2016 GTP Awards - Most Opinionated Member

  • Thread starter DQuaN

Who deserves to win GTPlanet's Most Opinionated Member award for 2016?

  • Danoff

    Votes: 27 13.3%
  • homeforsummer

    Votes: 7 3.4%
  • Imari

    Votes: 37 18.2%
  • prisonermonkeys

    Votes: 95 46.8%

    Votes: 10 4.9%
  • Sanji Himura

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • Tornado

    Votes: 19 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I have no objections to that ordinarily. But I do when the purpose of the thread is to discuss specific users.
Does it really make that much of difference, sure getting people more notice would mean more people to look into there history, but your saying as if it doesn't happen already without this, when I'm pretty sure we all have had our entire history looked at by a few people.
And he's winning by a landslide.
There have been at least ten votes for me since I posted my original message. I have made it quite clear that I am not - and was never - comfortable participating in this whole process, and that I find it to be embarrassing. Thus, those ten votes (and any more) constitute harassment, and so are in violation of the AUP. I have asked people to stop, and they have not.

Like I said, I never asked to be a part of the GTP Awards. Nor was I asked if I wanted to be a part of them. And yet here I am, forced to defend myself for feeling uncomfortable about being included in the awards against my will. I don't think that it is an unreasonable request to ask that I be removed.
Thus, those ten votes (and any more) constitute harassment
Doing something against what you want =/= harassment. They simply find you the most opinionated, you can't really stop them from thinking that.

Lets not forget some people don't even read through the threads before voting, and people can't change votes on this poll. So even if they want to fulfill your wishes, for some it's already to late.
I am, forced to defend myself

Who's forcing you to do that?

You could have just as easily ignored the tags and went on with your life. Instead though you've been rather opinionated about the whole thing, which seemingly is about as good of an idea as trying to put out a chemical fire with water.
Please stop. This isn't tumblr.
I have made my feelings of discomfort known. People have continued to vote regardless, thereby contributing to my feelings of discomfort. Ergo, it constitutes harassment.
I have made my feelings on this subject eell known. If users continue to complain about being made to feel uncomfortable and/or embarrassed, how long do you think it will be before the 2016 is remembered as the last year that the awards were run?

I am quite prepared to continue raising my objections to this for as long as it takes.
I have made my feelings on this subject eell known. If users continue to complain about being made to feel uncomfortable and/or embarrassed, how long do you think it will be before the 2016 is remembered as the last year that the awards were run?

I am quite prepared to continue raising my objections to this for as long as it takes.

You're the only one complaining.
I have made my feelings on this subject eell known. If users continue to complain about being made to feel uncomfortable and/or embarrassed, how long do you think it will be before the 2016 is remembered as the last year that the awards were run?

I am quite prepared to continue raising my objections to this for as long as it takes.
One man won't be enough to take down an entire award system.

There's a lot of back-and-forth-with-the-handbags going on here that surely would be better done in private than aired in public, no?
"Our wonderful former moderator Interludes was harassed last night at the voting thread by the members of GTP, cameras blazing. This should not happen!"

"The forum must always be a safe and special place. The members of GTP were very rude last night to a very good man, Interludes. Apologize!"

"The members and administrators of GTP, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Interludes for their terrible behavior"
So let me get this straight, @prisonermonkeys so I don't make my own brain explode.

  1. You do not want people nominating you as most opinionated member.
  2. You gripe about people digging through your post history due to #1.
  3. You are a Staff Emeritus, meaning you were once a Moderator or higher.
  4. Due to #3, you had access to everyone's post histories for your career as Mod.
  5. You object to an awards system that is meant to be positive (especially since the Darwin Award was taken out this year).
  6. Despite everyone else defending the system and outnumbering you at least 4:1, you continue to insist on being taken out of a poll you were nominated for.
You've basically gone and proved exactly why you were nominated in the first place due to #6. You should know better than to be grumpy-grumpy like this and causing drama. I'm disappointed that a Staff Emeritus is acting like this. Dude, the crowd is against you on this one. You're better off just holding your tongue and leaving the thread for the time being.

EDIT: Also, harassment in the AUP is defined as:
  • You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
With that bold text there for everyone to see, I might as well define harassment in the broadest category for the sake of argument.

Harassment: aggressive pressure or intimidation

In this case, I do not see any sign of aggressive pressure or intimidation. People are simply expressing their opinion on who is most opinionated in the forum. I'm sorry that you're perceiving it as harassment, but you really haven't got a clue what your fingers are typing on your monitor.
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@prisonermonkeys, at the end of the day, it's just an award. If you don't like it, that's fine; you don't have to. Winning this award should not worsen your experience on GTP, and no one will think wrongly of you for winning. In fact, you should be proud that GTP members were thoughtful enough to nominate you and vote for you. Some members really try to improve themselves just to be nominated, yet you are complaining about it.

I don't know what you post, since I do not read the Opinions forum, but I do know one thing. Causing a big ruckus and whining about how much you don't want to be nominated and how much you don't want to win will accomplish absolutely nothing. What I suggest you do is calm down, and act like your age about the whole thing. Because getting all upset about something that's realistically, pretty silly, won't make members here think better of you.

But honestly, I can't believe it, and it seriously upsets me that this is coming from a former moderator out of all people. I would expect someone of such a high rank to handle this with much more maturity.

That's it from me.
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