2021 FIA Series Race Discussion

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FIA Manufactures Race Report

Euro slots:

Slot 1, 9am CA time, B/S lobbies

Door 9. Important Phone call comes in just as warm up starts. Get one crappy qually lap in just as time expires. Q'd 14th or 15th

Green flag flew, important call comes in again, I have to pause and un pause to avoid getting DQ'd, by the time I get off the phone for the update, the rest of the field is gone (as if they weren't gone already with my horrendous qualifying position). Decided to use this race as a practice session under race conditions to mess with my brake bias....and see if it affected tire wear at all. Picked up some spots towards the end as people wadded up. Whatev's...


Slot 3, Door 7, Qualified 2nd

Learning the track the night before (with the help of @Mistah_MCA video), I was able to get my Slophy's Q-time down to 1:25.5 in free practice....Its amazing how good he is on Hards!! I knew I'd be off that pace come game time, and I was. Got held up all 3 laps, but managed to get a tow into the checkers on my final lap to recoup a couple 10ths. Actually, I bump drafted the Jag in front of me into the checkers. Salvaged a 1:26.2. Good enough for 2nd surprisingly. Looking around the grid, its all power cars except for 2 lonely Porsche's buried in the mid pack. Green flag goes, RCZ immediately starts to pull me. We set up for the first left hander and I'm just waiting for a blue dot to close in on me like a Skud missile. It does...but takes out the TT behind me instead. Poor bastard. A BMW takes over 3rd place and the RCZ gets a good exit and starts checking out. From that point, there really isn't much to report. The RCZ kept about a 2-3.5 second gap over me the entire race (depending on wether him or myself made a mistake) and after some fighting behind me that fortunately gave me some breathing room. I maintained a 3-4 second gap over the Corvette that eventually made its way from 7th, through the melee, and into 3rd. Oddly enough my fast lap for the race came at like Lap 12 or something like that. It was actually faster than my Q time. Pretty boring race to be honest.


Final slot, Door 7, Qualified 3

First lap got screwed up when door number 2 held everyone up. Second lap was going well until (what I'm assuming was someone with a late door and slow out lap) was basically just creeping along the apex (ghosted albeit) of the long left hand sweeper at the end. As luck would have it, the friggin' mongoloid decided to unghost right as myself and a Mercedes in my tow were arcing into the turn full throttle. For some reason, my Spidey senses were tingling right before this incident happened, so the only thing that happened to me was I veered wide and ended up on the grass. Luckily I was able to get right back on the tarmac, so the only thing I lost was a solid 6-7/10ths. Our friend in the Mercedes on the other hand wasn't as lucky. His spidey senses must not have been tingling because he swerved waaaaay right, tried to recover and ended up tank slapping for a good 75 yards until he lost it. The same guy was right behind me on his first flying lap, so his time from that crummy lap stood. I think the poor bastard ended up 15th on the grid or something. I made the time at the Checkers by about 10 seconds so I got one more try to get a good lap in. Everyone must've had bad qualifying laps, because right after I crossed the checkers, I glanced at my upper left corner and saw that my 1:26.4 was somehow in 3rd still. I knew I was one of the few guys who got a 3rd lap in...so I poured the coals to my Slophy and let it all hang out. I was on a heater too.... definitely on pace for a very low 1:25 and then I inevitably got a little too overzealous on the exit of the right handed hairpin at the bottom of the hill. Ended up in the sand box and quickly exited my lap so I wouldn't screw up anyone else. Miraculously my 1:26.4 still stood at P-3.

FIA intro begins, and I'm once again the only Slophy on the grid. One of only 3 MR cars. The rest are power cars with a lone WRX sitting on the pole. Green flag flies and the TT is immediately on the Scooby's slip. WRX telegraphs that he's going defensive into the first left hander with a middle line in the braking zone. The TT concludes this is the perfect opportunity to give the Subaru a nice "forearm shiver" up the inside into first. Myself seeing what is a mere second from taking place, checks my rearview mirror to make sure nobody's gonna dive bomb me; and when I see that the RCZ has filed in nicely behind me, I take a nice arcing line into turn 1 to hopefully capitalize on impending doom ahead of me.....nail the exit and slingshot into the lead. The TT wrecks the Scooby, driving him into the sand. I eye the apex and literally stand on the throttle going into the turn. The RCZ behind me decides to follow suit.... duck out at the last second.... and knocks me into the sandbox with Scooby!!

