you mentioned.
When I get the other two golded, I only have one more 24hr race to do to get my platinum trophy.:D
Wish me luck...

Good luck, you'll need it. I've golded Monza and have now managed to get within 0.276 of gold on Suzuka, but that was hours ago already. I'm having a very hard time reproducing my best laps, let alone string 2 of them together.

For some reason I'm having trouble to really nail the final chicane. So often, my second split time is good and I still end up doing a 1:06 lap. I haven't quite figured out whether I should go down to 1st or 2nd to accelerate out of it. I'm getting very mixed results. Same for the right-hander just before the first split, 2nd or 3rd?

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