2019 Formula 1 Gran Premio Heineken d'ItaliaFormula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
It wasn't like Stroll was going to be starting that much higher anyway (probably)... should've just taken it on the chin and led them along once Hulk ducked out of the way. Seeing them all come out of the garages with 1:45 on the clock, watching them all bunch up at the first chicane... and then the moment of realised horror in S3 when they glance at their proverbial wrist watches!

"After you sir."

"Awfully generous of you, but please go ahead."

"I insist, please proceed... OH 🤬, the clock!" :lol:

Speaking of which though, I wouldn't be surprised if Nico gets more than a slap on the wrist for that, in addition to the other drivers that were deliberately cutting the chicane to avoid being the lead tow-er. Shambles all round, didn't they take note of what happened in F3 quali yesterday?
Not sure how I'd feel about anyone in particular getting a penalty from that Q3 finale. From my perspective, it was simply a case of everyone wanting to be the caboose and no one wanting to be the steam engine. As a result, everyone lost out.
Not sure how I'd feel about anyone in particular getting a penalty from that Q3 finale. From my perspective, it was simply a case of everyone wanting to be the caboose and no one wanting to be the steam engine. As a result, everyone lost out.
I would argue Vettel tried to but was massively impeded.
Simple solution for preventing this farce again is to either end the qualifying session dead on the drop the chequered flag, meaning any times after that will not count, or that the driver has to be on a hot lap and be in sector 3 when the flag drops for it to count.
Simple solution for preventing this farce again is to either end the qualifying session dead on the drop the chequered flag, meaning any times after that will not count, or that the driver has to be on a hot lap and be in sector 3 when the flag drops for it to count.

Then they’ll just pull the same crap, only earlier.
Well, I've never been more upset at myself for sleeping through qualifying than I am right now.
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Every team and driver is responsible for this! Especially the midfield teams.... it's not like they are go much higher or get pole! I feel sorry for Vettel, he was a victim in both Q3s run.
Personally I don't mind if they bunch up as long as nobody is impeded against their wishes on a fast lap (or when beginning one). If that's where the performance is then so be it.

I do think Hulkenberg's off should be investigated, it looked to me like it might have been deliberate. If that's the case then he should be penalised for it. As for the rest... no penalty, no rule change. Sometimes you play a stupid game and win a stupid prize.
I would argue Vettel tried to but was massively impeded.

I would agree, and also argue Hulk and Stroll might be guilty in some fashion for holding up everyone at the start as well, but do you think any penalties can be handed out as a result? Or would you say the fact that everyone but Mclaren getting their car across the line in time is a just punishment if you will?
I would agree, and also argue Hulk and Stroll might be guilty in some fashion for holding up everyone at the start as well, but do you think any penalties can be handed out as a result? Or would you say the fact that everyone but Mclaren getting their car across the line in time is a just punishment if you will?
There should be. Look at reg 27.4 (driving unnecessarily slowly)... and the quoted precedent "...manoeuvres liable to hinder other drivers, such as deliberate crowding of a car beyond the edge of the track or any other abnormal change of direction, are strictly prohibited."

Granted there wasn't much crowding, due to the width of the track, but hindering? Yes.
Before all this happened, the Sky announcers were saying that qualifying races are being considered for some rounds next year.
Better than this farce? Yes, because I can see the cars at full chat.
You do see the cars at full chat in the current system, and you see them at it at least six times during an hour. It only didn't work here because they all wanted to be near another car for the only time this season.
You do see the cars at full chat in the current system, and you see them at it at least six times during an hour. It only didn't work here because they all wanted to be near another car for the only time this season.

Exactly this. I don't see why people aren't bothered about the cars doing slow outlaps at most other times, it's when they were together trying to launch in each other's slipstreams that it upsets the "fans". Personally I think it makes for a far better spectacle than slow, lonely outlaps. If they crash into each other then, as long as they're not hurt, it adds to the spectacle and the unknowns for the race ahead. If they time each other out of a lap then they're morons.
When can we expect penalties to be announced (if)?

I'd give it about 6-7 hours lol obvious Hulkenberg Stroll and Sainz for me and whichever renault it was repeatedly holding hamilton up through parabolica (must have zig zagged in front 3 times) & after smarmy Cyrils interview I hope penalties wipe the smirk off his face... no doubt this will make for awesome behind the scenes stuff for drive to survive season 2!
I thought they'd have changed the name of that by now.

Yeah I agree, but in a way it highlights the reality of what they're doing 200mph plus in a carbon fibre shell... The F3 crash this morning really brought home the chaos element of whats going on out there, these guys earn their money more than football players thats for sure...
So, an interesting point was brought up via twitter: If the top 9 were to get penalized for their last lap shenanigans, Kimi Raikonnen would be starting at the pole. If Alfa Romeo decides to replace Kimis gearbox (which seems likely due to the nature of his wreck), then Giovinazzi would get his first ever pole position, at his home GP no less.

Granted, that seems unlikely, because from what I've seen, the final times were set before Kimi's crash and the last lap shenanigans.
It only didn't work here because they all wanted to be near another car for the only time this season.
This isn't the first time something resembling this has happened this season... not even close.

I don't see why people aren't bothered about the cars doing slow outlaps at most other times,
I am. I have been and I've been saying it here... maybe you just don't care.
If they crash into each other then, as long as they're not hurt, it adds to the spectacle and the unknowns for the race ahead. If they time each other out of a lap then they're morons.
So, wait until some is hurt or dies? Why are we going to take that chance when it's an unnecessary risk? I guess last weekend wasn't impactful to you.
So, an interesting point was brought up via twitter: If the top 9 were to get penalized for their last lap shenanigans, Kimi Raikonnen would be starting at the pole. If Alfa Romeo decides to replace Kimis gearbox (which seems likely due to the nature of his wreck), then Giovinazzi would get his first ever pole position, at his home GP no less.
DQ them all for being a part of that farce. Make them start behind the power unit penalty cars.