I recover back onto the track and in 6th position. The Scooby gets reset and is right behind me. For whatever reason, the Subaru driver thought that I was the one who punted him, and he goes for the punt at the 90 degree left. This time I see it coming a mile away; I hit the brakes hard and he sends himself to the shadow realm. Rest of the mudpack his hot on my tail, and surprisingly I don't get taken out on the right at the bottom of the hill. We file in and nothing really happens for the next 4 laps, although despite my best efforts, the Slophy can't get out of its own way once we get to the home straight.

Come lap 5, the mood of the room is reading that the train of 4 power cars behind me are growing weary of them gaining MASSIVE AMOUNTS of time on me on the home stretch, only to lose it once we get to the handling portions of the track. The German in his BMW behind me, decides he's the man for the job. With all the pent up anger left over from WWII, he locks me in on his iron sights.....and goes full Blitzkrieg on me at the bottom of the hill. I'm not even sure he touched the brakes.

This time I get reset back to 10th place, and now I have the window lickers bringing up the rear hot on my trail. I'm able to evade them for 3 laps until I make a bobble in the chicane before the home stretch, allowing a Corvette to get in my slip...and with that, an open invitation to punt me. The Spaniard is successful in his conquest. He gets 10th position. I don't get a reset and I dig trenches in the gravel back up onto the tarmac and firmly in 16th. As the laps dwindle down, I gain some positions back as guys crash out. Finish the race in a disappointing 13th with a measly 58 points in total for round 2.


N/A Slot 1, Door 5, Qualified P-3

I was apprehensive about logging in on my main and doing a slot, being that 2 of my 3 last races were anything but clean. But I felt that my Ferrari was going to be very strong at this track and I wanted to test my newly minted "A" status in an FIA lobby. Besides, I really liked this track! I went in with extremely low expectations for myself and the quality of the race, but somehow managed to land P-3 on the grid with a very conservative 125.8 in my Raider's endorsed Ferrari. Couldn't believe it. First "A" lobby in FIA and I'm somehow upfront. Was a bit nervous!!


Green flag waves and all of us start doing light arcs to warm up our tires going into the first turn - no amateurs here. We all file in as we take conservative braking points and a nice wide arc into the turn to compensate for our cold tires. I give my radar a quick glance just before the apex..... AND ONCE AGAIN, I see that P-4 decided that this was perfect opportunity to cut out of the conga line early and pick up an easy position. I don't get knocked off into the sandbox this time, but his intentions were clear as he was on the gas as he was shoving me out of bounds. Coming down the hill, I got barge-passed by a Brazilian at the bottom of the hill before ascending back up. With my anger from the last race still fresh in my mind, I thought of getting him back at the 90 degree right hander at the top of the hill....but thought better of it and decided to play the long game. That didn't seem to matter to his fellow countryman in P-6 that saw me get moved aside the first half of the lap...because he followed suit and gave me a forearm shiver up the inside instead. At this point, I had steam coming from my ears as I had lost 3 positions with no consequences in 3/4 of a lap. I caught the Brazilian's slip going down the main straight and contemplating sending him into orbit on turn 1, but cooler minds prevailed and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he simply made a mistake.

