2012 Post-Apocalyptic Thoughts

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Well . . . it's all over, even the screaming. The overweight lady with the spear must have extolled the final virtues of the world before the curtain came down somewhere.
Maybe the world did end - maybe it was only a matter of perception.

What has changed? There are people out there already touting the next 'End of World'. (Read OMG-we're-all-going-to-diiiiiieeeeee! Again!)
But I wonder - were there people, out there, disappointed in the outcome this time? Were we really looking for something? Anything? Or relieved? Did anyone feel they got a second chance - half believing in the fact that such a thing might have been possible?

How many Post-Apocalyptic periods have I been through? Many. Though some would say - TEOTWAWKI means different things to people.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Honestly? (Why would you pretend oherwise, eh? ;) )
How do you feel now that this event - spoken about for many years and hugely covered by every type of media, from stone tablets to electronic ones, unlike some others, that came suddenly and went, in a few months, has now come and gone.

Could it have been just a paradigm shift?
I'm afraid of what the world is coming to, and what it will be like in 50 years. But there are some things I still want to do in this life.

I don't really know. I think either way I wouldn't have been fussed, as long as the end came fast, and painless.
Nothing seems to have really changed. Like most people I wasn't convinced by this anyway, so I just carry on as normal.
This was by far the worst apocalypse I've ever been through. It wasn't physically devastating or anything, it was all of the people talking about it. It got real annoying. There should be a new law that gives fines to people spreading stupid conspiracies like that. Oh well... Hopefully as time goes on there won't be so much talk about it - until the next one, of course.
Very different questions in the OP, prisonermonkeys.

One asks a question about the future - which is now the past.
One asks a question about the present.

Now that you are here - how do you feel about still being alive?
What do I think? I think this whole end of the world stuff is one giant joke, and yet I'm constantly amazed at how many people get sucked into the hysteria and take it seriously. It just shows you that P.T. Barnum was right, there is a sucker born every minute.
Very different questions in the OP, prisonermonkeys.

One asks a question about the future - which is now the past.
One asks a question about the present.

Now that you are here - how do you feel about still being alive?
If you had been following the thread I linked to, you would have seen that the current discussion is about the present and what people are doing now that the world isn't over.
If you have answered the questions in the OP of this thread there, I may go over and read your off-topic post - a post that in no way will be reflective of that OP's question.

As well google doesn't look for' Do you think the world is going to end?' - when someone is looking for 'Post Apocalyptic Thoughts.'

Let me tell you how I felt after the supposed apocalypse. In case you are here to actually discuss that - with the others here who are already engaged in discussion:
I thought NASA might make some sort of stupendous announcement that would have changed all our thinking. Like for instance, life on Mars close enough for the World to question its 2500 man-made Gods. That would have been TEOTWAWKI, right?

Or an actual and sudden landing by extra-terrestrials that would have caused the same effect.

I wondered if there was someone out there in Mexico who actually went and sat by one of the temples would come in here and tell us whether they were disapoointed or enlightened.

I thought someone on GTPlanet (which can still happen) would tell us they actually wished the world had actually ended and had done something they now regretted.

Maybe the shooting in Newtown changed the way we viewed it - it became secondary to what was happening in the real world as we became to busy to care about fantasy apocalypses - since we seemed to be already dealing with one in terms of our humanity.
And so on.. . .

Can't know without asking right?

However as staff you could always change the Title to the Thread you are enamoured with, and maybe take down some posts, and probably tailor it a bit to now fit the present - instead of the past as the title suggests, and you can merge all these posts in there - and I'm sure the guests who visit us might love you for it as they wade through the thread looking for Apocalyptic Thoughts - and only Apocalyptic Thoughts.

The date is . . . well . . today is the 23rd of December. The fact of whether the world is going to end or not on 21 12 2012 is redundant now, isn't it? It hasn't.

So what do you feel about it? Or should I go over there to read your post?
I must say . . . you have received a lot of attention already. :)
My thoughts on this is that from this point on, I refuse to believe any "end of the world predictions" as the world never ends on the day that people think anyway. Of course you've had previous famous end of world predictions like 2000 and 6/6/6 but 2012 was the prediction that everyone was talking about. And even since that prediction was wrong, it's logical not to believe any end of world predictions from now on. The world will end when it ends. Period.
Anyone who thought the world was ending or that Dec 21st marked the possible Apocalypse knew nothing about the Mayan civilization. The Mayans never once said anything about the Apocalypse, what they actually eluded to was that Dec 21st would be the start of a "new age".

So my post-Apocalyptic thought is that more people should study history, anthropology, or archaeology and not look like an ill-informed idiot.

Also no individual or civilization can predict the Apocalypse, for all we know our species may never have to experience the end.
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If you have answered the questions in the OP of this thread there, I may go over and read your off-topic post - a post that in no way will be reflective of that OP's question.
Oh, I read it. And I saw that there was nothing in your post that hasn't been covered in the other thread.
What did you read, prisonmonkeys? ;)


The post-apocalytype euphoria was actually taken away by the death of those little kids at Newtown. Do I have to say which Newtown?

What a strange coincidence to be called that. A new beginning, yes, but what kind of new beginning? I walk around my home, looking at my children, going 'What if--what if----MG.'
How would it feel to be one of those parents? Parents, who have forgiven the crime in front of the entire world - forgive him, he did not know what he was doing.. . .

Of course he didn't, my dear Parents. Or else he wouldn't have done it. He had no empathy, imagined, or even vicarious, to know what you would feel like; all he knew was that there wasn't a world good enough for him to go on in. But as he, some would say, cowardly, went on - he left us all alone here, wondering why the world didn't end, after all, in the way it was supposed to end (at least this time around) and ended in a way that almost seemed like the end was eternal.

We hope not.

Hope is what makes us human, makes us project more than merely what to hunt next for food, whom to mate with, which bunch of horns to lock with - hope takes us further than the animals that innocently walk this Earth, unempathetic and unware, in the remotest degree, of the kind of emotional highs . . and lows . . that only we, as a species, can feel.
So we hope there is a Brave New World out there, in which we will all be One, and not separate and lonely enough to destroy the world, over, and over.
Regular Post-apocalyptic scenarios are different, so hacked and yet not even archtypal- Waterworld, Planet of the Apes, Mad Max.. . .

The first time I read Nevil Shute's On the Beach, I freaked out that such a thing was possible. No. It was not possible to destroy the world. But is is.
But take HOPE - whether with a word, or a stone, a stick or a bullet . . . or at worse, I daresay, like in the book, at the touch of a button, we destroy this world . . . because we are this One, this singularity that exploded into our separate beings for a moment in Time, we will be this One again. Eternally.

However . . . I must apologise at this point to members already in this discussion of Post -Apocalyptic feelings - as you may have noticed there is insistence on the part of a staff member that this thread be locked - which I shall now proceed to do so. You may continue your Post-Apocalytic analysis in the thread that is not sure when the world is going to end. You may, of course, find a like discussion anywhere else on the 'net.
Thank you to those who brought your thoughts immediately to the table - they were all relevant, and food-for-thought. 👍

Harry. :)
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