2016 GTP Awards - Most Opinionated Member

  • Thread starter DQuaN

Who deserves to win GTPlanet's Most Opinionated Member award for 2016?

  • Danoff

    Votes: 27 13.3%
  • homeforsummer

    Votes: 7 3.4%
  • Imari

    Votes: 37 18.2%
  • prisonermonkeys

    Votes: 95 46.8%

    Votes: 10 4.9%
  • Sanji Himura

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • Tornado

    Votes: 19 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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@prisonermonkeys, at the end of the day, it's just an award. If you don't like it, that's fine; you don't have to. Winning this award should not worsen your experience on GTP, and no one will think wrongly of you for winning. In fact, you should be proud that GTP members were thoughtful enough to nominate you and vote for you. Some members really try to improve themselves just to be nominated, yet you are complaining about it.

I don't know what you post, since I do not read the Opinions forum, but I do know one thing. Causing a big ruckus and whining about how much you don't want to be nominated and how much you don't want to win will accomplish absolutely nothing. What I suggest you do is calm down, and act like your age about the whole thing. Because getting all upset about something that's realistically, pretty silly, won't make members here think better of you.

But honestly, I can't believe it, and it seriously upsets me that this is coming from a former moderator out of all people. I would expect someone of such a high rank to handle this with much more maturity.

That's it from me.

At the end of the day, it's just an award you get for doing such and such on an internet forum. I mean, it's not going to change your popularity status on here whether you win or not. I can understand how this makes you feel uncomfortable, but sometimes you just have to take what you get, whether you like it or not.
you continue to insist on being taken out of a poll you were nominated for.
Yes. Because I never asked to be nominated. And I was never asked if I wanted to participate. Had I been asked, I would have said no.

I might as well define harassment in the broadest category for the sake of argument.
That's a generalisation, and a flawed one. Repeatedly doing something after you have bern asked to stop fits the definition of harassment. When I first saw this thread and posted that I did not want to be a part of it, I had fifteen votes. I now have forty, despite my repeated insistence that I was uncomfortable with the poll.

You're better off just holding your tongue and leaving the thread for the time being.
And allowing this travesty to continue - and even tacitly supporting it - by staying silent? I don't think so.

Winning this award should not worsen your experience on GTP,
Except that it did the moment I was nominated.

Because getting all upset about something that's realistically pretty silly won't make members here think better of you
Don't presume to know my state of mind. I am simply pointing out that I am an unwilling participant in this thread (and the other), that my continued inclusion makes me uncomfortable, and to request that I be removed from it forthwith. None of what I have said is unreasonable, and I would support anyone else who came forward with similar concerns by whatever means that I could.
When I first saw this thread and posted that I did not want to be a part of it, I had fifteen votes. I now have forty, despite my repeated insistence that I was uncomfortable with the poll.
Did you skip what I said?

Lets not forget some people don't even read through the threads before voting, and people can't change votes on this poll. So even if they want to fulfill your wishes, for some it's already to late.
It's also worth noting that some of the people who I would consider to be the most opinionated on the forum, are some of the people that I think the least of. I won't count myself among them.
That's a generalisation, and a flawed one. Repeatedly doing something after you have bern asked to stop fits the definition of harassment. When I first saw this thread and posted that I did not want to be a part of it, I had fifteen votes. I now have forty, despite my repeated insistence that I was uncomfortable with the poll.
Ok lets see.

You are a teacher.
Teachers teach kids/teenagers.
Kids/teenagers often do what you just described.

Is your standard classroom punishment a trip to the cop shop? And I thought being given detention was harsh sometimes.
Yes. Because I never asked to be nominated. And I was never asked if I wanted to participate. Had I been asked, I would have said no.
You should feel honored that someone went out of their way to nominate you for something.

It's not like they're forcibly volunteering you to shovel bull excrement.

That's a generalization, and a flawed one. Repeatedly doing something after you have been asked to stop fits the definition of harassment. When I first saw this thread and posted that I did not want to be a part of it, I had fifteen votes. I now have forty, despite my repeated insistence that I was uncomfortable with the poll.
How is the literal definition of 'harassment' a flawed generalization?

