2+2 Coupes Tigra & SERA @ Toscana Tarmac - Congrats snowgt & Phouchg!

Will be in lounge today for awhile now for time progression testing & practice.

I'm also making carrot cake
today. :lol: So I might be AFK at times. Feel free to join, just don't reset the track. 👍

I've decided to go with Lavender & Silver Fox :sly:
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Carrot cake :drool: I hope you're inviting us all for a taste later..


I would!

You understand it though. why I'm eating
carrot cake this week? 💡 :sly:

I'm hoping it will help the night driving. :lol: ha ha ha ha ha

Speaking of which, the less putzing around people do between races, the less dark we will drive in race #3. :lol: :odd: So it will behoove us elders to not dilly dally between races. ha ha
(A bit embarrassed I didn't get the carrot joke before you explained it.. :P)

I will dilly dally a lot then since I seemed to fair much better than you in the dark. :P
Well I won't steal that idea from Tongo... though I didn't see that particular chip in my collection anyway.
But yeah, they don't always look like the preview, and much more... sometimes I have a colour that looks great on some cars, and lousy on others.
Like one of my favourites is Galaxy White Pearl. But it only seems to look good on angular vintage cars. I don't know why.

This is what it looks like 👍

And my Sera:
My Sera is in the chrome colour that Jack sent it to me (GT chrome 003-W)....and the Tigra is in British Racing Green.
Nice suit Watermelon 👍.

Reminds Fiona Leggate sorta. Reverse of her in this pic but she had a red suit somewhere :P.




Watermelon Astra!

OT but I seen similarities! :lol:
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Your helmet changed from pink to red in those :odd:.

Also cause the car is a Vauxhall I deem my previous post to be on topic :sly:.
Your helmet changed from pink to red in those :odd:

Yes, that is curious. It's the lighting, because it otherwise looks the same. And besides, I'm pretty sure I haven't changed the helmet or the suit since I first chose them ages & ages ago. Must be the lighting at Mt. Aso perhaps?

Also cause the car is a Vauxhall I deem my previous post to be on topic :sly:.
:lol: Clever!

Yeah we don't fuss much about that here, as many will notice. :guilty: :lol:

Now of course I'm wondering if I should match my suit & helmet to my Lavender car... Not sure if I have appropriate garb in my suit & helmet inventory though.

/ end total geek out (for now :sly:)
Mystery solved. Somehow my helmet got switched. :boggled: I do indeed have 2 of the otherwise same helmet - one in pink and one in red stripe.

I won an even better helmet breaking in a car in a bspec seasonal yesterday, so I'm going to be using that now. :D

I've also re-painted my cars YET AGAIN to red & green. :guilty:
I don't remember the exact names of all the reds & greens, because I again went through about 20 paint chips. I think the red on my SERA is Japanrot. Otherwise, no clue. And it doesn't tell you ever again what paint is on your wheels, does it? I don't see any way to see that...
I did however see that Magmarot paint chip and oooh, that's a really nice red!! ^^

We still have more room for sign-ups today and Thursday... so invite your friends!! :D
Ah so you went with Fiona's Vauxhall colours ;).

Also when you guys (And boss lady :P) get back how'd the races go? :)
Tuesday Results

  1. goldtrophy.gif
    snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Zypressengrün / Black (18pts)
  2. silvertrophy.gif
    AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Flame Red & Noir Nacre Dore / Electric Orange & Brilliant Black (15pts)
  3. bronzetrophy.gif
    watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / red & green / red & green (11pts)
  4. tezgm99 / tezgm99 / British Racing Green / GT chrome 003-W (10pts)
  5. jackargent / jackargent / Neptun-Grun & Pasadoble Red / Neptun-Grun & Pasadoble Red (6pts)
  6. ryzno / ryzno / Silver Chrome / black (3pts)
Race #1
  1. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Zypressengrün
  2. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Flame Red & Noir Nacre Dore
  3. tezgm99 / tezgm99 / British Racing Green
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / red & green
  5. jackargent / jackargent / Neptun-Grun & Pasadoble Red
  6. ryzno / ryzno / Silver Chrome
Race #2
  1. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Black
  2. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Electric Orange & Brilliant Black
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / red & green
  4. tezgm99 / tezgm99 / GT chrome 003-W
  5. jackargent / jackargent / Neptun-Grun & Pasadoble Red
  6. ryzno / ryzno / Silver Chrome
Race #3
  1. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Zypressengrün
  2. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Flame Red & Noir Nacre Dore
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / red & green
  4. tezgm99 / tezgm99 / British Racing Gree
  5. jackargent / jackargent / Neptun-Grun & Pasadoble Red
  6. ryzno / ryzno / black
Race #2






snowgt & ryzno apparently heard a rumour about extra points for killing roadside spectators :dopey:




tez's gt chrome SERA, followed by ryzno's silver chrome tigra







snowgt considering mowing down the bystanders again :lol:
Seems an awfully stupid place for those people to stand! :crazy:


Race #3











Seems like you places pretty much the same no matter what cars you had. :P Also seems like you hit the darkness pretty perfectly.. not too dark. ^^
Seems like you places pretty much the same no matter what cars you had. :P Also seems like you hit the darkness pretty perfectly.. not too dark. ^^

Turned out that the Tigra isn't really slower on this track. It's very stable in fast corners and understeers a bit less than the Sera, so you can gain back through the corners what you lose on the straight.

I think mid 2:08's are the benchmark in both cars. Won't be there on Thursday though.
Yes I would say these cars are much closer than I'd even expected on this track.
Though I will say that in the SERA (they in Tigra) I was able to stay ahead, and sometimes get ahead, and at least stay with for awhile, snowgt & Audiman2011, because the SERA had more to give me on uphills & on the straight.
Also seems like you hit the darkness pretty perfectly.. not too dark. ^^
I really hustled it between races. :sly: There were only 6 drivers, so it was easy not to dilly dally. We finished up about 15 minutes early. Probably won't have the same luxury Thursday. :nervous: I build in "dilly dally time" when I plan the schedule, to allow for a few minutes late start, and extra time qualifying than I think, and to allow for if people need the bathroom between races, to make sure to stay within the scheduled duration. Usually the more drivers involved, the more dilly dally time gets used up.

I think the races were pretty exciting. But I think tez was left lonely in the middle too much. But on the other hand, he was close enough behind me that if I made a large error, or a few small errors, later in the race, he may have gained my position.

Still, I think these races work best with 8+ cars on track. (more mixing) So hopefully we'll get that Thursday. 👍 (Tell your friends! :))
I think the races were pretty exciting. But I think tez was left lonely in the middle too much. But on the other hand, he was close enough behind me that if I made a large error, or a few small errors, later in the race, he may have gained my position.

I think with more track time, I would have been closer to you, melon. That's my fault for not practicing on it so no biggie.
I think with more track time, I would have been closer to you, melon. That's my fault for not practicing on it so no biggie.

Well my luck then. :lol: If you'd had practice & it got any darker... :nervous:


Looking forward to the Thursday edition. :)
Still room for more, so pester your friends to join us. :)
Be there in a little bit.
Edit: just realized its at 4pm:dunce:
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I think I forgot to send my cars to my GTP so may be racing on my main :P.
Can you ask Cobrius to leave and come back.. It's giving me incompatibility with the host message.. Had it 3 times now.

Edit: Thanks didn't need to message on PSN, sorry.
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