2010 GTP Automotive Calendar - Discussion(Updated) Submission End Date: November 9th

  • Thread starter LongbowX
We need to get some ideas flying.


If we all agree on giving whatever profit to Jordan for charity, again, how much extra do we charge for a calender? I doubt we will sell even 40 calenders, so what do you think....$2...$4AU per calender? What price would you pay for extra?

We need nominations for the front cover artist. I s'pose a poll on the issue will be up after the names and the shots have been finalised. It must be said that the shot on the cover will NOT be featuring in the calender, sadly, down to the fact we have 13 participants at this time. These circumstances may change if someone drops out. Its because of this that we'd like nominations, as some people may rather their work in a month, rather than on the cover (its an either/or situation). I think its safe to say that the front cover artist would work closely with the one whos designing the front cover (with hopefully a GTP logo....but I think that is not certain untill everyone agrees to give to charity....and then we ask Jordan again) so that they are happy with how everything looks and how the graphics interact with the chosen shot.

Any issues people are uncertain on? Get some idea's flyin' people. 👍
Do I remember hearing a base figure of $20AUS flying about? That's £11 in real money which doesn't seem too bad for me, I'd be willing to pay a few quid above that if the proceeds were going to charidee.

As for whoever gets the cover I really don't mind. I'm provisionally down as April and I'd be happy to keep that, but on the off-chance we held a vote and I got the cover I wouldn't mind that either.

If anyone here is a good graphic designer maybe someone could mock up some potential front covers so we'd all have a better idea about how one of our photos might look on the cover?...
A base of $20AU was indeed flying about - its scary how bad the BP is doing in comparison these - 11quid you say? Thats baaad. $20 used to be about 8 or so before.

There are different ways to do the cover. One way is to have the logo and the image as one potrait shot.
Another is to have the shot as slightly faded, with the dotted GTP globe over it. Where the dots are, the image would be at full opacity. There are many ways to do it, and we'd be looking for a real professional job as it is the cover of the first (or hopefully many) calender. I have a few names of some real PS talent here. Bigfish and A Trico Pro are two. If people could start nosing around...maybe go headhunting in the 'Photoshopped cars' thread, it would be helpful.

We need to set a definative deadline for the process of gathering shots. Everyone happy with 1.5-2 weeks? Thoughts?
We need to get the deadline nailed to a date. Let's say 23:59 GMT on Monday 9th November? That gives people two weekends to get their houses in order.

I'm happy to pay up to £15 GBP for a calendar. As of today, that's $24.58US, $27.15AU or €16.61EUR. If it's commercially viable at less than that, then that's fine with me. That's my personal opinion though, YMMV.

I should have the legalese by the beginning of the weekend. I recommend we work on acceptance of that by contributor-decline; webmaster-accept. So, if when I put out the wording, you're not happy with it, then shout. Jordan will have final say on it.
We need nominations for the front cover artist. I s'pose a poll on the issue will be up after the names and the shots have been finalised. It must be said that the shot on the cover will NOT be featuring in the calender, sadly, down to the fact we have 13 participants at this time. These circumstances may change if someone drops out. Its because of this that we'd like nominations, as some people may rather their work in a month, rather than on the cover (its an either/or situation). I think its safe to say that the front cover artist would work closely with the one whos designing the front cover (with hopefully a GTP logo....but I think that is not certain untill everyone agrees to give to charity....and then we ask Jordan again) so that they are happy with how everything looks and how the graphics interact with the chosen shot.
There are different ways to do the cover. One way is to have the logo and the image as one portrait shot.
Another is to have the shot as slightly faded, with the dotted GTP globe over it. Where the dots are, the image would be at full opacity. There are many ways to do it, and we'd be looking for a real professional job as it is the cover of the first (or hopefully many) calender. I have a few names of some real PS talent here. Bigfish and A Trico Pro are two. If people could start nosing around...maybe go headhunting in the 'Photoshopped cars' thread, it would be helpful.
If anyone here is a good graphic designer maybe someone could mock up some potential front covers so we'd all have a better idea about how one of our photos might look on the cover?...

Ideally, someone will volunteer to be on the cover, but if not, it will come down to a poll. After the shots are decided of course.

And...I will give it a shot. I will do a few mock-ups over the next few days. I'm sure I'm not the best graphic artist, and I'd be more than happy to pass it off to someone infinitely more talented than I. But, I have some ideas bouncing around, so I shall work on some rough concept covers. And yes, the person who ends up on the cover should work with however is creating the cover because it's important they be satisfied and don't feel that their shot was butchered. XD Though I think with the amount of talent at this site, is highly unlikely. Unless I do it.

If we all agree on giving whatever profit to Jordan for charity, again, how much extra do we charge for a calender? I doubt we will sell even 40 calenders, so what do you think....$2...$4AU per calender? What price would you pay for extra?
A base of $20AU was indeed flying about - its scary how bad the BP is doing in comparison these - 11quid you say? Thats baaad. $20 used to be about 8 or so before.

I haven't heard anyone complaining about it going to charity so far. 40 calendars? Don't be so optimistic! :lol: $20AU is...$20 Canadian so I definitely don't mind 2 or 3 dollars on top of that -especially if it goes to charity.

We need to set a definative deadline for the process of gathering shots. Everyone happy with 1.5-2 weeks? Thoughts?
We need to get the deadline nailed to a date. Let's say 23:59 GMT on Monday 9th November? That gives people two weekends to get their houses in order.

Thank you for calculating exactly two weeks from when I originally said it would be. :sly: 23:59, eh? But yes, that was probably what was going to write....eventually.

