1974 Triumph Spitfire 1500 - Friday WIN frankygt-r! - Sun official winner wat3rm370n

Jujubean: if you do decide to organize a lower specced rally, I'm in, and I too would be willing to help in any way you needed, or saw fit, if possible.

turbogeit: I haven't put the spitfire on any dirt tracks yet... but I'd be interested into giving it a try.

Put me down for Sunday please.:) In more likely to turn up. In fact Friday is pretty unlikely so I will send a friend request just before on Friday if there is room and I can make it.;)

I put you down for Sunday, and with a "maybe" for Friday, just in case you wind up able to turn up, I'll have you on my list to check for you. I think you are in my friends list on the PSN, fyi.
Dammit.:ouch: Now I'm going to practice for ages to go under two minutes.
Did you tune it?

I haven't gotten under the 2 minute mark myself, nor the 2:02. So don't get too concerned. I'm probably not the only one! It's just that nobody's going to be posting, HEY MY BEST TIME TODAY IS 2:04! LOL Everyone wants to try & get their best lap, before publicizing it. ;) I haven't really gotten a "good error free lap" to really say for sure, for example. So I've been stuck at 2:03 & change.

That said, if I'm on & practicing, feel free to join me. :D

But I find that sometimes I'm actually competitive against people who post better lap times than me. Because a person's "hot lap" time, doesn't always translate to the track when there's other cars with which they have to contend. In fact many say they always get a better lap time on their own, than when they get in the online race. For me it's the opposite - I always get my best lap times in the actual race.
It's also 8 laps on this track... That's just enough opportunity to be able to capitalize on a faster driver's blunder if they make one! :ouch:
And just short enough a race that they may not get the chance to make up the difference & regain their position. :)
All in all, I don't think there will be many way outliers in these races. I have raced several times with several of the people signed up... and though our speed may vary, we all seem to have our own strengths & weaknesses. ;)
But I find that sometimes I'm actually competitive against people who post better lap times than me. Because a person's "hot lap" time, doesn't always translate to the track when there's other cars with which they have to contend. In fact many say they always get a better lap time on their own, than when they get in the online race. For me it's the opposite - I always get my best lap times in the actual race.
It's also 8 laps on this track... That's just enough opportunity to be able to capitalize on a faster driver's blunder if they make one! :ouch:
And just short enough a race that they may not get the chance to make up the difference & regain their position. :)

Agree with that.
RE: Ballast
(this post is for you Aardvark. :P :D ;) J/K)

I forgot to mention... (Thanks for bringing that up turbogeit). Yes, I too am using ballast, and have it biased toward the rear a tad. The amount that will work well for you probably has to do with how much ballast your using, as well as your suspension set-up. Depending on your preferences, it may not help you at all. I really couldn't say for sure.

I'd weight reduced my car to begin with.... And IMO, it does seem to benefit by using ballast shifting toward the back. I tinkered with mine at different settings... and I wound up finding a bias that when I got it in the right position... it really helped to straighten out the car quicker coming out of a turn... But the wrong amount will cause undesirable amounts of wallow! (Or fish tailing, depending on your suspension.) And I'm still going back & forth trying to decide where it's absolutely best.
That said, I like a little bit of wallow & roll & pivot... because my driving (which is not expert!) likes the extra stability... say if I get on the throttle too early on a turn, or I'm a bit late in braking into a turn, it doesn't have to be a race ender.
Others' mileage may vary.

CC570 posted some settings to try on my profile page (if you click on my name you can see it). But I'm using something closer to the link posted on the OP.
It really heavily depends on how you want to drive it. There's lots of room for changing the handling to suit you at this hp/weight.

At any rate, one important thing about the suspension... Make sure you test the ride height on the Le Mans straight & coming down the bottom of the hill and that chicane on Monte Carlo... to make sure you're not bottoming out, if you're using sports suspension rock bottom settings. I have done NO testing with the sports suspension, if that's what you're going with, make sure you test it. And if you get any visible rumble, notch it up a tad. I know someone told me they were happy with the sports suspension, but they might be a much better driver than me... I'd recommend the fully adjustable, so you can adjust that toe angle.
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RE: Ballast
(this post is for you Aardvark. :P :D ;) J/K)

Thanks for the info. Been practising le mans and monaco today. I'm pretty happy with my setup for le mans (as you have seen!), but Monaco is a pain! I took your advice and weight reduced my car then added ballast. One thing I did find though that putting all the ballast to the very back really upsets the balance and I end up glancing the barriers. The 1.10 update seems to make the barriers slow you down even more than before so I moved the ballast forward a bit and tightened up the springs. This seemed to suit my driving style a bit better but I still can't get under that magical 2 minute mark.

