2011 Hennessey Venom GT

  • Thread starter exigeracer
I think the true issue comes down to those who support this car are doing so based on the decadence seen and disdain they have for modern hyper cars and what they represent. Especially the Veyron at the top of it all. Against those who can look past such expense and the attitudes that end up owning them to see true works of art and engineering, and rather see the opposing as an aftermarket parts car trying to claim something.

Anyone can pick a non-expensive sport car chassis, say "let's extend it and a fabricate a drive train for it and put a forced induction V8 crate motor". Many have done this in a garage and not gone forth to commercially build for others to own and there are many tuner shops that can do this better for the right money. I support that more than the mainstream tuners who are trying to be commercial and act like some type of David versus Goliath, yet in their own communities they are Goliath trying to smash David.

In other words they (Hennessey) haven't done anything different or new, this type of speed effort has been done by specialist before. Callaway did it with the C4 and produced it back in the late 80s with Chevy's consent and so have some others, yet the Venom is somehow special?

As for the Veyron I hate it, it's looks like ugly it's expense to build would anger some developing nations, and yet the engineering involved and choices made are what make it great along with what others have said. It can easily cruise streets around town on the weekends and be driven by anyone really.
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You guys keep ignoring facts all day, it's Bugatti thats done nothing new. Hennessey went 270, that is new..The only thing new about Bugatti is production numbers!

And my god the whole Bugatti is Technological wonder part. I guess that makes the Callaway and every other street car that goes faster a miracle of modern science. I'll take a miracle over the technical wonder thanks.👍 The drivability question has been answered several times. The VenomGT is just as drivable, it cruises easily in traffic.. Oh, yet it get's much better MPG over the Veyron. It also does not eat tires like the Veyron, does not have the extensive service schedule the Veyron does. This list goes on and on...

I have no particular love for Hennessey, I've stated this. I'm in awe by all the top speed chasing cars, including Bugatti. I just don't get everyones Honda Civic like fanboy love over the Veyron? Do car enthusiast really want a supercar to drive like a Honda Civic? Not in my opinion, no. The only people who want that are the people who should never have these cars, yet, it's also the very people the Veyron is designed for...

David Vs Goliath has driven some of the best automotive competitions to date. Carroll Shelby was David once right? Granted Hennessey is no Carroll Shelby, I concede.:lol: But everyone loves the battle of David Vs Goliath. I can't see that as being a bad thing.
You guys keep ignoring facts all day, it's Bugatti thats done nothing new. Hennessey went 270, that is new..The only thing new about Bugatti is production numbers!
You're the one who keeps ignoring facts.

And you have that backwards. 270mph isn't new. Been there, done that in the automotive industry using the same idea as Hennessey. Lots of forced induction on a heavily modified engine.

Again, recall the last production car that had 1,000Hp that could hit 250Mph, easy to drive, reliable, & came with a factory warranty before 2003. You won't find one.

And my god the whole Bugatti is Technological wonder part. I guess that makes the Callaway and every other street car that goes faster a miracle of modern science. I'll take a miracle over the technical wonder thanks.👍 The drivability question has been answered several times. The VenomGT is just as drivable, it cruises easily in traffic.. Oh, yet it get's much better MPG over the Veyron. It also does not eat tires like the Veyron, does not have the extensive service schedule the Veyron does. This list goes on and on...
It's clear you have zero engineering knowledge & a blessing you don't work in any automotive field that requires it. Callaway did the same thing Hennessey did. Bugatti took it a step further. Anyone can create a 250Mph car, the Texas Mile proves that. It takes years of development to do that & make the car reliable, comfortable, usable, & with a warranty straight from a manufacturer. Tuning shops don't do that because it costs far too much money as evident by the Veyron.

The Venom is not as easy to drive. It's a manual with a 1,000Hp that has be maintained through the clutch/gas. That already alienates a large portion of people. A Veyron can be driven by literally anyone because of the transmission that copes with all that power & not blowing itself apart.

Tire eating is a laugh. You think a 1200Hp car that sends power through the rear wheels isn't going to roast its tires any less than a Veyron? :lol: How do you know what the service schedule is for either car. And what's the list? Provide sources like you were asked.

I have no particular love for Hennessey, I've stated this. I'm in awe by all the top speed chasing cars, including Bugatti. I just don't get everyones Honda Civic like fanboy love over the Veyron? Do car enthusiast really want a supercar to drive like a Honda Civic? Not in my opinion, no. The only people who want that are the people who should never have these cars, yet, it's also the very people the Veyron is designed for...

Ah, so this is what it comes down to. Basically, if people don't like what you like, they don't deserve cars. Even W&N doesn't make that big of an ass of himself when he spouts his opinion.
Can we just put all to rest about Venom GT vs. Veyron, and actually discuss the Venom GT, please? The two cars have what they have and don't have what they don't have. 💡

I'm going to be brutally honest, and I do not intend to offend anyone or start any 🤬, but this thread is becoming ridiculous because of the arguments. :rolleyes:
Venom GT World's Fastest Edition
Only 3 are being made and all are already sold at $1.25 million.

