2021 FIA Series Race Discussion

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Yes boys, finally some good result in Nations :D I was initially going to go in the WRX, but after seeing @Mistah_MCA epic car test guide (see below), I went with the GT86 instead. It takes a bit more work to get the laptime, but once you do it's more stable over the jumps so less chance of you wiping out on the front straight in the race.

Top split, everyone was in the NSX bar me and one guy in a Focus. Quali 6th, managed to hang with the 3rd-5th pack for 3 laps while they were squabbling, but then as soon as they sorted themselves out they gradually pulled away basically. The guy behind me also couldn't keep up with me, so I ended up in no man's land the whole race. Finished 8 secs down from 5th and 6 secs up from 7th, so pretty much the maximum I could do. Happy with 220 points :) Spent the next half hour taking photos of the race, much more fun than the race itself lol.

Some tips on dirt:
- Torque split 50:50
- BB is really personal preference, I used +3 and ABS Weak (gives more stopping power on dirt than ABS Default)
- Avoid the temptation to drift too much, any kind of steering angle kills acceleration
- Light braking only for the first esses
- Double apex the big bowl corner
- Slow in, fast out for the 90 degree left before backstraight
- Just a quick lift for the fast right kink. If you get the line perfect you can take it flatout but unless you're an alien better be safe than crash
- For the last triple corner, again avoid drifting too much. Slow in fast out for the last one.
- Be on the left side of the track for the first jump, you won't get pitched as high and can regain control sooner

Have fun :)

Idea for next season PD, can we have Stratos @ Fisherman's Ranch? :lol:
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Going to take a break from this game for a little while.

Not going to lower myself to say who it was, but having one of the drivers from the current ‘top 10’ EMEA leaderboard for Tokyo, go out of their way to search your name on PlayStation to then send a screenshot of that leaderboard with comments like ‘try and do that noob’ and ‘learn to drive go back to playing Mario Kart’ amongst other things, takes the enjoyment out of it and makes me wonder why I bother! Not really the thing I’d expect from a top split player.

All that after me just literally telling him to shut up in lobby chat after getting a volley of abuse from him for not getting out the way, and having him purposely crush me into the wall as punishment for not being quick enough!

Good luck everyone for the final race and will hopefully race against some of you when the official season starts! 👍
Bear in mind most of the top 10 are young guys. I honestly think I'd just burst out laughing it someone was sending me abuse because of a practice race. Sounds like they've got a much bigger problem than you.
Thanks for your responses guys. On reflection, i'm not going to take it any further. A couple of days thinking about it has made me realise it would be stupid to let it get to me too much, as let’s be fair...it’s pretty sad to feel the need to hunt someone down to send a screenshot of your lap time trying to brag to a lower ranked driver how great you are! Can handle the usual abuse in a post race lobby if there’s been an incident in the race but never expected someone to take it as far as contacting through PSN especially when by pure chance my son was stood next to me at the time leaving me to try and explain who they were! I did let them know how sad it was in my reply to which the response was:


What’s even more ridiculous was the fact it wasn’t even in a race or qualifying. Just free practice. I don't even think it was because i was going slow which i wasn't, just some sort of expectation that i should just move over as they are a Super Star (or believe they are)! :lol: I probably still won’t race Saturday as have lost my ‘mojo’ for it a little but not going to let idiots stop me playing it! :gtpflag:
Thanks for your responses guys. On reflection, i'm not going to take it any further. A couple of days thinking about it has made me realise it would be stupid to let it get to me too much, as let’s be fair...it’s pretty sad to feel the need to hunt someone down to send a screenshot of your lap time trying to brag to a lower ranked driver how great you are! Can handle the usual abuse in a post race lobby if there’s been an incident in the race but never expected someone to take it as far as contacting through PSN especially when by pure chance my son was stood next to me at the time leaving me to try and explain who they were! I did let them know how sad it was in my reply to which the response was:

View attachment 1001108

What’s even more ridiculous was the fact it wasn’t even in a race or qualifying. Just free practice. I don't even think it was because i was going slow which i wasn't, just some sort of expectation that i should just move over as they are a Super Star (or believe they are)! :lol: I probably still won’t race Saturday as have lost my ‘mojo’ for it a little but not going to let idiots stop me playing it! :gtpflag:

Glad you are back! now get you mojo back and indeed do not let the idiots win!!! (how hard that may be)

Can understand your decision not to do the coming race, this track is awesome to drive, as long as you are alone on it....

