Something I saw from Autosport wich made me mad as hell
Haven't you heard? Meeke is British, so of course he's the most naturally gifted driver out there.
I appreciate that
Autosport are writing for a British audience first and so some degree of bias is to be expected and even tolerated. But this is the kind of reporting that I despise - openly and obviously biased, and not at all representative of reality. It was like some of the "reporting" in Formula 1 last year - Lewis Hamilton was well within his rights to ignore unfavourable team orders in one race, but equally within his rights to expect favourable team orders in the next.
Yeah sure ItĀ“s the cars fault, this is just getting more and more outlaughable that people still excuses Kris Meekes mediocrity
To be fair, Meeke is quick on his day. He won Portugal and Finland on pure pace - he didn't inherit the lead by virtue of another's mistake or misfortune. You can't do that, least of all in Finland, without having talent. And when he was driving last year, he did look like the most likely driver to challenge Ogier. I think a lot of people were expecting him to fight for the title this year, and I suspect that the article you linked to is motivated by disappointment that he isn't.
Likewise, the C3 isn't great. As Porter and Desborough pointed out during Rally Sweden, the rear of the car is visibly unstable over bumps, especially in slow and medium speed sections. My guess is that the rear suspension geography is causing the problems, and it's not helped by a conservative aero package. I'd say the car is at about 70% of its potential. Meeke isn't helping his cause with driver errors, but Breen and Lefebvre aren't immune to it either. The C3 certainly looks like the most difficult car to drive.
Don't get me wrong; I'm no Kris Meeke fan. I think he's overrated, but not without talent. The thing that annoys me is that he's a whinger, but unlike Ogier, doesn't have much cause to complain. And he always seems to get a free pass from the media. So I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt, at least until Citroƫn sort themselves out. But I do agree that the Evans article takes the defence of Kris Meeke too far, if only because it would crucify any other driver.