2.4 million copies in 4 days, GT5 sales archives its sales objectives (Kotaku jp)

  • Thread starter Akira AC
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Nascar series itself wasn't selling too hot either which is why EA doesn't care for the Nascar licenses anymore. It's seem Americans are more into shooting than racing.

As an American, I would never buy a NASCAR game as I find that kind of 'racing' to be the most boring form of entertainment imaginable. So it's not that Americans are more into shooters than racing games, it's just that we are more into exciting activities than snore-inducing ones.
6 of my friends purchased gt5, all of my friends are absolute car nuts. 4 of those friends have now returned it. I was hoping to be able to sell my second copy to one of them. Im holding onto it as it has alot of potential with a great physics engine and alot of cars. And kaz has said it will evolve over the coming year or so. So im atleast along for the ride, even if I am incredibly disappointed.
6 of my friends purchased gt5, all of my friends are absolute car nuts. 4 of those friends have now returned it. I was hoping to be able to sell my second copy to one of them. Im holding onto it as it has alot of potential with a great physics engine and alot of cars. And kaz has said it will evolve over the coming year or so. So im atleast along for the ride, even if I am incredibly disappointed.

4 of those friends aren't real car nuts then! :)
wait black ops is considered a garbage game? Have any of you actually played it? It's very well programmed and extremely fun. Not nearly as many bugs as GT5 and it was made at fraction of the cost and time as GT5.

can't believe someone actually called COD garbage when 90% of people playing GT5 are disappointed.

90% people are dissappointed? Where did you get this number? Give me a break this forum is less then 1% of people playing the game, you need to get out of dream land. 90% of stats online are made up 75% of the time..............

And YEs, the whole COD series is trash, same game every year, same linear game with no physics, brain dead AI, trigger points and endless spawning enemies before the next trigger is hit. moronic outdated design COD 1 had in 2000. Any other game gets blasted by critics for charging 60 a year for the same outdated gameplay design. popularity does not mean quality see the wii, britney spears, Avatar................................

As for bugs? Gt5 is not very buggy, MW2 and Black ops have many did you play it or just are blind? just check their forums.
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As has been sad before you can't draw much info from sales numbers... I mean look at pop music and where the sales numbers are... do you know how many tickets got sold to Twighlight movies?

And in the case of GT5 I would say sales numbers show how well the hype sold... which was very well... even today we still have people who are just finding out about standard cars, missing damage and the bevy of other issues...

As I said before, Madden could release absolute garbage and it would be two or three years before the sales numbers dropped dramatically...

It's interesting, what I see from that video is that the AI in Forza seems more animated or dynamic somehow and that in GT it seems to be the standard "tube of cars" sort of driving... the two times the car crashed in Forza was a situation where they came two wide and the car on the left was in a bad spot, you could almost imagine the drivers face going "Crap we gotta split this idiot sitting in the middel of the track, he's going one way, I will go the other... oh crap, that's too tight, I gotta correct, gotta, gotta... oh CRAP!".

That said I rarely find these sitting still cars videos any good... what I am interested in is things like first corner pileups... I have seen collections of million Cr plus cars all smash into each other on the first tight corner of a track over and over like no ones business... I am also interested in how they respond to dynamic situatinos like a packed corner when someone spins out... all too often I end up with people drving through me when the obvious thing to do is to STOP accelerating hard, slow down a bit and drive around... but no...

That's the kind of AI that interests me...

Big diff between a hardcore sim then madden, twilight.................. Thats what makes Gt sales so unique.
First week sales numbers were bound to be big, GT5 can survive on hype alone for that, and pre-orders. What will be interesting, is considering it's lukewarm reception nearly everywhere, how much steam it has in the long run. Say, six months to a year from now.

People are toeing the line in here, I'd hope they can take a step back with the "retarded" comments and text speak.

Since when is 87% critic score luke warm? LMAo, the rating system for games is utterly broken, there is NO pro reviews of games right now. A movie rarely gets above 80 average, and half way decent game gets 9's, its retarded.
Part of the problem with racers such as GT and Forza is that many Americans aren't set up to handle a long, involved racing experience. We either have families or short attention spans. Or both. GT5 in particular is a challenge to get through quickly, to say the least.

I spent an hour trying to pass the I-A 10 powerslide nightmare test. Most Americans would rather accomplish more than one thing in that hour, unless it was an endurance race. We hate grinding. But in GT5 more than any other Gran Turismo, you have to spend hours grinding to get money and experience because the economy is so utterly stingy. I know people didn't want GT5 to be easy, but, holy hadrons...

Americans are moronic as it is, no one can tell em the 360 is a better system, Ps3 has much better hardware (Well built), features, and 4 times as many exclusive,s yet everywhere in the world PS3 outsells 360, but americans, for some reason think 299 on a xbox is a better deal then 299 on a more feature rich PS3 with bluray and more varied unique exclusives. I own a PS3, 360, gaming PC. All Amercians care about IS COD, Madden. Alan wake sold poorly, if it were on PS3 it would have sold better like Heavy rain did.
lets not make this a anti CoD topic...
And personally vgchartz is known for taking them out the dark hole every one of you have

last i heard it was like 600k in japan (where the game always does the worse at)

Americans are moronic as it is, no one can tell em the 360 is a better system, Ps3 has much better hadware, features, and 4 times as many exclusive,s yet everywhere in the world PS3 outsells 360, but americans, for some reason think 299 on a xbox is a better deal then 299 on a more feature rich PS3. I own a PS3, 360, gaming PC.