Between the Euro and N/A slots, I went out to the garage to work and had @Tidgney's stream from earlier in the day playing on my laptop in the background. I got inspired by his ability to be aggressive while also being clean - backing out if he doesn't for sure have a clean pass. So I decided to follow Tidgney's example and I showed the Brazilian a wheel at every opportunity the next two laps just to see how he reacted and if I could force him into a mistake. On lap 5 I finally got a real good run on the Brazilian's Huracan down the hill. I went inside of him at the right hander and made a clean pass with no contact on my end. He went for the pit maneuver but I was already arcing back to the right to set up for the left hander at the top of the hill. Since I had raced him cleanly for the past 3 laps, I thought he'd do me a solid and not dive bomb me so we can work together and get back up to the front. My expectations were too high I suppose as I saw him darting inside once again for the barge-pass. I backed out and let him have the spot because I was absolutely gonna blow my top if I got taken out yet again. Think Pulp Fiction where Jules gives the guy his wallet at the end so he doesn't have to kill him. Plus it was sonly lap 5 and we had a ways to go...and I figured it was a matter of time before the Brazilian wrecked himself.

We then played cat and mouse the rest of the race. I clearly had more pace than him, so I was beginning to get concerned that the mid pack was going to catch us with our battling. Lucky for us, there seemed to be some fighting behind us that kept the mid pack a few seconds back. I had several opportunities to barge my way past, but it was fun to have a nice, clean competitive race. However when ever I would get real close on him, he would make sure to run me as wide as possible or pinch me in. It wasn't blatantly dirty driving, but it seemed like he knew what he was doing. As the race wore on, I 110% expected the Huracan to make a mistake, but to the Brazilian's credit, he defended superbly and never cracked. We finished about 2/10ths apart, with P1-6 all finishing in the space of 5 seconds. Good race.

Post race chat, there was a lot of bickering amongst the mid pack. The Brazilian thanked me for a clean race. I thought of making a snide remark back at him. I didn't. He then sent me a friend request. Guess in his eyes, the race was squeaky clean. Whatever...it was still a blast!


Couple observations:

- There was a lot of bellyaching going on last week about Sardegna B being ran backwards. Lots of complaining about the turns closing off, the braking points being awkward....blah, blah, blah. Now I get it. But y'all are still a bunch of whiners!! Sardegna B normal way is a super easy track. It actually turns into a purely power track when ran the normal way. Sardegna BII is a 50/50 split between power and handling at least. FWIW, I preferred the track from last week!! It felt like it raced a lot better and there were more lines through the corners. Plus the added technicality added a greater chance of your opponent crashing out. Sard.BII rewarded patience more it seemed.

- With the current "penalty" system, the "B" class might as well be the "C" class. There's literally no difference. Its so easy to get to the B's these days.....that you get the same "video game" mentality coupled with general inexperience. The qualifying is a mess. The racing is a mess. I was in the B's for a very long time and I never remember it being this bad. We need the old system back!!

- The Ferrari is my new favorite Gr4 car. Sucks for Manu because the GT3 car blows, but the the GT4 car is the perfect blend of power and handling

The Megane Trophy tire’s wear like iron. Everyone knows that. However, the superior tire wear does you zero good on a non technical track with low tire multipliers. Everyone knows this too...

- The Megane Slophy is Soooooooooooo sllloooooooooooooooow. This car has the friggin' power spread of a weed whacker. No bottom end whatsoever. The only way for it to be competitive is to constantly be on the ragged edge at all time, bouncing off the rev limiter. Downhills with a tailwind help too. Mistakes from others around you are necessary as well. Like I said last week; if you're faced with a straight longer than a football field.... you're a sitting duck. Some guys can make it work. Just like James "Bubba' Stewart could make a 125 2 stroke work against 250's. His secret was he never let off.....EVER. Bubba crashed a lot, but damn was he talented!

- OH YEAH....... who else noticed that in the N/A slots, everyone from America had 3 bars of connectivity while anyone with a South/Central American flag was all green? Haven't seen that before.

Maybe @Mistah_MCA is Gran Turismo's James Stewart!?
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What is everyone driving for Nations at Lago Maggiore?

