Fair enough, well I'd be interested to see what it is like after you edit it some more. But as it stands I still think it looks really nice and I like the isolation, it would work well as a cover shot too.
It would work well as a cover, but Beerz is doing the cover. His poll should be up today, most likely. And I as well like the isolation.
So hows the cover thing working? there will be a poll with everyones final submissons?
Am I still doing the graphic design work for it?
The cover will be one of Beerz's shots. Since other people have already picked their months, Beerz was added later as a cover exclusive.
And yes, you are still doing the graphic design work for it. Since you are doing it, perhaps instead of a poll - you could pick which one you think you could work with best? Or should we do the poll and have you and Beerz work it out?
I think we'll need to create another thread with everyone's final shot and the legalese too, soon.
What I if sent all that stuff to Giles in an email. I thought that's what the message said, or did I read it wrong?
Can someone please point me in the direction of the final list of who is doing which month?
Also, I need submissions please. I'll send out individual nag PMs soon.
I'm fine with whatever month I am given. 👍
Ah! I forgot about this, I'll sort it out tonight.
Chris, you'll have to remind otherwise I'll forget again.
Update on the cover design. I've done a few options with both top voted shots from Beerz's poll. Have sent them to him to see what he thinks works best with his shots.
I'm going to narrow it down to 2(well thats my aim)then I thought we'd have a final vote on it.
Fair enough, well he hasn't got back to me yet. But hopefully it'll be very soon and we can have a quick poll.