And allowing this travesty to continue - and even tacitly supporting it - by staying silent? I don't think so.
How is this a travesty? You just don't want to be put on the spotlight.

All I am going to say from here on out is bend over and think happy thoughts. The other GTP members won't be as lenient.
Yes. Because I never asked to be nominated. And I was never asked if I wanted to participate. Had I been asked, I would have said no.
Neither was the other nominees, but they're not making a fuss about it.
I now have forty, despite my repeated insistence that I was uncomfortable with the poll.
Welcome to the internet.
And allowing this travesty to continue - and even tacitly supporting it - by staying silent? I don't think so.
You had the purple text Jesus of GTP throwing shade at you.

I think someone is
Except that it did the moment I was nominated.
So your experience was worsened because a lot of people who you chose to interact with on GTP (in the opinions thread no less) have agreed that you're the most opinionated?
Don't presume to know my state of mind. I am simply pointing out that I am an unwilling participant in this thread (and the other), that my continued inclusion makes me uncomfortable, and to request that I be removed from it forthwith. None of what I have said is unreasonable, and I would support anyone else who came forward with similar concerns by whatever means that I could.
Would you like a safe space?

Prisonermonkey, it's not the end of the world because an online forum have came into agreement that you do hold your opinions very much. Just own up to it. Zero harm done.

This is done out of SnGs. And all you're doing is feeding into the fire.
Are you this friendly with your students?
No, because I'm a professional. But I am not posting here in my professional capacity.

Neither was the other nominees, but they're not making a fuss about it.
Because they evidently don't feel the same way about it. Which doesn't legitimise their position, or delegitimise mine.

You should feel honored that someone went out of their way to nominate you for something.
If I did, I wouldn't be here. I don't feel any honour at all. Just pissed off at whoever a) thought that it would be a good idea and b) didn't see this reaction coming.

You just don't want to be put on the spotlight.
And that's the way I like it.
Because they evidently don't feel the same way about it.
I wonder why.
Prisonermonkey, it's not the end of the world because an online forum have came into agreement that you do hold your opinions very much. Just own up to it. Zero harm done.

This is done out of SnGs. And all you're doing is feeding into the fire.
Each time you steadily object to it, there's someone who sees your posts and instantly did
dis one

It's okay. Your boss isn't going to search through GTPlanet and fire you for being opinionated.
And that's the way I like it.
Even by the standards of the ridiculous hissy fit you've been throwing in this thread, the lack of introspection on display with this sentence is astounding. You don't want to draw attention to yourself? Don't spend three pages whining like Trump on Twitter about how you've been personally slighted by being nominated in what was (before you started bringing people out of the woodwork) an impartial award. Then Danoff probably would have won it in the end once again.
If I did, I wouldn't be here. I don't feel any honour at all. Just pissed off at whoever a) thought that it would be a good idea and b) didn't see this reaction coming.

I don't know who nominated you, but I'm going to guess they don't have mind reading capabilities. They probably didn't know you wouldn't appreciate it.

For all you know they may admire you and thought it would be a compliment and YOU are making them uncomfortable by making such a big fuss over it.

And that's the way I like it.

Than perhaps you shouldn't post on a bloody PUBLIC forum! I'm not trying to tell you where you can and cannot post, but don't hang your laundry on the front lawn than complain when people look at it.
This is something that legitimately annoys me. Why does Famine have a cult status? He isn't anyone special, he is just a guy who likes to write in purple.

I don't really know what you're talking about, I just found this description of Famine really quite spectacular. To his credit he does tend to get some pretty good jabs in when debating, but apart from that he's really just another member/staff to me. Just another person to chat with if we're in the same thread really.
Don't presume to know my state of mind. I am simply pointing out that I am an unwilling participant in this thread (and the other), that my continued inclusion makes me uncomfortable, and to request that I be removed from it forthwith. None of what I have said is unreasonable, and I would support anyone else who came forward with similar concerns by whatever means that I could.

For starters, "simply" pointing it out would just be: "I don't want to be a part of the GTP awards", and nothing else. Whining, however, is the opposite of "simply" pointing it out. Members would not have a reason to have a problem with that if you had just said the former.

