1974 Triumph Spitfire 1500 - Friday WIN frankygt-r! - Sun official winner wat3rm370n

Ahh, I feel any prize should be given to IMZIZ.

Thanks, elginge - that's a truly kind thing to offer - but it's not one I am able to accept. We all agreed to the rules coming into the series, and anything short of this would not be fair. I'm happy that I had the chance to run this little car against other human drivers rather than the AI. That's the real prize, isn't it?

It was unfortunate he was disconnected as I was (and am sure he was) really enjoying the battle.

It really was a great battle. I was sloppy in the beginning and fast through the end. You made your way rather calmly and precisely through the first section, which made it impossible to lose you. I feel it would have been close all the way to the finish.
Thanks, elginge - that's a truly kind thing to offer - but it's not one I am able to accept. We all agreed to the rules coming into the series, and anything short of this would not be fair. I'm happy that I had the chance to run this little car against other human drivers rather than the AI. That's the real prize, isn't it?

Oh it is sooo much better racing against others, especially on such a level playing field.

It really was a great battle. I was sloppy in the beginning and fast through the end. You made your way rather calmly and precisely through the first section, which made it impossible to lose you. I feel it would have been close all the way to the finish.

To be fair, my setup MADE me drive calmly and precisely. One false move and it's hello spinning world, where am I going to stop? Not had the chance yet to reset everything to default and have a go at that.

Let's hope Watermelon can rerun this event at a later date. No prize is necessary as it is such a fun car to drive and the racing was so good.
One other thing I have to disclose is that I really did practise Rome Reverse. We had a practise race a few weeks ago, presumably when Watermelon was putting the idea of the event together. One of the tracks was Rome reverse. Guess that stuck and guess that's another reason I sucked at Rome!
Love all the photos you posted on here. To me it seemed that damage was switched off in Rome, yet CC's & Jujubean's cars both look beaten up.

Damage was completely off.
I carefully considered that decision, btw, taking into account the length of races, length of Le Mans, and the car involved.

But it seems that even with damage off... Though it doesn't give you damage that effects the car, it has an effect on the appearance of the car anyway!

Indeed in the photo you have of them side by side heading into the last corner, cc's car looks positively sad! I love that photo!

You mean this one?



The non-participating steward made the same comment about that photo. haha. I like the photo too... Though my purpose for showing it was to demonstrate what I was seeing, but what, unfortunately, not everybody saw!!!

In future, I think I will have a pre-race vision test for everyone. To make sure before the race starts, that everyone can see everyone else.
One more thing to consider when allotting time for an event.
Learn from experience!!
Next time will be even better I hope!

Thanks, elginge - that's a truly kind thing to offer - but it's not one I am able to accept. We all agreed to the rules coming into the series, and anything short of this would not be fair. I'm happy that I had the chance to run this little car against other human drivers rather than the AI. That's the real prize, isn't it?

That's absolutely true. I agree. I'm just glad that my disconnection problem in Friday's 1st race didn't prevent me from participating in the whole event.
And it's similar to what the non-participating steward said when I told him that I felt kind of embarrassed & undeserving of winning championship points. He has done Auto Cross in real life, and he said that's how championship points work, and if you miss a race, for whatever reason... well, that's racing. And that's why championship series are often more interesting than just a single race.
I came in last in Friday's event because of missing the 1st race, and I won Sunday's event because someone else missed the 1st race. Neither ideal situations, from my point of view.

But hopefully in future, we'll have more chance to race together... hopefully with no disconnects and no invisible cars!!
Because I think we have some really fun competitions with our groups who gathered for these races. :) All very fun, surprisingly clean in these cars... with varying strengths & weaknesses, making for some close & interesting battles.
In each event (Fri & Sun), at least one (if not 2) of the races were really really exciting for me.
I imagine IMZIZ caught the least of actual action in the races, but winning should at least compensate for that. ;)
I imagine it was interesting to be IMZIZ in the lead, but seeing the leaderboard positions going wild behind him at Rome. haha
IMZIZ, did you take notice of that at all? I would've thought it perhaps hard not to notice. haha.

To be fair, my setup MADE me drive calmly and precisely. One false move and it's hello spinning world, where am I going to stop? Not had the chance yet to reset everything to default and have a go at that.

Yeah, seriously, that's the problem I had with your set-up. The tipping point was too extreme when I tried it. It seemed like your set-up allowed for more pushing it farther, before the tipping point... But the tipping point was such that if you did manage to push it too far, it was drastic results!
I went the route of choosing a more forgiving set-up. Because that's definitely what I need to be consistent, as I'm not very consistent at being error free... I PLAN on making mistakes, and work on having a set-up & method for dealing with it when I do make them. Because I do always make mistakes!!

One other thing I have to disclose is that I really did practise Rome Reverse. We had a practise race a few weeks ago, presumably when Watermelon was putting the idea of the event together. One of the tracks was Rome reverse. Guess that stuck and guess that's another reason I sucked at Rome!

haha... But you said that on Friday... and you did pretty well on Friday. You were pretty close racing with the amazing frank/AOK!! I thought maybe you were hustling us saying you'd practiced Rome Reverse. haha. (Though yes, I think it was Reverse we had tested the cars on originally, and I think my idea was to use that same track, but I didn't remember that it was Reverse that we'd been on, until after I'd settled the organizing & posted the event... and started practicing myself.)
On Friday at Rome... I had 2 major spin-out crashes.
The Rome track is just wild. It's like being on articulated rollerskates. hahaha.
To be honest, I stuck Rome there in the middle as a sort of "fun" wild card, sandwiched between 2 more "serious" tracks. :D

No prize is necessary as it is such a fun car to drive and the racing was so good.

I think prizes are fun. Even if they are "token" prizes. That's why I'm giving prizes. :) It's like the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae. (I'm partial to those cherries! haha.)
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