I did a lot of practice races and had my share of A+ drivers who are not willing to wait for an oppertunity to pass a slower driver but simpy barge their way through. Had even one just now that rammed into me on a straight on purpose while already beside me and then quickly ghost via pause at the harbour section, a clear hint that he was being a 🤬.... all because I had the nerve of not moving out of his way in time.
(luckily there are also many A, A+, S drivers (and E,D,C,B) who are beeing absolutely awesome in behaviour)

It has been suggested before to implement damage as a solution to aggresive driving and I am starting to see this as an option. Offcourse when you are rammed the victim also sufferes damage but at least the rammer also has its race ruined. And just maybe that will stop many of ramming or very ambitious overtakes at part of a track where no overtake would take place in real life?

Anyway, I will likely do the race at Tokyo as I have nothin to lose but a bit of SR and that has been stable for me for a long time. It is a clear sign though that something is wrong when the other players average line is so far below that magical number 99, as in the current game you would not even lose SR when purposely running over kittens on track, let alone ramming other drivers...

Since today's race is stupid, I've made a lobby to practice for Saturday.

Ed - scratch this, nobody joined and I went into a lobby that was nearly full. Looking forward to seeing how bad the tyres get

Was going to join your lobby but didn't get online in time but as you know i joined that other lobby with you instead :lol:. Did ok in that considering most the other drivers were A+ so now torn as to whether to race Saturday or not. Had to one stop as didn't get to swap my tires from Softs, but not sure i could no stop anyway as my tires saving skills are bad and the Jag eats them up more than most cars! Of course @stpatty was rapid!!
Was going to join your lobby but didn't get online in time but as you know i joined that other lobby with you instead :lol:. Did ok in that considering most the other drivers were A+ so now torn as to whether to race Saturday or not. Had to one stop as didn't get to swap my tires from Softs, but not sure i could no stop anyway as my tires saving skills are bad and the Jag eats them up more than most cars! Of course @stpatty was rapid!!
3rd sector is a complete nightmare. The last few laps of this race are going to be interesting once everyone's sliding around. Still, I was barely concentrating on that race by the end and I was still keeping up with the dingus in the McLaren who was A+, so that's nice.
3rd sector is a complete nightmare. The last few laps of this race are going to be interesting once everyone's sliding around. Still, I was barely concentrating on that race by the end and I was still keeping up with the dingus in the McLaren who was A+, so that's nice.

Those last two laps on the no stop strategy are brutal in the Ford you can't push at all.
3rd sector is a complete nightmare. The last few laps of this race are going to be interesting once everyone's sliding around. Still, I was barely concentrating on that race by the end and I was still keeping up with the dingus in the McLaren who was A+, so that's nice.

Did several practice races, and tyres are gone after lap 12. By then I am 3 seconds slower. Tried all sorts of things to save tyres but outcome always the same. But as pitstop is about 22 seconds it is no use to do anything else then the no-stopper.....
Did several practice races, and tyres are gone after lap 12. By then I am 3 seconds slower. Tried all sorts of things to save tyres but outcome always the same. But as pitstop is about 22 seconds it is no use to do anything else then the no-stopper.....

Try moving bb forward to save back left then use less braking power to help the fronts, should help even the wear some. The one stop is viable if you have good pace and start out front, may not win but you could probably secure decent finish without stress of saving tires.
Found an interesting bit of info testing for this Tokyo race the other day. Tried one race normally, no stop (and no TCS), had a pretty decent run but made a few small mistakes and slightly scuffed a couple exit walls on the worn tires. Then I had the bright idea to try running TCS 1 for the whole race, in an attempt to save the small bit of wheel spin on every gear shift, hoping it would help my rear tires. Had a clean run, better than the first run, less mistakes and no wall scrapes. The TCS1 run was 6 full seconds slower than the no TCS run, even though it was a cleaner run. So that’s how much time you lose here with TCS even on just 1, and only losing the slip between gears, 6 full seconds. And my tires were no better at the end either, so I gave up 6s for no tire savings at all. :drool:
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Found an interesting bit of info testing for this Tokyo race the other day. Tried one race normally, no stop (and no TCS), had a pretty decent run but made a few small mistakes and slightly scuffed a couple exit walls on the worn tires. Then I had the bright idea to try running TCS 1 for the whole race, in an attempt to save the small bit of wheel spin on every gear shift, hoping it would help my rear tires. Had a clean run, better than the first run, less mistakes and no wall scrapes. The TCS1 run was 6 full seconds slower than the no TCS run, even though it was a cleaner run. So that’s how much time you lose here with TCS even on just 1, and only losing the slip between gears, 6 full seconds. And my tires were no better at the end either, so I gave up 6s for no tire savings at all. :drool:

I believe it was Tigney who told me TCS makes the tires work harder basically so it doesn't help extend life.
Well that was certainly different. I'll admit I thought that quite fun and wouldn't mind if PD did more rally stages every now and then. I qualified P9 with a 1:20.049, the Saudi sitting on pole did a 1:18.142. :eek: It's the strongest lobby I've ever been in though! (197 points for P1)

The first couple of laps were a bit rough as some fighting up front caused an Austrian to get pushed into the rock wall in sector 3 and come to an abrupt stop right in the path I was hurtling along, almost spinning me out and allowing the Frenchman behind me to go through me whilst ghosted. The Austrian also got a 2s penalty - guessing the game (incorrectly) thought that was blocking? I got back past the Frenchman by threading the needle through the first chicane as they went a bit wide.

