2010 GTP Automotive Calendar - Discussion(Updated) Submission End Date: November 9th

  • Thread starter LongbowX
Second SLR better than the first.

I knew you would say that. I knew if I just posted the first, I would be chastised by you because of the detail lost in the dark areas - even though I do like the first better.

One point on the polling: I suggest that in the event of a tie between two images, the creator gets to decide which of the tied leaders is selected.


I think the tie breaker is a good idea 👍.

Yeah that makes sense, I'd agree with that. Makes it more fair on the creators behalf.

That's what we were planning to do. Me and 80Y have been discussing things behind the scenes, and that was one of the things. The creator gets to break the tie. We also considered giving them even more authority, of being able to override the poll if they strongly disagree. Though why make it one of the choices, if you don't actually want it in the calendar. :sly:

As I said my picture will be up within the next couple of days!! I promise, although I might need some feedback on some of my Santa Pod pictures to see if any of them are particularly good.

I hope so, try to submit it before Monday, that is our tentative closing date.

Thanks mate, I will add it in next week,I'm on the road for a few days so i've only got access on my mobile till i get home. :cheers:

If you can't get on and submit it here larger before we put the poll up, I will put it in anyway (though with the smaller Auto Comp size.)
I know I'm not in on this but Longbow I think the first SLR looks better than the second. The second seems too sharp and harsh with the lighting were as the first flows around the car. If you could bring out the details in the wheels on the first so it matches the detail in the second I think it would be perfect.
I know I'm not in on this but Longbow I think the first SLR looks better than the second. The second seems too sharp and harsh with the lighting were as the first flows around the car. If you could bring out the details in the wheels on the first so it matches the detail in the second I think it would be perfect.

I still appreciate your opinion even if you're not in it, you know. ^^

That's what I thought too. I hope I will be able to replicate it. I'm not just not exactly sure how - the original wasn't done with Photoshop. I will do my best though. However, bringing out the detail in the wheels will probably look unnatural. Maybe. We'll see.
Oh Noes LongbowX!

No leaping Jaguar?

That was an awesome shot! :(

I think I have gathered some of mine - but I simply can't narrow it down - I can't choose.
Oh Noes LongbowX!

No leaping Jaguar?

That was an awesome shot! :(

I think I have gathered some of mine - but I simply can't narrow it down - I can't choose.

I suppose I could put that one in, I don't think it's all that great a shot myself. ^^; I'll put it in tomorrow.

I've had trouble deciding too. I went with shots I knew were high quality and weren't terribly wide shots. There were many others I could have included. Thought about a 60s Vette and a vertical shot of Porsche ALMS car, but I'm happy with these ones. I hope other people will be too.
I've sorted out some of my shots, these are the ones I'm thinking about. Although if anyone likes a different shot of mine, not featured in this post, then please feel free to tell me. I hate deciding for stuff like this and always seem to pick the wrong photos so I don't mind being told about other shots you think are worthy for the calendar.

Some of my considered shots (mostly Fiat 500s!) The portrait ones will be cropped and all of them will be edited slightly, these are just standard images;






Speedster - this one:

Though whether it's too similar to my own single seater image I'm not sure! I've now added a little vignetting, so I'll see which people prefer:



@Moglet: Can you get some more of yours up? I'm pretty sure you've taken some better photos than those before... a couple I really enjoyed from the 500 Fun Run thread you made a while back:





I prefer all of those to the ones you posted above! The old guy in the original 500 is my favourite - I reckon if you knocked up the contrast on that a bit and maybe the saturation too and it'd be a cracker.
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I've now added a little vignetting, so I'll see which people prefer:



I think the one with the vignetting is a bit more, however it really brings out the silver car in the background too. So I'm not sure about that. Though, it's always possible to PS that car out. ^^;

@Moglet: Can you get some more of yours up? I'm pretty sure you've taken some better photos than those before... a couple I really enjoyed from the 500 Fun Run thread you made a while back:

I agree, you have some amazing shots in your gallery, these are some of my favourites from it:



However, if you don't want to use any of these, or hfs's suggestions, it's quite alright. ^^ It's up to you. Out of the ones you've posted, I like the last one the best.
I was going to add those as they were already hosted (the ones I posted were new) but you guys got here before me it seems :lol:
I think the one with the vignetting is a bit more, however it really brings out the silver car in the background too. So I'm not sure about that. Though, it's always possible to PS that car out. ^^;

If someone wants to offer to do that for me that'd be great - I don't have the skills nor the patience to do too good a job with it! Also, that's probably something that can wait until people have decided which shots of mine they like the best anyway.
I am going to clean up some parts on the shot I posted up.

If you so insist. ^^ If I may, can I put in a personal request for an image for the poll? I would really like to see one of the Sagaris V8 GT shots from your DA (or one I haven't seen). I really love those ones, the colours are brilliant.

If someone wants to offer to do that for me that'd be great - I don't have the skills nor the patience to do too good a job with it! Also, that's probably something that can wait until people have decided which shots of mine they like the best anyway.

