2 minutes 32 seconds!

  • Thread starter gibson
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i just put down a 2 minute 32 second lap time in that volvo on seatel cerctu, is this good? i think it is fro a newbie drifter in a stock '88 volvo
This isn't looking much like a race report, you know, a report of a race.

I would suggest you take more care, and time, before you create a new topic. Don't create one just because you can. Think if you should create one.

Also, I suggest you read the AUP. One of the points it contains is...
Acceptable Use Policy
No slang words that promote laziness, ie; "r", "u", "plz", etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums.

Follow this advice and enjoy your stay at GTP.
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