Hope to get back on later tonight to practise Rome. Not even visited this since our practise last week!
There has been spoken here about dirt and rally.

What about the following. If Friday after the 3 races, I'm not too tired (will be about 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning here in Europe) and there are people in the lounge, would you be interested by an extra Tarmac Rally Special Stage? Two or three months ago for a WSCC event I have created a Tocana tarmac track with about 100 turns. In only did one lap on it, in the WSCC rally, so I do not know it any better than you. A 1 lap rally time trial (driver 1 starts a 10 sec, d2 at 20 sec, d3 at 30 sec, etc.) with that Spit could be interesting.
Unfortunately I won't be there Friday, but that sounds fun. I ran La Sarthe and Cote D'azure this morning with a few people, but I couldn't see anyone but Watermelon. I cleared my cache, so hopefully this won't be a problem in the future. I need to do some serious tuning and practicing with this car though!
Some photos from this morning's practice race at Le Mans:


Jujubean, frankygt-r, elginge, watermelonpunch


I had the lead toward the end of this race... and then I made a mistake & unsettled my car, and frankygt-r was right there & took right advantage of it, and came in 1st. :)

And I was particularly happy with the level of staying on track, no chicane cutting, no undesirable car contact, and everyone seemed to be very sensible on the 1st turns... No 1st corner drama here. 👍
(I think it's important to be ready for other people's missteps, to avoid having it effect everyone in a domino effect. And everyone seemed to be on their toes when the unexpected happened. Considering everyone was still working on the track, or still working on their set-up, I think it's a very good sign that we'll have some good racing! :) )

My best times
Le Mans track: 5:14
Monte Carlo: 2:03.3

So I haven't been able to bring my Monte Carlo time to 2:02 yet, let alone 2:00.
And I keep forgetting to note my best times on Rome. Probably because I've yet to make a really good lap on Rome.

:)I took your advice and weight reduced my car then added ballast. One thing I did find though that putting all the ballast to the very back really upsets the balance and I end up glancing the barriers.

Well I did say... :D
But the wrong amount will cause undesirable amounts of wallow! (Or fish tailing, depending on your suspension.)

It's a very delicate thing when you start using ballast for handling purposes. In this car, I really think it does more good than harm. But it's hard to give anyone advice about ballast, or specific numbers, when it depends upon so many other factors with suspension settings, LSD, original weight, driving style, skill level, etc.

But I do think the new ballast display is more helpful than it used to be!!

And shifting the ballast toward the front is probably a bad idea all around... unless you want to make a 180° turn at the 90° turn on Le mans. ;)

I ran La Sarthe and Cote D'azure this morning with a few people, but I couldn't see anyone but Watermelon. I cleared my cache, so hopefully this won't be a problem in the future. I need to do some serious tuning and practicing with this car though!

Yeah, I think we should all remember to clear our caches right before the race. I don't really know why or how, but I have heard it said on a number of occasions on this forum, that "invisible cars" and "black screen" are avoided by clearing the cache, regularly, and before any online race event. So I just do it often as a prophylactic.

And yes, I hope we get to organize more racing on various tracks in the future with the Spitfire.
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Just did a 1:59.883 on Monte Carlo.

Some advices:

- back springs should be soft and carry much weight in order to have grip.
- you shouldn't shift weight to the front, that means: no heavy breaking (not needed at that speed), front a little higher than back, heavy front springs (compared to back)
- in driving style: deliberately understeer in corner exit and correct with accelerator.
- needs "smooth" driving.
Just did a 1:59.883 on Monte Carlo.

:ouch: :scared: Stop scaring everyone!! :scared: :ouch:

(And by everyone I probably just mean me.)