I'll do it, I don't think it should be too difficult - it's in the background and blurred anyway. And you're right, I would only do it later, once I have the full size shot available. Unless someone else with more skill wants to offer to do it? ^^
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WOW, Moglet - the Lambo wheel is really striking! Do want! The 500 Badge is also awesome.


Guys - when we vote for which shots we'd like in the mother of all polls, would it be a good idea to only choose one of every car? Thats not to say that people aren't allowed to put up shots with the same cars as everyone else, I'm just asking should we consider the subject car when we vote? I don't really want (as an example) 5 months showing an R8.

My shots to come shortly - when I decide how to narrow it down from about 12.
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Following what I said on your gallery, the LP640 is the winner for me.

The F40 is good, but I don't like the HDR so much.
It's not HDR. :confused: I just brightened up the colors because they're very dull in the original photos.

:dunce: My bad - the blue reflections looked a bit like HDR at first glance - I'm sorry. On a side note - did you get any shots of the F40 without those insurance happy attachable bumpers?
Arrrgg - couldn't choose.

Here are my efforts - if you think I have missed something, by all means tell us.

I've loved the blue Porsche image ever since I first saw it, that's the one I'd want in the calendar.

Cheers 👍

I put it up because I knew a few people really liked it.

I'd go for the line of Porsches, or the two drift cars myself. I mean the blue one's alright, and it turned out how I wanted it - but I've never really understood why it is so favoured amongst you guys :P.

EDIT: With the blue Porker - there are some specs on the bonnet. They aren't dead pixles on the DSLR (only got one and I know where it is) but they look like it, so I shall clean them off for the final version - unless people think otherwise.
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WOW, Moglet - the Lambo wheel is really striking! Do want! The 500 Badge is also awesome.

Yeah I know, eh. ^^


Guys - when we vote for which shots we'd like in the mother of all polls, would it be a good idea to only choose one of every car? Thats not to say that people aren't allowed to put up shots with the same cars as everyone else, I'm just asking should we consider the subject car when we vote? I don't really want (as an example) 5 months showing an R8.

It makes sense of course. But...people will choose their favourites which may include the same. I don't mind the same, I mean the calendar is going to used over a year, so it will likely be months in between the same car - if two are indeed picked. But I think peoples selections are diverse enough to not have that happen. Asking people to keep track of the votes isn't right, because then people aren't really voting just based on their favourites, which will skew the results. If anyone feels strongly enough that their image shouldn't be the same vehicle as someone else - they can ask for it to be the next runner up. But only the artists are allowed to decide this.

The poll will probably done around 03:00 GMT tomorrow. Maybe later, as it'll take a while.

Considering these 5:

Really leaning towards the F40 w/ the R8 & LP640 behind it.

Following what I said on your gallery, the LP640 is the winner for me.

The F40 is good, but I don't like the HDR so much.

I agree, I go for the F40, with the LP640 second. Mostly because I intend to give this calendar to my Dad, and he loves the F40 (irrationally, I might add.)

I've loved the blue Porsche image ever since I first saw it, that's the one I'd want in the calendar.

Cheers 👍

I put it up because I knew a few people really liked it.

I'd go for the line of Porsches, or the two drift cars myself. I mean the blue one's alright, and it turned out how I wanted it - but I've never really understood why it is so favoured amongst you guys :P.

EDIT: With the blue Porker - there are some specs on the bonnet. They aren't dead pixles on the DSLR (only got one and I know where it is) but they look like it, so I shall clean them off for the final version - unless people think otherwise.

It's always shots that we don't think are that great that other people like. :sly: We like it because it's unique and is perfectly done. It's just...really nice. XD I would pick the Ferrari in the garage, or the blue Porsche (of course). However, I question the non-inclusion of these:




As for the spots, by all means, fix it if you feel like it will detract from the image.
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Aren't the "dead pixels" hood pins (or rather, trunk pins seeing as it's a 911)?

I think he means the few a bit further up on the "hood". They are barely noticeable.


I think I'll post the poll tomorrow, I had only a few hours sleep last night, and so I'll do it tomorrow morning (being approx. 13:00 GMT.) And yes I know that's not morning, but it is here. :sly: I am also waiting for a few things.
I question the non-inclusion of these:




As for the spots, by all means, fix it if you feel like it will detract from the image.

I thought the ones I had posted gave more of my style. Only the open wheeler from those 3 was actually on my shortlist of 12.

Add them if you see them fit - I don't mind 👍.
Hmm. Considering the responses, I think the F40 would have to be my contribution, then. If, of course, everyone else is satisfied with it. :)
I thought the ones I had posted gave more of my style. Only the open wheeler from those 3 was actually on my shortlist of 12.

Add them if you see them fit - I don't mind 👍.

They do, you are well represented. And lets be honest, the blue Porsche is going to win anyway. :lol:

Hmm. Considering the responses, I think the F40 would have to be my contribution, then. If, of course, everyone else is satisfied with it. :)

Well, I'm going to put yours in the poll anyway. I think the F40 will likely win, anyway. ^^ And of course, you have the ability to override the results if you want.

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