Always important to know why fast or slow, then it's easier to improve.
Yes it's crucial!! The thing just is that not even when having the fastest guys replay (and the tune lol) and being able to see exactly how it's done and perhaps even creating a good picture of it in to mind it only helps up to a point... I mean yeah I've spend few years trying to figure out where I loose speed against the very top players and I guess by the time we got to the GTA last summer (my first) I already knew that some of the stuff that those aliens do is simply because they can see a tad earlier when it's ok to start exiting the corner (corner entry is quite important but usually I get the entry right from time to time, at least with a bit of luck if not with skill

) and this really comes down to A) reflects, for better the reflects the faster the information reaches right parts in your brain, and B) to intuition and motor coordination for with having better overall intuition will help you to imagine the exit line better (thus giving earlier exit) and good motor coordination takes care that you actually are doing what you're trying to do.... Playing billiard this came REALLY obvious that even when making something relatively easy as a some straight billiard shot can be messed in various different ways EVEN though you're imagining you're doing it right... So yeah, now that I think of it this probably has been the tool I started with when I first realized that I can manage in to the top 500 in TT in GT6, after that I just took on the routine to make as good of a lap I can first and then start picking up some stuff form top 10 replays, figuring out what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong...
I can visualise the perfect lap, just so hard to nail it when push comes to shove.
Heheh well I think to me it takes first of all a lot of work to sort of imagine the best possible lap and then there's the nailing part too

heheh but the good thing is that getting better at nailing the lap comes just by doing lots and lots of TT's, at least I'm getting less and less NERVOUS now that I'e nailed really many good laps while competing in TT's

I mean when I was starting my TT "career" and I was on a good lap that would take me up to top 100 or what ever I was so nervous coming towards the last corners that I messed up the A LOT

I mean coming towards the braking zone for the last corner I can barely see or breath and my mind goes "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG"

so it really was mess

lucky I've gotten over that (mostly still of course quite exiting, would not do this otherwise

) and imagining better lap times also comes with experience and I think I've gotten over the worst part when it comes down to these two... Thing just is that playing almost daily is simply just enough to keep my reflects and motor coordination up on a such level that I can compete from top 50 places or something, I really should go jogging and give up drinking so heavily if I would like to improve on those...
But yeah, for me it has always been a bit a search to figure out the best possible lap and going back to GT6 I was almost always the poorest to start on my friend LB... The thing just was that I got used to it that I learned not to bother myself too much with those times and just kept doing my own thing until on the last 5 yo 4 days I started the real pushing that usually took me past those guys who were faster than me in the start... Comes to mind that this probably has to do with the way I just learned to do the stuff and I don't like to fuss too much until I know the set well enough... Heheh don't know

I have to admit that I just came home from work and opened a wine bottle so sorry again guys if this is going on quite long

hope I don't poor you guys too much

just quite interesting to talk with
I do it for the competition personally, fun to battle against aliens.
Yeah man absolutely it's great to go against some guys who know are not messing around

it's not easy but I guess that's the whole point, fun to see how far my own skills will take me and I've really been in to adrenaline sports already when I was younger so being a bit addicted is one thing that brings me behind the wheel almost every day

actually now I'm going to do other stuff over the weekend but I'll be behind the wheel on monday that is for sure, old addict needs hes doze

heheh but yeah, I guess you get few heart beats too when on a good lap? or could you say you're not even raising the pulse while hot lapping or how it is? I mean my pulse is around 200 (well 140

) witch is one part that makes it quite hard sometimes, but as it is among the important things that is bringing me back to this there's no option... I mean I've came to understand that many guys are really calm while they drive but that is not so easy for me so would be interesting to know that do you recon you're getting nervous while hot lapping

I mean I'm usually nervous as hell and while it really doesn't help I can't help it much either so I just have to bare

and yeah it's fun too to get exited so
I was quite rubbish back when I got GT4, struggled to get Bronze.