Sector 3 in lap 2 was also awkward as the Austrian served the penalty and was then going much slower than me and the train of cars I was leading as we came bombing through. :scared:

From there I gradually lost time to the Austrian and gained time on the (now) Italian behind me in P10 until about lap 8 where the Italian started reeling me in, and then I completely got the end of sector 2 wrong on lap 10. I hit the bumpy bit in front of the sector gate and the car went very sideways. I managed to save it but the Italian was all over me from there onwards. Managed to hold it together though, finishing where I started in P9.

The pace and consistency of the top 8 was absolutely out of my league, especially the Saudi who set a 1:17.689 in the race and finished 13.5s clear of P2 after doing the race in 15:41. I finished 33s later, 11s behind P8 in the end and wasn't much slower than my best practice race time so I'm definitely not a rally champion in the making. :lol:

That was actually really good fun. Completely messed up my quali run so started 15th. Only progressed up to 10th, helped by the below parting of the seas.

Opening laps are pretty chaotic but after that everyone's natural pace spreads things out, and you can only really gain positions from others mistakes. May go again, not sure yet.

The poor Subaru.
Thanks for your responses guys. On reflection, i'm not going to take it any further. A couple of days thinking about it has made me realise it would be stupid to let it get to me too much, as let’s be fair...it’s pretty sad to feel the need to hunt someone down to send a screenshot of your lap time trying to brag to a lower ranked driver how great you are! Can handle the usual abuse in a post race lobby if there’s been an incident in the race but never expected someone to take it as far as contacting through PSN especially when by pure chance my son was stood next to me at the time leaving me to try and explain who they were! I did let them know how sad it was in my reply to which the response was:

View attachment 1001108

What’s even more ridiculous was the fact it wasn’t even in a race or qualifying. Just free practice. I don't even think it was because i was going slow which i wasn't, just some sort of expectation that i should just move over as they are a Super Star (or believe they are)! :lol: I probably still won’t race Saturday as have lost my ‘mojo’ for it a little but not going to let idiots stop me playing it! :gtpflag:

I'm a bit late coming to this as I have not been on much since the weekend. Firstly, I'm sorry to hear what happened and it's not a nice feeling as you can wonder what did I do to warrant the and what else are they capable of. There is no place for what this guy did on an platform gaming or otherwise. I know it's easy to say but straight off you just report and block anyone that especially tracks you down to then send abuse to you in any form. I'm not up to speed on how PSN deal with people like this but they should not go unpunished. I have only once had someone send me messages after a game on PSN but lots of crap on social media over the years, but now because I have so much experience online, the block/delete button are my go to tools now and I have developed very thick skin over the years.

Secondly, I think you have already realised that you need to keep playing as you done noting wrong and as you can tell by the support on here everyone backs you 100% so don't let them win.
Try moving bb forward to save back left then use less braking power to help the fronts, should help even the wear some. The one stop is viable if you have good pace and start out front, may not win but you could probably secure decent finish without stress of saving tires.

Thanks for the BB advice. I’m gonna try a -1 in tonight’s practice. I’m driving the Jag and I’ve been trying to figure out what to use. +4 or +5 helped the fronts but the back left was completely dead. +2 or +3 and the left front and rear were equally rough by the end.
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Look out marshal!
This was good fun and I think I have some sort of affinity for the rally cross unlike a fair few in the game. The recent daily at Colorado Springs had me starting at the front end despite not feeling fast. Thankfully that event gave me a new way to drive on rally. Braking earlier to hit the apexes rather than sliding wide. Very useful for this event. I was surprised to log on and see myself at the top of my friends leaderboard even if only 3 of us had tried it. You might notice I am using the Genesis. I tried all the cars and this was the one where I was getting my fastest times with the least effort. I also decided to update my livery a little and I christened it with a very good result.

I went out for qualifying as usual behind everyone but 1. A Spaniard in an NSX who followed me out. I pulled over straight away as I prefer my own space in qualifying. Unfortunately he braked in the righthander leading to the back straight and I tapped him. Enough for him to bury his nose in the hay bales. My first lap didn't start well as the final bumps sent me sideways loosing me time. First lap 14th out of 15. (Someone quit.) Had what felt like an average lap for the next run but gradually saw the seconds rise in the blue at every checkpoint. I knew it was looking good. Crossed the line 2nd with a 1:22.0. I immediately backed out as I wasn't beating that. Only dropped 2 places to qualify 4th. The Spaniard in 1st was miles ahead of us and I was behind him in the warm up. It was like watching Carlos Sainz the way he was drifting every corner. I apologised to the Spaniard I hit who said 'no worries.'