:lol: :D :lol: LOL :lol: :D :lol:

I do the things you mentioned, and I'm still stuck at 2:03.3

You need to come to my lounge when I'm on and do a hot lap, so I can look & compare your sector times, and maybe save a replay.
After all, in the Low HP League race qualifying yesterday... My 1st sector time on CRI was a second faster than yours, and yet my overall best lap was almost 2 seconds slower.
So I want to see exactly where I'm losing the time on Monte Carlo in the Spit!!
Compared to Aardvark, I gain time on him in the 1st sector, and so I'm not behind his time until the last sector note, so apparently I'm lovely through the 1st sector, and then blow it the rest of the track.
Impossible today, because i must open my lounge for WSCC GT300 and GT500 in 15 minutes.

About yesterday: that's strange, because I had the impression I was fast in sector 1 and slow everywhere else (compared to the Beats). But perhaps I made an error in sector 1 on my fastest lap.
Its funny seeing those pics, since I didn't see them when I was racing. I am glad I didn't accidentally ram or punt anyone. I follow the OLR rules so well, I don't even hit the people who I can't see!

As for lap times: I don't know whether to be scared or just not care that I am at least 5 seconds off pace...

I am working on it though!
Its funny seeing those pics, since I didn't see them when I was racing. I am glad I didn't accidentally ram or punt anyone. I follow the OLR rules so well, I don't even hit the people who I can't see!

LOL Yeah I'm impressed you could've done so well not seeing the other cars! In the replay it sure looked like you could see the other cars... But maybe the other racers were just that good at avoiding contact.

I'm always staying aware of the other cars in front of me & around me. Because the last thing I want to happen is that I knock someone off the track, and have to lose 5 positions while I wait for the person I crashed to get back on track & in front of me. And that's exactly what I would do. It's the only sportsmanlike thing to do - because it means a heck of a lot more than sorrys & excuses later. And it's expected that's what one does, according to the GTP OLR rules.
And the non-participating steward (bender2011/miata_1) says that penalty assessment will be completely based on how the guilty party handles the situation on the track, as per GTP OLR contact concession.

At one point I went out of control through the Indianapolis L, and I know that caused someone to hard brake & lose control also. I think it was RDAardvark though... so I didn't feel too bad - he needs the practice in wreck-avoidance. ;)
But if that was the actual race, the non-participating steward stated that a penalty for me might have been advised, for improper re-entry onto the track, especially if RDAardvark had lodged a complaint. :eek:
So I plan to be on my best behaviour for the race. :D

As for lap times: I don't know whether to be scared or just not care that I am at least 5 seconds off pace...

No, you shouldn't be too concerned. On Cape Ring Inside, where turbogeit's lap time was 2 seconds better than mine, and better than everyone's best lap time... He came in last. ;)

So there's more to racing than just pure lap times!

And the truth of it is... I really only get better with racing... by actually racing. I can spend hours on a track by myself, but the real improvements come with actual race experience. So I don't see it as a waste to participate in races even if I'm convinced I'll come in last & out behind.

I have yet to even drive my Spitfire. I won, painted it in BRG, and haven't touched it since!

haha!! I feel a bit better now.
Though you have 2 days to work on it still. Some of us are racing tomorrow. :D
I wonder if the British Racing Green makes it go faster. ;)

I am interested in doing a race with the SpitFire.

Le Mans Green / Samba Green

If you have openings and I am up and moving in time as well you have space. I would be in.

I am interested in doing a race with the SpitFire.

Le Mans Green / Samba Green

If you have openings and I am up and moving in time as well you have space. I would be in.

Sure! Whichever race (event/time) you want to participate in... or both if you like! :D
Welcome aboard. :D
How frustrating. I only tested that car on Monaco, where there are no fast corners.

This car is absolutely undriveable.
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what a blast this was. Many thanks for organising it watermelon. Shame about the first race. hopefully see you Sunday.
How frustrating. I only tested that car on Monaco, where there are no fast corners.

This car is absolutely undriveable.

it is a beast to drive but don't give up because it is so enjoyable to drive when you get your setup right. I'll pm you my set up sometime Saturday.

WINNER - frankygt-r / aokiji85, in his black Spitfire!