It's actually pretty remarkable that they somehow copied the F12, P1, and LF-A rear ends all at the same time.

The front is also a mix of an Agera R and the HTT Plethore LC-750 (A Canadian supercar from a few years ago ;))
Hennessey's at it again...



Wasn't sure whether to make a new thread for this, so apologies in advance.

That actually looks pretty nice! Didn't they also say that with proper gearing and a long enough straight they would be able to reach 300mph? I remember John Hennessey saying something along those lines in an interview, well then bring it on! Bugatti and Koenigsegg sure won't rest until they reached said 300mph.
"I have a 270 MPH, 1,400 car that started out as a Lotus Elise that had too many anti-depressants and snorted a huge bag of coke.

The DMV still thinks it's a Lotus."
:lol: That's the most perfect way I've ever heard anyone describe this car.
In the late 80's we were approaching the 200mph barrier (road cars), come around 25 years later we're approaching the 300mph barrier (road cars). Where does the fun stop? :D
When the first person crashes one at full speed on public road and takes innocent peoples lives with him.
When the first person crashes one at full speed on public road and takes innocent peoples lives with him.

Because every Veyron owner has hit 253 MPH on public roads, or every Venom owner has hit 270 on public roads. I can go on.
Henessey vs Bugatti vs Koenigsegg. Bring it on! The Veyron successor is supposed to come in 2016 so this will be interesting.

Let the speed wars begin once again! To 300MPH!
So did a Zenvo engineer defect or are they going to use Zenvo registration since Lotus couldn't be bothered. I mean further up the page I give a harsh critique of the Venom and still abide by it, but this actually looks modern and decent. I'm guessing he finally put the money made (still surprised people bought his crap) toward something that exterior wise looks good.

This is what people have been saying since the dawn of the sports car. Think of the children!

Thanks for the laugh cause it was good sarcasm 👍

Henessey vs Bugatti vs Koenigsegg. Bring it on! The Veyron successor is supposed to come in 2016 so this will be interesting.

Let the speed wars begin once again! To 300MPH!

It's sad that Hennesey a tuner company and not even a good one like Lingenfelter is slotted with two actual automakers that build and use quality engineering to the point that give some detail about it. I don't consider a tuners wet dream the same as what VW/Bugatti and Koenigsegg are doing.

Also I don't think I'd be so sure about the 300mph
In the late 80's we were approaching the 200mph barrier (road cars), come around 25 years later we're approaching the 300mph barrier (road cars). Where does the fun stop? :D

Actually as I stated earlier on this thread we had cars that could do over 200mph easily. I mean the engineering to do it back then was anything but easy but we had it. And this was a road car from a company that worked close with GM.

Actually as I stated earlier on this thread we had cars that could do over 200mph easily. I mean the engineering to do it back then was anything but easy but we had it. And this was a road car from a company that worked close with GM.

Well I was thinking of when the Porsche 959 and Ferrari F40 were new, and were the fastest production super/hyper cars and hit 200 mph. Speed wise you are right though, the tech was there. (wink wink Indianapolis 500 cars and Le Mans prototypes wink wink) That Callaway Vette' though I didn't know about, that's sick. O-O
Well I was thinking of when the Porsche 959 and Ferrari F40 were new, and were the fastest production super/hyper cars and hit 200 mph. Speed wise you are right though.

Well more then speed wise, in general category you're doing the same as the other user I quoted. You're lumping a car in with those that are warranty factory built machines. John Hennessey is just a "tuner" or "modification" company to go to like Callaway, just far worse. So what the Sledgehammer was to those cars back then is what the Venom (can't believe I belittling that Vette) is to the Veyron and One: 1.
Well more then speed wise, in general category you're doing the same as the other user I quoted. You're lumping a car in with those that are warranty factory built machines. John Hennessey is just a "tuner" or "modification" company to go to like Callaway, just far worse. So what the Sledgehammer was to those cars back then is what the Venom (can't believe I belittling that Vette) is to the Veyron and One: 1.
I see your point, as the Venom is basically a super tuned car (alla the Sledgehammer), and the Veyron and One:1 are from the ground up hyper cars. And you're aren't belittling the Vette', as if it is to what the Venom is today (in a sense), its still a marvel.
I see your point, as the Venom is basically a super tuned car (alla the Sledgehammer), and the Veyron and One:1 are from the ground up hyper cars. And you're aren't belittling the Vette', as if it is to what the Venom is today (in a sense), its still a marvel.

I say belittling because I'm using it to make a historical like comparison between then and today, using a car that I don't agree with as being as technically well done as the Sledgehammer was then.