Yeah, GT6 I think is probably worst in the series.
Ok but where you like 12 when you played GT4?? I mean not meaning you sound too young but just trying to imagine how old you might be, I'm already 33 so I actually was already 16-18 when I played GT4.. I think... I'm too old can't remember anymore

heheh but yeah. got to "brag" that I really did all licences and events gold and I really did them first on a pad and the later on with a wheel for I had already played the GT4 like a year after I got the wheel

played another year at least I think after that so GT4 really had some challenge

heheh well I think I hot lapped the nurb for the last half a year when I still played the GT4 but I played it still when GT5P was out already so the game had a long life

but yeah, when I was playing trough the careerin GT6 I was already thinking by myself that maybe this driving stuff is not so interesting as it used to be when playing GT4, so it really was a good thing I found those TT's and this forum

haven't seem to get boring after that
I usually experiment straightaway and see what works best for me to match / beat speed in all the corners. Then question of stringing a good lap together which doesn't happen that often for me.
So you start going after place 1 ghost right a way? I've actually kept my approach so that I try to go to my "personal best" first and then start sort of looking what others do... heheh now that I think of it it sounds really HARD to go after the P1 holder on the first stint, but now that I think of it it's something I've never tried

I guess it's more relaxing to just drive against your own time, but going after the top straight away would probably make me learn the set much faster... Hmm I don't know, how do you go about it when there's new TT?? Especially if it's a new track
It's down to skill also so more accurate you become whether at racing games or billiards, it becomes less about luck.
Heheh very true but I have to say that when I was playing billiard quite seriously (probably 7 years altogether, now I play only in pubs

) it always felt that I was winning bit more times with luck than the opponents, I mean speaking in very vague average, but coming from skateboarding background billiards was never quite enough exiting to me so I was sort of a risk taker at the table and it made even some of the guys who had played at the top leagues here in finland bit terrified (and pissed) about me for I was pretty good shot maker AND I loved to take some changes

I mean yeah it's scary to take on the not so easy shot when you know missing it will loose you the game (and your money

) but damn it was exiting so I tented to play quite risky and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!! you really have to ALLOW yourself the OPPORTUNITY to get lucky and sometimes it really is risky but it really pays back when you time it right, same thing coming towards the last corner, will I try to max it out or take it careful loosing a tenth??? GO MAXIMUM yells my brain and I can't even help it, but on the other hand I feel that that's how it's suppose to do if you want that maximum lap with a hint of luck too perhaps
Heheh but yeah, sorry for bit long and meandering text again but here's one of my problems I'm probably not any faster, ton of stuff is running trough my brains all the time and I could sit here all day contemplating on this

heheh but nice talking with you mate, this has turned out to be a really fruitful conversation and I hope some of the guys starting their TT stuff will get some motivation or tips out from this conversation, TT'in really is a sh** loads of fun when not take too seriously, to me it's just quite obvious that not everyone is capable of being the fastest guy in the world, not even me
3 evenings would be an endurance for me.
Quite close to top so you may win one of these TTs one day with that kind of effort.
Heheh well don't know about that, but if you want to entertain yourself go beat my time at bathurst, at least last time I looked I was on the top of the road car section

heheh but just remember to post your tune when you take me down, wan't to test it out

(you'll find mine from the replay on my DM channel..)
But yeah, I do this to "relax" after work so it's so in to my routine that I almost feel weird if I don't play 2 hours a day

I mean I'm skipping the playing for this weekend but after work I'm usually bit pissed (stupid job

) so it' easy way to forget about it to start hot lapping, AND when going after you guys I have a endless task so... Heheh and about getting to the first place on some of these event for example?? Heheh well just being realistic it SHOULD not happen no matte I started training for the final event now and did nothing else for the whole summer

I mean yeah I'd probably make it top 10 perhaps but not without some professional guidance AND getting myself in at least bit better shape I will never make it to first place as long as there's some real competition going on

and this assumption really bases on the fact that I would have already been at the 1st place in GT6 if I had it in me, and secondly there's hundreds of guys who are more or less in the shape of their life going after those places

heheh and I'm not saying all faster drivers are in somehow really good shape, BUT in my case I think it would be the only way to make my brains work fast enough for those top times, I mean my hands and feet move up to mark but my reflects and thinking is just a millisecond slower and that's not so easy to work on for I would have to wire up my brains again
Unlucky, do you have any other views of lap or checked your ghost out to see how close to lines you are?
Yeah that really is unlucky

just quite impossible to avoid such "bad luck" when it really is impossible to tell while DRIVING if you went out or not... the exit for the second last corner actually made me loose my concentration few times for I was so close to the limit not knowing if it was out or not that it pushed me bit off the zone.. makes it actually qutie hard to even learn the track limits while driving for if it would at least DQ you straight away you would learn not to go there, now it's really easy to miss and I really was thinking that at least in first chicane you can't even cut too much for I got red lapped there many times...