With the high tyre wear I'm thinking the best qualy cars will struggle in-race. I haven't tried any race testing yet, but I'm thinking the Slophy might be a viable option?
Cayman. Went quicker than my time in M4. I'm doing low 25s. Depends who we'll be racing. As always..
Maybe I'm not aggressive enough, I don't know, but I don't feel like it's really racing anymore, just a battle to survive.
The drive to survive thing is being taken too literal this season. Especially as participation seems to have taken a hit for various reasons.

Just focus on the races you find interesting and spend your time on them. And your DR will climb.
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Cayman. Went quicker than my time in M4. I'm doing low 25s. Depends who we'll be racing. As always..
I hadn’t looked at the qualy times since Wednesday night. Turns out the top 5 in Oceania currently are Slophys. Shout out to @Rangeraus who has an 86 in there.

My only qualy session had been in a WRX but I have immediately taken half a second off it with the Slophy. I’m running 24.3xx

Good luck anyone who takes the M4. Probably need to make 3 fuel stops.
What is everyone driving for Nations at Lago Maggiore?

With the high tyre wear I'm thinking the best qualy cars will struggle in-race. I haven't tried any race testing yet, but I'm thinking the Slophy might be a viable option?
I would have thought the Slophy will be the obvious choice. It's the META on the EMEA server and it's good on tyres, so I don't see why it wouldn't be a strong contender in the race. I'm not likely to be doing the race, but I would be going for the Cayman, Slophy, or 650S for this one, personally.
I hadn’t looked at the qualy times since Wednesday night. Turns out the top 5 in Oceania currently are Slophys. Shout out to @Rangeraus who has an 86 in there.

My only qualy session had been in a WRX but I have immediately taken half a second off it with the Slophy. I’m running 24.3xx

Good luck anyone who takes the M4. Probably need to make 3 fuel stops.
Oh, I have no doubts majority will use the Renault. Twisty nature of this circuit will suit both 86 and Megane. They were both even at the Sardegna Daily. I want to be in the minority with the Porsche.

Edit: Dropped the Cayman down to 24.850. Picked the Scirocco to follow and dropped down to 23.968 with a .930 optimum. I'm nailing T1. Just need to get a better entry into the blind uphill left-hander(TOYO TIRES corner), after the PZ.

Edit2: 1:23.846 in the Renault, with .667 optimum. Much more planted than the Cayman. Lots of confidence in the corners. We need both tyres. So, it's going to be about not getting punted form the start through the chequered flag.
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I haven’t run this entire segment of the summer series. Nothing looks really interesting to warrant spending hours practicing for. If you’re at the 41k DR mark when the X2019 comes up, you’ll probably see me. But outside that, I have zero interest.
I'm in a similar situation. Aside from the X2019 (which I'm inevitably going to screw up given how treacherous the penultimate corner is) and maybe Route X race, I have almost no interest in this Nation's championship. I'm still going to do at least 4 events because I feel like I have to do the "full" championship once I bother entering one race.
Question. I've been practicing for the next manu cup at RBR. Is it just my poor driving, or is the M6 a very slidey car? I feel like I'm either drifting through turns, or I'm facing the wrong way, thanks to spin. Any offers and suggestions would help greatly.
Question. I've been practicing for the next manu cup at RBR. Is it just my poor driving, or is the M6 a very slidey car? I feel like I'm either drifting through turns, or I'm facing the wrong way, thanks to spin. Any offers and suggestions would help greatly.
From memory, it can be tail-happy. Just taking care with corner exit acceleration, should lessen the effect.
Oceania slot 1. In with @V-Man73 Door 19 in an A/B lobby.

First qualy lap was average jumped in and out for a second. Much better except for catching a slow car into the 90 degree left hander at the top of the hill. Not too much damage done and finished q4.

Top 4 on grid were all Slophies q5 a WRX. I start on meds. Race starts and the WRX catches me real quick and then punts me at T1. Purely accidental but I lost 2 places immediately. I proceed to concentrate on driving smooth and staying out of trouble. Short shifting in the slip to try and get a pit advantage.

