I have to agree with alot of what Ford has done, the production car is alot safer than the concept would be driving, you even said about the little side windows, that if they arn't there they cause a blind spot, and yet you think they shouldn't be there (edit:maybe I've missunderstood you on that one, let me know if I have). If a cyclist was knocked over because the driver couldn't see him due to tghe unneccessary blind spot, do you think he'd be happy about the cars design. Saftey is a big and important part of car design, the reason a concept looks better in general is because it's only there to gauge public reaction, so the better the concept, the more press, the more free advertising of the car and then wham, out comes the production model and everyone knows about it. If th concept is dull and boring it gets almost no press and people don't bat an eyelid.