2021 FIA Series Race Discussion

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I'm kinda glad today is a "day off" from the schedule. It's roasty hot in my lounge and I did 7h of actual driving yesterday with 7h of work outside in the blazing heat - tonight will be a second recovery day! (Also getting my second Covid jab in a couple hours...)
Means we have time for this topic: total participation is seriously dropping. From 19k per round to 12k per round this time around. Don't know if this has to do with the summer or some of the more dishearthening reasons. Like: being the second season, age of the game, state of driving, saturation, but it doesn't look promising.

What will happen to FIA races once GT7 is out?
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I think it's official that GT7 will shoulder the role as the FIA title once it's out, so FIA will move there. There's very slim chances of them running two championships in separate titles.

I think summer, heat, lifting of pandemic restrictions and people resuming normal evening activities, the repetition of combos (most of these races are repeats or minor variations of previous races), etc. all contribute to lowering participation.
I'm kinda glad today is a "day off" from the schedule. It's roasty hot in my lounge and I did 7h of actual driving yesterday with 7h of work outside in the blazing heat - tonight will be a second recovery day! (Also getting my second Covid jab in a couple hours...)
Heard it is very hot in the UK at the moment. Does heat influence your internet connection? Mine has been terrible all summer and wonder if high temperatures have an influence. Could not even finish my last lobby race, lost connection again and had to quit this evening after 10 laps. Shame, was in a cool lobby with xxPnikyKissxx and had good first 8 laps. (could offcourse not keep up with her)

Good luck with your second jab! Got my second one a few weeks ago. Was lucky there were some leftover at the vaccination location I served as a first-aider so got mine weeks ahead of schedule. Other then a slight discomfort in my arm no side effects. hope you will also have no issues with yours!
Is there a place, perhaps on the official website, that explains how scoring works for the FIAGTCs? I get that in a lobby, the score you get for a given position is dependent on the DR of the field. But I’m curious about the broader stuff, like how the points earned during the World Series influences each nation/automaker’s placement in the standings. Or how some automakers might be tied in the standings for the Manufacturers Series.
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Heard it is very hot in the UK at the moment. Does heat influence your internet connection? Mine has been terrible all summer and wonder if high temperatures have an influence. Could not even finish my last lobby race, lost connection again and had to quit this evening after 10 laps. Shame, was in a cool lobby with xxPnikyKissxx and had good first 8 laps. (could offcourse not keep up with her)

Good luck with your second jab! Got my second one a few weeks ago. Was lucky there were some leftover at the vaccination location I served as a first-aider so got mine weeks ahead of schedule. Other then a slight discomfort in my arm no side effects. hope you will also have no issues with yours!
Unsure on heat affected broadband speeds - one of the techier guys might know the answer to that one!

Second jab done and dusted, just a sore shoulder muscle, and a bit of a headache (but that could be dehydration from the heat...)
Is there a place, perhaps on the official website, that explains how scoring works for the FIAGTCs? I get that in a lobby, the score you get for a given position is dependent on the DR of the field. But I’m curious about the broader stuff, like how the points earned during the World Series influences each nation/automaker’s placement in the standings. Or how some automakers might be tied in the standings for the Manufacturers Series.
It's all on the official website here

The points earned in the World Series don't affect anything in the Online Series. The Online Series is effectively a qualification process for the World Series that has it's own points system that will determine overall winners after the World Finals.

With regards to tied standings, this is from the website:

If two or more manufacturers have an equal number of points in the 'Global Manufacturer Ranking', the selection will be determined following these criteria:
a) the manufacturer with the highest Manufacturer Ranking Points across all three Regions and all Rounds; and
b) if still tied, the manufacturer with the highest individual points of their top ranking drivers from all three Regions; and
c) if still tied, the manufacturer with the highest individual points of their top ranking drivers from all three Regions and all Rounds.
Heard it is very hot in the UK at the moment. Does heat influence your internet connection? Mine has been terrible all summer and wonder if high temperatures have an influence. Could not even finish my last lobby race, lost connection again and had to quit this evening after 10 laps. Shame, was in a cool lobby with xxPnikyKissxx and had good first 8 laps. (could offcourse not keep up with her)