Well, there are multiple things in this thread posted by you that I (and many others) would deem unreasonable.

and if you continue to vote for me despite my request, then it just goes to show how little respect you have for other members.

I am sure that DQuaN, Famine, @Jordan or any other administrators or moderators will see this post before long and respect my wishes enough to remove me from the poll.

People have nominated and voted you for this particular reward because they do have respect for you. They didn't just say, "oh hey, let's all gang up and hurt prisonermonkeys' feelings". And if you think the moderators or DQuan will remove you from the nominations, you're way wrong.

I didn't ask to be a part of this. I was never asked if I wanted to be a part of this.

No one ever asks to be a part of the awards. They may hope to be nominated, but they don't beg for it. And if they are nominated, they accept it, even if it's a Darwin Award.

Thus, those ten votes (and any more) constitute harassment, and so are in violation of the AUP. I have asked people to stop, and they have not.

I honestly did a double take reading this. Are you actually serious? So, you're saying that it's an AUP violation because people voted for you when you didn't want it. I highly recommend you remove your reality-skewed glasses, because you're incorrect. You used to be a moderator, so I'd expect you to know the AUP better than almost everyone on this site.

Seriously, I'm shocked that someone who used to enforce good behavior on GTP is acting like this. I hope you realize that.
No, because I'm a professional. But I am not posting here in my professional capacity.

Because they evidently don't feel the same way about it. Which doesn't legitimise their position, or delegitimise mine.

If I did, I wouldn't be here. I don't feel any honour at all. Just pissed off at whoever a) thought that it would be a good idea and b) didn't see this reaction coming.

And that's the way I like it.

Like, are you ever happy about anything? Ever? I'm half serious about this question because I can't recall the last time I saw you post in a particularly positive way...

It is the internet. And in particular a video game forum dedicated to a racing game. Why on earth are you so upset about it? Should we all just, like, I dunno, say "it's prank, bro?"

Oh, and yes I voted for you because you truly are one of the most opinionated members on the forum. You manage to have an opinion on people's opinions when everyone else is just "kay...." about the whole issue. And you haven't burnt out on telling people on the internet why they are wrong. It really isn't that hard. Not that I know anything about that though...

This is something that legitimately annoys me. Why does Famine have a cult status? He isn't anyone special, he is just a guy who likes to write in purple.

For the same reason Jordan is worshipped all around the site. They put in the effort to keep this place running.

And Famine is like a super nerd on a site filled with millions of average nerds.

Also, this thread is gold.
There have been at least ten votes for me since I posted my original message. I have made it quite clear that I am not - and was never - comfortable participating in this whole process, and that I find it to be embarrassing. Thus, those ten votes (and any more) constitute harassment, and so are in violation of the AUP. I have asked people to stop, and they have not.

Those votes consist of people confirming what you have demonstrated clearly in this thread alone, that you are GTP's 2016 most opinionated member.

Yes. Because I never asked to be nominated. And I was never asked if I wanted to participate. Had I been asked, I would have said no.

Nobody needs to ask your permission to write your name down.

I am simply pointing out that I am an unwilling participant in this thread (and the other), that my continued inclusion makes me uncomfortable, and to request that I be removed from it forthwith.

You're a willing participant in that you continue to come in here and post. Nobody is pressuring you into that. If you wanted to resolve the issue without taking part in the thread, you could have done so.

You didn't.

As has been pointed out, all you're doing is fanning the flames and providing justification for people voting for you.

This is something that legitimately annoys me. Why does Famine have a cult status? He isn't anyone special, he is just a guy who likes to write in purple.

Because apart from the fact that he does a lot of work to keep this place running, he's an intelligent and well-spoken person who often has insightful or humorous comments to add to a discussion. That's more rare than you'd think on the internets.
Those votes consist of people confirming what you have demonstrated clearly in this thread alone, that you are GTP's 2016 most opinionated member.

Took the words right off my tongue. Gotta love how PM doesn't realize this is going to backfire on him so hard... :lol:
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