This was a race where it was difficult to overtake normally so you have to wait for the right moment. I was faster than the Frenchman ahead but could not see an opening. The Spaniard behind seized the moment and took 3rd as we both drifted a little wide. I knew I had to wait as the bumps looked dangerous to the Frenchman. And yes on lap 2 he hit it sideways and round he went promoting me back to 4th. I closed the gap to the Spaniard and was starting to put pressure on him. He seemed to drift the last corner a bit too much and the small final bump sent him around giving me 3rd place. From there it was a case of holding the gap behind.

No scares thankfully and the bumps were kind to me. I was too slow for those ahead so 3rd was all I could hope for without an incident ahead.
Thankfully that happened and I crossed the line in 3rd.

Points were still updating as I gained 59 points to put me on 97 for the season so far. (Can I get above 100 again?)
Very much happy with the result.
Would definitely like to see more of this kind of race every now and then. Also group B even if it is on a road.
That was really fun!

Was a little apprehensive about entering this one (as if I'd not actually enter). Got some practice in and felt comfortable with the Subaru and the course. Big thanks to @Mistah_MCA and his invaluable guides which have been a core feature of my race prep!

On to the race. Qualified 4th and finished 4th for a new PB of 130 points, beating the previous of 129..

Race was pretty clean, there were a few bumps and nudges but tough to complain in a race of this nature. Was briefly in second but had a 2 second penalty looming over me after hitting someone who was recovering from a collision themselves. Bit unlucky but eventually wound up comfortably sandwiches between 3rd and 4th. The winner was super quick and I don't think their dirt graced anyone's window.

Counter to what I'd have presumed, I've been better in Nations Cup this season although I thought I preferred Manufacturers. Maybe I've come round to @Pigems way of thinking! (Apologies if it wasn't you who'd been discussing the merits of Nations v Manufacturers a while back!)
I'm happy to jump on this bandwagon. That was really fun.

Ran with the Scooby because it looks and sounds like a rally car and you can pretty much drive sideways round the whole lap (I know it's slower but it's an absolute scream). I tried the NSX but it sounds like a toy car and who wants to track the racing line anyway!

Managed to qualify 3rd with a 20.6xxx which was a tiny bit bit quicker than my best practice time. Qualy has gone well in this FIA season in general.

Pole was an Austrian in a 1:18 something and similar to what others reported he hammered round in the race and won easily. Seems too fast for DR B:lol:

I was briefly in 2nd but the other Austrian who qualified 2nd had better pace. As did the Italian who came past on lap 4 to take 3rd. I then had a great battle all the way to the end with another Italian in a WRX as well.

He got me down the inside of the first hairpin and then we swapped places a couple of times as each of ran a bit wide. Bit of door to door action but nothing dirty.

I had a scrappy penultimate lap and he pulled just over a second on me then I did a nice last lap and was on him at the final turn but not close enough. We were both sideways about 90% of the time!!

Fun race and good chat afterwards. It seems it was pretty clean throughout the field.

P5 was a good result and 71 pts was my best in Nations so far. Looking at the lap times after P5 was about right. I did consistent 21s the whole race other than a high 22 on the penultimate lap but the top 4 were all 20s or better and I couldn't replicate the qualy pace in the race.

Anyway one and done and a good experience. Also regained a chunk of the DR I lost trailing round at the back in daily race B!

I am glad Polyphony are trying different things as it kinda got boring a long time ago to look at the FIA Nations series to find the same combos as you find in Manufacturers series too. Off-season Nations should be used for these kind of experiments (SSRX races (although faster cars next time), rallying, karts, tracks so rarely used I forgot they existed, etc...)

So this was actually a good race, even if the result wasn't as good as I hoped. Qualified 6th with what was quite average for a normal lap for me but I lost a position from banging one too many walls, and from that point on the entire race was just a parade as the time differences between everyone was that great, it wasn't possible for any of the anticipated door-to-door racing to occur. I blame the track more than anything because of that last jump being a bit of a hassle to take cleanly. If it wasn't there, the racing would be closer.
Fun race and good chat afterwards. It seems it was pretty clean throughout the field.
I hesitate to say that this is probably a race the dirty (pun intended) racers probably wouldn't enjoy. Yes the potential to cream up the inside is there but it first requires a modicum of car control which they do not often display. They would find themselves cross country more often than a chance to ram.

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