Good luck with your second jab! Got my second one a few weeks ago. Was lucky there were some leftover at the vaccination location I served as a first-aider so got mine weeks ahead of schedule. Other then a slight discomfort in my arm no side effects. hope you will also have no issues with yours!
That explains why you disappeared from my mirrors! You were very quick. One lesson learnt is that your tires are still ice cold by corner 3! Into the sand i went. :lol:
That doesn't really answer the question as it deals with individual points.
I think he asked how are the points allocated to each manu by round.
That explains why you disappeared from my mirrors! You were very quick. One lesson learnt is that your tires are still ice cold by corner 3! Into the sand i went. :lol:
yep. think it was lap 8 that a message appeared on the right bottom of my screen that I had no connection. I could still continue to drive but other cars were going all over the place. Pretty sure other drivers near me would see my car going all over the place too so decided to quit as I did not want to bother the others. it did look spectacular though. The guy who qaulified thirst was right behind me and I saw him crash spectacularly in my rearview mirror, only the radar showed he was actually still alongside. it is really a strange effect of the bad connection.

Shame as it was a good race till then and felt i had okay pace. The Citroen is fast here but I have to break relatively early and really negotiate the car through the turns with care. If a break even a little bit too late the car will oversteer, understeer or both. So do need more practice and will connect the the router to the PS with a cable to see if that will help, because lately almost every race i have connection issues.
That doesn't really answer the question as it deals with individual points.
I think he asked how are the points allocated to each manu by round.
In that case:

1) A 'Manufacturer Ranking' will be created for each Region:
  • At the end of each Round, the position of a manufacturer in the 'Manufacturer Ranking' will be determined by the points acquired by its affiliated top driver (the driver who holds the highest score for that manufacturer in that Round).
  • At the end of each Round, 'Manufacturer Ranking Points' will be assigned to each of the 25 manufacturers based on their position in the above-mentioned 'Manufacturer Ranking', as follows:

In that case:

1) A 'Manufacturer Ranking' will be created for each Region:
  • At the end of each Round, the position of a manufacturer in the 'Manufacturer Ranking' will be determined by the points acquired by its affiliated top driver (the driver who holds the highest score for that manufacturer in that Round).
  • At the end of each Round, 'Manufacturer Ranking Points' will be assigned to each of the 25 manufacturers based on their position in the above-mentioned 'Manufacturer Ranking', as follows:

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Wow so that really does mean my effort does nothing for the overall. How pathetic does that make me feel? I had hoped that I at least contributed something even if it was meagre.
Wow so that really does mean my effort does nothing for the overall. How pathetic does that make me feel? I had hoped that I at least contributed something even if it was meagre.
I didn't realise that either. The manufacturer rankings are therefore just a representation of the quality of the best driver who's opted to represent that brand, not an overall based on the masses. That completely changes my decision process for the next round!
I didn't realise that either. The manufacturer rankings are therefore just a representation of the quality of the best driver who's opted to represent that brand, not an overall based on the masses. That completely changes my decision process for the next round!
Ok, I'll bite... why will that change your process?

And yes, a pleb's contibution doesn't account for anything in this world.

Better opt for Miata Mania if you want your efforts to mean something.
Ok, I'll bite... why will that change your process?

And yes, a pleb's contibution doesn't account for anything in this world.

Better opt for Miata Mania if you want your efforts to mean something.
Previously I had thought that the manufacturer ranking was a representation of the strength of the brand as a whole, across all levels of competition, so something in the top 10 would basically mean that drivers across the whole spectrum would be likely to have a stronger finish due to the strength of that brand in the global competition.

This model means the strongest 3 drivers in the field could choose Renault, Mitsubishi, Citroen and improve the international ranking of these brands even though they're probably the three least competitive brands. Granted, they're probably still unlikely to top the competition by using these brands, but it certainly has the chance to skew the results.

If they used an average points per brand it would be a much better way of showing which brands were the strongest for all players.

