2005_2007 F1 Track Skins for 2005/2007 Custom Championships

2005_2007 F1 Track Skins for 2005/2007 Custom ChampionshipsTracks  1.2

Apocalypse211 submitted a new resource:

2005_2007 F1 Track Skins for 2005/2007 Custom Championships - F1 2005 and 2007 track skins

These ads are a combination for both 2005 and 2007 and genuine used sponsors that were used in those races. All modern ads, all Rolex clocks and DRS signs have been completely removed from each and every track. 2007 was the last year with tobacco sponsors and China 2007 was actually the last race that had them.

I designed these for my 2005 and 2007 VRC championships (with 20 lap races and mandatory pitstops). I played them a while with modern ads but eventually it felt just as genuine as a...

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