Most people I know have a ps3 and a 360 and all prefer the ps3
just most of the single console (aka fanboys) say that the 360 is the better system this gen (which the original xbox was the better system last gen)

Me i have a ps3 and $1200 gaming PC I built last year

but regardless this also isn't a console war forum.... keep it to GT5 lol
lets not make this a anti CoD topic...
And personally vgchartz is known for taking them out the dark hole every one of you have

last i heard it was like 600k in japan (where the game always does the worse at)

True, VGCHARTZ is not a good site nor is it accurate.
Nascar series itself wasn't selling too hot either which is why EA doesn't care for the Nascar licenses anymore. It's seem Americans are more into shooting than racing.

yeah since they all own a gun anyways, let's shoot up everyone online and as soon as the wife cheats on them they know how to kill 30 people in a few minutes.

I guess "clean racing" is just not violent enough for the typical trigger-finger American.
lets not make this a anti CoD topic...
And personally vgchartz is known for taking them out the dark hole every one of you have

last i heard it was like 600k in japan (where the game always does the worse at)


Most people I know have a ps3 and a 360 and all prefer the ps3
just most of the single console (aka fanboys) say that the 360 is the better system this gen (which the original xbox was the better system last gen)

Me i have a ps3 and $1200 gaming PC I built last year

but regardless this also isn't a console war forum.... keep it to GT5 lol

Xbox was not even close to the PS2, Ps2 had 10 times as many top rated games, even though it was a bit older, Ps2 graphics still were close to the newer xbox as well. it all comes down to the games............ Sales wise the ps2 destroyed the xbox even in the US where Ms is usually stronger.
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Xbox was not even close to the PS2, Ps2 had 10 times as many top rated games, even though it was a bit older, Ps2 graphics still were close to the newer xbox as well. it all comes down to the games............

You refer to the original xbox? not 360, because the "multi" games look better in 360 than the PS3, and even better in PC (exept FIFA 2010)
Xbox was not even close to the PS2, Ps2 had 10 times as many top rated games, even though it was a bit older, Ps2 graphics still were close to the newer xbox as well. it all comes down to the games............ Sales wise the ps2 destroyed the xbox even in the US where Ms is usually stronger.

I'll disagree xbox had better hardware and people actually playing online lol...

But not gonna argue my point you can have your own opinions

personally i think the gamecube crushed both of them with better games and hardware even though it had no online
You refer to the original xbox? not 360, because the "multi" games look better in 360 than the PS3, and even better in PC (exept FIFA 2010)

WRONG, this is not 2007, 95% of games there is no difference, there are a couple (Bayonetta, Mafia), there are some that look better on PS3 (FF13, batman, Dragon Age), the ps3 exclusives look better then anything on 360. Xbox gamers are still saying this, yet this is really no longer the case, with a few exceptions that go both ways. I own a 360, the difference is not there at all, and when it is its slight, and it works both ways.
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I'll disagree xbox had better hardware and people actually playing online lol...

But not gonna argue my point you can have your own opinions

personally i think the gamecube crushed both of them with better games and hardware even though it had no online

Gamecube? LMAo, no. Games, ps2 had them and there is a reason it dominated sales. PS2 had online as well, just not as streamlined.

Xbox came out seveal years after, yet games like god of War rivalled anything on the original xbox.
I love the GT series more than any other game. But people that call CoD series garbage have to think a little.
The first time i played CoD 1 at the PC i was amazed, and then i played CoD MW 1 and it was really good, like the MW 2. The game is very fun and that's the point of a game, having fun.

But sorry CoD or any other game, when my GT5 arrives, anything else will be put at my PS3 !
Gamecube? LMAo, no. Games, ps2 had them and there is a reason it dominated sales. PS2 had online as well, just not as streamlined.

Xbox came out seveal years after, yet games like god of War rivalled anything on the original xbox.

No games on gamecube? (oly games i played)
Zelda (not the crappy wind waker Twilight Princess)
Brawl (not a fan but meh)
Baiten Kaitos
Animal Crossing
Paper mario
Beyond Good and evil
f Zero
Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil 4 (till Sony cried)
And a $60 attachment that people only bought for FF11 to then return... is not something to be proud of
sorry I'm not including "attachments" otherwise GC has it as well with a damned good game (PSO)
No games on gamecube? (oly games i played)
Zelda (not the crappy wind waker Twilight Princess)
Brawl (not a fan but meh)
Baiten Kaitos
Animal Crossing
Paper mario
Beyond Good and evil
f Zero
Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil 4 (till Sony cried)

I didnt say no games, I said, no, Games the Ps2 had. Gamecube had some, but Ps2 had 5 times as many, there is a reason gamecube got dominated in sales, and lost a lot of third party exclusives. That list is very small and only proves the point. No one sane can argue gamecube had near as many games, that was the main criticism of the cube.
I didnt say no games, I said, no, Games the Ps2 had. Gamecube had some, but Ps2 had 5 times as many, there is a reason gamecube got dominated in sales, and lost a lot of third party exclusives. That list is very small and only proves the point. No one sane can argue gamecube had near as many games, that was the main criticism of the cube.