EDIT: Is there a way to see the full manufacturer ranking list? All I can see is the full list of drivers and their respective manufacturer. Without filtering through all that and manually working out which brands are where, it would be good to see what the current standings look like (despite the issues above!).
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This model means the strongest 3 drivers in the field could choose Renault, Mitsubishi, Citroen and improve the international ranking of these brands even though they're probably the three least competitive brands. Granted, they're probably still unlikely to top the competition by using these brands, but it certainly has the chance to skew the results
Yes, that is correct. If Myazono, Brooks and Hizal decide Renault should be in Manu finals, Renault WILL be in manu finals.
If I had their talent I would certainly contact 2 top drivers from different areas and arrange something.
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Ok, I'll bite... why will that change your process?

And yes, a pleb's contibution doesn't account for anything in this world.

Better opt for Miata Mania if you want your efforts to mean something.
Why shouldn't a pleb's contribution count? Right now I have the question of 'why bother?' rolling through my thoughts. Why should anybody outside of the top split bother? The best players will still haul a car to the top on average count. But then say a few lower ranked people win their split in a Renault then they should feel a sense their success has helped their chosen manu in the rankings. Just seems pointless (literally) as it is.

I saw your Miata race. You did a good job. Well done.
Why shouldn't a pleb's contribution count? Right now I have the question of 'why bother?' rolling through my thoughts. Why should anybody outside of the top split bother? The best players will still haul a car to the top on average count. But then say a few lower ranked people win their split in a Renault then they should feel a sense their success has helped their chosen manu in the rankings. Just seems pointless (literally) as it is.
This. 100%.
EDIT: Is there a way to see the full manufacturer ranking list? All I can see is the full list of drivers and their respective manufacturer. Without filtering through all that and manually working out which brands are where, it would be good to see what the current standings look like (despite the issues above!).

You can see it on the website or in game by clicking on the "Manufacturer Ranking" button, or clicking here

So far this season we've only had 2 Gr.4 races, so I imagine there will be some fairly big changes as we progress through the season. If you were to pick a completely random official partner, Mazda for example, they will finish in the top 2 rather than 7th.
You can see it on the website or in game by clicking on the "Manufacturer Ranking" button, or clicking here

So far this season we've only had 2 Gr.4 races, so I imagine there will be some fairly big changes as we progress through the season. If you were to pick a completely random official partner, Mazda for example, they will finish in the top 2 rather than 7th.
Brilliant, I wish I had worked that out sooner!

Idiot Facepalm GIF
It's been a while since I've posted on here but unfortunately I think it's time to hang up the sticks for the foreseeable future. Darn phone finally broke and had to upgrade to "bigger and better network" lol... seeing as Sprint got bought out by T-Mobile and they switched me over with the upgrade.

Unfortunately for me, T-mobile has some sort of a block on IP Address playing peer to peer which leaves me hanging not able to connect any longer even with faster overall internet 😑 no port forwarding or anything will fix the issue since it's on my networks end.

It's been fun while it lasted and hope to see y'all on GT7. I'll still be lurking around and catching few streams.
Why shouldn't a pleb's contribution count? Right now I have the question of 'why bother?' rolling through my thoughts. Why should anybody outside of the top split bother? The best players will still haul a car to the top on average count. But then say a few lower ranked people win their split in a Renault then they should feel a sense their success has helped their chosen manu in the rankings. Just seems pointless (literally) as it is.

I saw your Miata race. You did a good job. Well done.
It should. No doubt in my mind it should count. I was afirming what was asked/said that it doesn't. I knew it doesn't. That's all. That fact and my opinion are two different things.

If you were bothering because YOU thought YOUR results counted towards the end result for a given Manu (officially) and this was important to you, you can stop. For me FIA is about each individual race. Not the competition. Not the points. The result in race x is what makes it worth while. That and the racing is generally better than daily races.

And yes, from a "collectively we can bring Brand x to the top" point of view, your contribution is non existent.

Miata: Thank you. It was very exciting. I qualified split 4 and with people dropping at one point seemed to be on pole. But then another dropped and I was safe in split 3. No expectations for me there. Made some nice moves and went from 14th to 9th. Could have been 8th, but plebed it pushing the share button....