Savvy Spitfire racer, well prepared for a 3 track sprint race line-up! :D

Championship Points:
1st Place : 75 - frankygt-r / aokiji85 / black
2nd Place : 66 - elginge / RDAardvark / red
3rd Place : 55 - jackargent / jackargent / delft blue
4th Place : 49 - turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow
5th Place : 37 - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green

Race Results

Race 1 - 3 laps @ (Le Mans) Circuit del la Sarthe 2009 (no chicanes)
1.) frankygt-r / aokiji85 / black (25 pts)
2.) elginge / RDAardvark / red (22 pts)
3.) jackargent / jackargent / delft blue (20 pts)
4.) turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow (17 pts)
watermelonpunch zero pts., not entered due to disconnection :embarrassed:(

Race 2 - 10 laps @ Rome
1.) frankygt-r / aokiji85 / black (25 pts)
2.) elginge / RDAardvark / red (22 pts)
3.) jackargent / jackargent / delft blue (20 pts)
4.) watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green (17 pts)
5.) turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow (15 pts)

Race 3 - 8 laps @ (Monte Carlo, Monaco) Cote D'Azur
1.) frankygt-r / aokiji85 / black (25 pts)
2.) elginge / RDAardvark / red (22 pts)
3.) watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia green (20 pts)
4.) turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow (17 pts)
5.) jackargent / jackargent / delft blue (15 pts)


elginge/RDAardvark (red) gives frankygt-r/aokiji85 (black) a run for his money, but in the end,
the Italian in the black British car takes the win in Rome!


jackargent & watermelonpunch/wat3rm370n battle for 3rd position right up to the finish line,
jackargent takes 3rd by 0.390 seconds!


starting grid at Monte Carlo:
frankygt-r/aokiji85 (black), elginge/RDAardvark (red), turbogeit (yellow),
watermelonpunch/wat3rm370n (salvia green), jackargent (delft blue)


up the hill on the 1st lap @ Monte Carlo


watermelonpunch/wat3rm370n (salvia green) eyes 3rd position when turbogeit (yellow)
smokes the tires on a turn at Monte Carlo


turbogeit (yellow) & jackargent (delft blue) vie to replace watermelonpunch/wat3rm370n (salvia green) in 3rd position


watermelonpunch/wat3rm370n (salvia green) smokes the tires
while trying to shake turbogeit (yellow) for 3 laps running

Exciting races for me! (The ones I was in at least!)
jackargent & I had a lot of trading passes on Rome... and turbogeit & I some on Monte Carlo.

And we finished in right around 2 hours total... despite my involuntary disconnection from PSN which held things up a tad! Sorry guys! I was so disappointed! And to miss the Le Mans race... of course, that I felt most prepared for! :rolleyes:
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that was fun! this car is great to drive becouse its like a good dog that can turn in a beast in a second, you cant be relaxed while driving this thing! hope to see a full lobbie the next time
that was fun! this car is great to drive becouse its like a good dog that can turn in a beast in a second, you cant be relaxed while driving this thing! hope to see a full lobbie the next time

Me too!
I hope to plan more race events with this car!

And I use that metaphor sometimes!! I was going to say your Spitfire had great obedience training. :)
Mine is not quite as well behaved.
But it doesn't need a choker chain like some cars I can think of... *cough*maxed out rm capp*cough*.
I think the Spitfire is definitely driveable. The only big problem is me driving it. :lol:
(Though it is really bad if it's maxed out and online on Trial Mountain. You'd just have to try it to see what I mean.)

The key is having a set-up that works for you, and then you work with it - constantly. :)

And it can be a lot of fun.

Who's up for a rain race next? :D Le Mans in the dark, raining?
Eiger Nordwand Short track weather change anyone? :)
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Brandon aka StigsHero has a left turn baby oval and I have a right turn baby oval. No doubt one of these. Prefer the lefty. Would be awesome!!!!
Brandon aka StigsHero has a left turn baby oval and I have a right turn baby oval. No doubt one of these. Prefer the lefty. Would be awesome!!!!

Oh my... I was kidding. :scared: I don't know that I'm ready for course creator weather tracks in the Spitfire. hahaha I don't know that I want someone's wet baby oval. Man that even sounds bizarre. LOL

I know no one would probably appreciate my Eifel track with multiple consecutive hinky off-camber turns. hahaha. I have a feeling weight transfer would be quite pronounced on that track.

But what the heck... I'll try anything. Do you & he have these online?
Thanks for all the photos watermelon. really good to see them on here.

Do you still want the cameraphone photos I took of the race results?

Was reading through both threads relating to this and realised my spit is only at stage 2 engine upgrade. Will have to make the 3rd stage and see what difference it makes.