No they didn't to all accounts and my list is small due to i only listed games i personally played

And bringing in sales figures is a bad thing to do when you're repping ps3 mate... as it's always in last place

1. Wii – 75.90 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
2. Xbox 360 – 44.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
3. PlayStation 3 – 41.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
No they didn't to all accounts and my list is small due to i only listed games i personally played

And bringing in sales figures is a bad thing to do when you're repping ps3 mate... as it's always in last place

1. Wii – 75.90 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
2. Xbox 360 – 44.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
3. PlayStation 3 – 41.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]

Can u read, talking about Ps2, versus gamecube. As for last place? Ps3 launched 1 year late and 1.5 in europe, and is catching weekly on 360....... it sold faster then 360. Again, talking PS2 and gamecube, Ps3 had nothing to do with that.

The gamecube had a lot less games thats a fact, N lost a lot of third party support with gamecube, thus ps2 destroyed it, fact.
Can u read, talking about Ps2, versus gamecube. As for last place? Ps3 launched 1 year late and 1.5 in europe, and is catching weekly on 360....... it sold faster then 360. Again, talking PS2 and gamecube, Ps3 had nothing to do with that.

The gamecube had a lot less games thats a fact, N lost a lot of third party support with gamecube, thus ps2 destroyed it, fact.

i still disagree GC still had better quality games Fact
i still disagree GC still had better quality games Fact

Yet its not, a quick check at gamerankings will prove you wrong, Ps2 had 4-5 times as many 9 and above rated games. Gamecube had some great games, just not enough, ps2 had way more like God of War, Shadows of colussus, Ratchet and Clank, Resident Evil, ico, Final Fantasy, gran turismo, Grand theft auto was a OPs2 exclusive for over a year and never on gamecube, Metal gear, Black, persona Silent Hill, Devil may Cry, Twisted metal, Kingdom Hearts and on and on and on. you can disagree all you want, gamecube library was the single biggest criticism of the system and why nintendo for years languished way behind sony. Ps2 had the most varied, unique lineup of all consoles, it is the biggest selling console of all time for a reason.
i still disagree GC still had better quality games Fact

...are you saying the GC had better quality games, yet you only owned 11 of them? Even I managed 33, but then... I have 90 on the PS2 so I suppose overall that would be my console of choice.
90% people are dissappointed? Where did you get this number? Give me a break this forum is less then 1% of people playing the game, you need to get out of dream land. 90% of stats online are made up 75% of the time..............

And YEs, the whole COD series is trash, same game every year, same linear game with no physics, brain dead AI, trigger points and endless spawning enemies before the next trigger is hit. moronic outdated design COD 1 had in 2000. Any other game gets blasted by critics for charging 60 a year for the same outdated gameplay design. popularity does not mean quality see the wii, britney spears, Avatar................................

As for bugs? Gt5 is not very buggy, MW2 and Black ops have many did you play it or just are blind? just check their forums.

90% is the 9/10 threads in this forum which are disappointments. I hate shooting games and COD is fun for me. Who wants realism in a shooting game? You get shot once and that's it? game is over? You talk about brain dead AI in defending GT5? Realllyyyy?

As for popularity goes let me tell you one thing. If lady gaga sold 10,000 albums she would be crowned the best underground artist. Now that she sells millions she's considered mainstream and crap.

Same for COD or GT5. They are both amazing games and if they weren't as popular, no one would criticize them; peopoe would actually praise them. Check out LFS, Rfactor, or Iracing. These games have ****** graphics, a dozen cars, but good physics. No one outside of the sim racing world knows about them therefore they are praised. If Rfactor sold 2.4 copies you bet your ass there would be more complaints about it than gt5.
Good sales, they can sell a couple million more in the years end. The game is doing great. This should give PD a lot more funding to maybe outsource more things. Maybe next game in 2-3 years, we will get 1,200 premium cars or above. Now that they got the infrastructure down, they can move on to just modeling and such. They already are in the green for production costs for the next years (easily 3+), we don't have to worry about them doing side projects. Or so I don't think. We don't need GT6:P or anything of that sort. Hope they concentrate 100% on the next game and DLC of all kinds for this game.
You refer to the original xbox? not 360, because the "multi" games look better in 360 than the PS3, and even better in PC (exept FIFA 2010)

Do you know why that is? i do. Google it. Just a note, its not due to the xbox being more powerful that's for sure.
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No they didn't to all accounts and my list is small due to i only listed games i personally played

And bringing in sales figures is a bad thing to do when you're repping ps3 mate... as it's always in last place

1. Wii – 75.90 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
2. Xbox 360 – 44.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]
3. PlayStation 3 – 41.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)[update]

If you are also going to use numbers it might help having the console release dates as well
xbox 360
November 22, 2005
November 11, 2006
November 19, 2006
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