200% bonus after saving endurance race?

  • Thread starter TonyLomas
If I start a long endurance race and save part way through a few times over a period of days, does anyone know if I'd still get the 200% bonus at the end?
I know when I've saved championship races, I've not got the 10 paints/museum cards if I've not gone back to the main screen for a day.
If this is the same with the mid race endurance saves, then you could only get the 200% bonus if you do a 24hr race within 48 hours (assuming you start just after midnight). I wonder if that's the whole point, so that people who do really do an endurance session would get a bigger payout.
Has anyone tried this yet?
At the moment there have not been enough days to test this out.
Some one would have to agree not to ever load GT5 for a hole day after starting an endurance event. They would be risking there 200% bonus unless they used a secondary account.

Logic would state that you would need to play the game for....

a pit stop to another pit stop session.

Each day to still have the 200% at the end.
( That is unless GT5 stores the reward level in the save start. )
As you still login to the GT5 servers when you load the game ( at the black GT5 screen ) for the endurance race.