I should have the legalese by the beginning of the weekend. I recommend we work on acceptance of that by contributor-decline; webmaster-accept. So, if when I put out the wording, you're not happy with it, then shout. Jordan will have final say on it.

That sounds great. Thank you so much for all your work on this project so far. We couldn't do it without you.
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We need to get the deadline nailed to a date. Let's say 23:59 GMT on Monday 9th November? That gives people two weekends to get their houses in order.

I'm happy to pay up to £15 GBP for a calendar. As of today, that's $24.58US, $27.15AU or €16.61EUR. If it's commercially viable at less than that, then that's fine with me. That's my personal opinion though, YMMV.

I should have the legalese by the beginning of the weekend. I recommend we work on acceptance of that by contributor-decline; webmaster-accept. So, if when I put out the wording, you're not happy with it, then shout. Jordan will have final say on it.

Agree with all of that. Including the price, I'd be happy to go up to £15 too.
Opening draft of legalese:

In submitting this image, I (real name):
• Certify that I made this image, retain copyright on it, and indemnify GTPlanet and other organisations involved in the production of the GTPlanet Automotive Calendar 2010 from damages arising should this statement be proven incorrect;
• Grant a non-exclusive, non-revocable licence for the reproduction of this image in the GTPlanet Automotive Calendar 2010, accepting that all profits from the GTPlanet Automotive Calendar 2010 will be donated to Jordan Greer for charitable donation in accordance with his will;
• Grant a non-exclusive, revocable licence for the reproduction of this image in association with the marketing and publicity of the GTPlanet Automotive Calendar 2010 and future editions of the calendar as may be required;
• Understand that this does not affect my right to distribute – for commercial gain or otherwise – this image in accordance with the copyright I hold upon it.
And here are my candidates. Chosen image will be gone over with fine-tooth-comb, and not watermarked, natch.

OOOooh sounds technical - but I think I understand it :P.

As for your shots, I like the first one and I really like the 5th one (open wheeler). The Caterham/Lotus/Dax/Westfield/whatever would also look quite good as a calender shot.
Love the Andrew Jordan one but calendar-wise the best has to either be the 2nd Evo shot or the single-seater. Though the Seven-replica shot with the sea in the background is beautiful...
Yeah, the second Evo shot is my favourite of the set. It's been the desktop image on my home and work desktop computers since September, and I'm still loving it.
Guys - I've been away with work for the last week, so keeping up to date has been tricky.

If possible would I be able to grab Feb as my month (its my wife's birthday, so as I can't get October then it will more than make up).

My images for potential poll (subject to any and all feedback and me being fickle and changing them).

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Guys - I've been away with work for the last week, so keeping up to date has been tricky.

If possible would I be able to grab Feb as my month (its my wife's birthday, so as I can't get October then it will more than make up).

My images for potential poll (subject to any and all feedback and me being fickle and changing them).

There hasn't been too much development, only the establishment of a due date and a rough draft of the "legalese".

February is now yours. :sly:

All those are great, and I wouldn't mind seeing any of them in the calendar. Personally, I would really like the see that Lancia 037. There are a few people in the shot, but maybe some photoshopping could get rid of them...
Finally, I have my favorites picked out. Hard to narrow it down but I'm happy with these. Hopefully everyone agrees.

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Ooh, an ur-Quattro with the quad headlamps. Rare indeed. (I may be the only person who spots that the Quattro in Ashes to Ashes has had a plate swap, as it has the wrong lights for its year).
@ NISM0 - my favourite out of those is probably the Sprite
@ Scaff - probably the BMW wheel, would suit the month you've chosen.
Go ahead and give TVR my spot for sure. I probably won't come up with anything now that I have the flu.
Go ahead and give TVR my spot for sure. I probably won't come up with anything now that I have the flu.

Awww shame, hope you get better soon - ok then, that now makes it a tidy even number.

My shots to come.
Go ahead and give TVR my spot for sure. I probably won't come up with anything now that I have the flu.

Awww shame, hope you get better soon - ok then, that now makes it a tidy even number.

My shots to come.

I hope you feel better soon as well.

Now we do have to have a second poll to decide who goes on the cover...

I think I'm going to try to show a few shots today or tomorrow. A few will be unseen work. ^^
I will get my shots up within the next couple of days, been busy working on the Santa Pod shots (got a couple of fairly decent ones I think) and been busy on art coursework too.
I dredged a few shots up from my collection to provide a bit of a variety.

I also included 2 different edits of the 722 SLR McLaren shot. One was the original (done when it was taken a year or two ago.) and a re-edit done now. Curious which you guys think looks better.

And, if you have any others you'd like to see, just shout it out. ^^


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Second SLR better than the first.

One point on the polling: I suggest that in the event of a tie between two images, the creator gets to decide which of the tied leaders is selected.

Out of those shots Longbow I'd say I like the panned Porsche GT3 and the Jaguar E-Type shot best, they'd work well as calendar shots I think.

One point on the polling: I suggest that in the event of a tie between two images, the creator gets to decide which of the tied leaders is selected.

Yeah that makes sense, I'd agree with that. Makes it more fair on the creators behalf.

As I said my picture will be up within the next couple of days!! I promise, although I might need some feedback on some of my Santa Pod pictures to see if any of them are particularly good.
FAO Syntax Error - I'm thinking that I'd quite like to see your Cobra shot in this calendar...

Thanks mate, I will add it in next week,I'm on the road for a few days so i've only got access on my mobile till i get home. :cheers:

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