In the back of my mind, I always wondered if PEDs were ever such a significant and helpful resource in the world of motorsports, especially F1. Especially with the cars being more physical than ever, supposedly.
Still, I kind of some how doubted PEDs might be necessary, even in a top-tier series.
It just seems to me there are so many other factors that are more important than what advantages PEDs might offer in racing. I mean athletes through out the majority of sports benefit from them, so I wouldn't be truly shocked/surprised to hear of drivers taking them, but rather that they make a very noticeable difference. In my opinion, PEDs don't truly make or break athlete's performances. They still have to put in hard work no matter what. I don't really look down on anyone that takes them,
Perhaps though this is just a random test. But I will admit, it's the first time I've ever heard of any sort of testing, in any form of racing. I've obviously heard of plenty of examples of "illegal" cars, with parts that either blur the lines too much, or flat out take some sort of totally unfair advantage. But never anything related to enhanced driver performance!