- 40,920
This likely isn't the correct forum to post this, but I'm not sure where I should put it otherwise.
So I have some videos that need very light editing work, but I'm not sure if I can do them without reencoding them. There are two different problems that I want to solve.
So I have some videos that need very light editing work, but I'm not sure if I can do them without reencoding them. There are two different problems that I want to solve.
- Some of the videos have audio that is off. Only a half-second or so, but off nonetheless. I was wondering if there was any way to make it so the audio lines up correctly with the video easily. I'd imagine that I wouldn't even need video editing software to do this, because I'm pretty sure I could simply split the audio and edit it separately and then join the two back up. However, I was wondering what the best way to fix it would actually be.
- The other video is simply something I'm removing bits from to get rid of some parts that I don't want. Now, I'm not sure whether it is accurate or not, but I was under the impression that you should be able to do subtractive editing to a video and not have to reencode it. Is that true?