Finally a tight but clean race ensues and , apart from a track limits penalty that costs me a place, I manage to get the car to the end of lap 11 and dive into the pits to see how my strategy has worked. The answer is, pretty well as I find myself in p5 once the stops are all done. The WRX from T1 is behind me and is now running mediums so I let him past without a fight. He also gets past p3 and p4 rapidly. A few laps later and p4 and 5 are battling allowing me to get within striking distance. Then p5 accidentally punts p4 going into the final hairpin and I get a spot. Fast forward to lap 22 and I’ve reeled in p4 and set him up to get past on the start finish straight. But I dip a wheel onto the grass out of the final turn and lose a chunk of time trying to avoid a spin.

The last lap becomes a case of just keeping it neat so I can hold p5 and I’m successful until, 20 meters from the finish, I run out of fuel and turn a certain p5 into a p7. What an idiot!

110 points, one and done.
Decided to hop on and run in the Slophy. Had @05XR8 in the lobby. Along with plenty of regulars both good and bad. Hoping my 10 laps would at least let me have a decent race.

Got behind a pack in qualifying and had to make a pass going up the hill to the left turn as the guy in front horribly messed up the esses but didnt want to get out of the way. No big deal as I was pretty much at my pace anyway.

Started p14 and got passed fairly quickly by a brave soul in a GT-R. Then ran ok, obvious the guys ahead weren't saving fuel or tires.was in no man's land until I missed the esses and the track limit penalty dropped me into the messy pack behind.

Had some good battles although I messed up with @05XR8 and got caught not letting him go enough and had to make a horribly slow move into turn 1 at 1 point. Pitted end of lap 13. Ran a few people down and had a couple nice short battles, finished p15. No points to shout about, but again a clean affair with good respect and racing for about 95pct of it.
Decided to hop on and run in the Slophy. Had @05XR8 in the lobby. Along with plenty of regulars both good and bad. Hoping my 10 laps would at least let me have a decent race.

Got behind a pack in qualifying and had to make a pass going up the hill to the left turn as the guy in front horribly messed up the esses but didnt want to get out of the way. No big deal as I was pretty much at my pace anyway.

Started p14 and got passed fairly quickly by a brave soul in a GT-R. Then ran ok, obvious the guys ahead weren't saving fuel or tires.was in no man's land until I missed the esses and the track limit penalty dropped me into the messy pack behind.

Had some good battles although I messed up with @05XR8 and got caught not letting him go enough and had to make a horribly slow move into turn 1 at 1 point. Pitted end of lap 13. Ran a few people down and had a couple nice short battles, finished p15. No points to shout about, but again a clean affair with good respect and racing for about 95pct of it.
I was audible saying, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoooa!" Haha.
Similar thing happened when the rocket man went wide on entry. I was hard on the brakes, up the inside curb to not make contact.

That race needed a grid start. So silly to be 30 seconds behind P1, two to three laps after the start.
I was audible saying, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoooa!" Haha.
Similar thing happened when the rocket man went wide on entry. I was hard on the brakes, up the inside curb to not make contact.

That race needed a grid start. So silly to be 30 seconds behind P1, two to three laps after the start.
I was a bit annoyed I set myself up to slow us both down like that, but mistakes happen. I had the rocket man let me go as well right before the esses and scared me as I was worried I had lag punted him or something. It wasnt fantastically entertaining, but at least it was a pretty solid and fairly clean outing so it was fine for me. Would have definitely been better with a grid start for sure. But man that turn 1 would have been nasty
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I was a bit annoyed I set myself up to slow us both down like that, but mistakes happen. I had the rocket man let me go as well right before the esses and scared me as I was worried I had lag punted him or something. It wasnt fantastically entertaining, but at least it was a pretty solid and fairly clean outing so it was fine for me. Would have definitely been better with a grid start for sure. But man that turn 1 would have been nasty
Oh, for sure about the cleanliness of the race.
No dramas. Anything happening, I knew would have been purely accidental. Forgot, one of the cars at the back, kept diving up the inside. Was slowing the cars ahead for a little bit. Too long of a race to do anything for slowing players more than needed.

Again, the rolling start did more damage than anyone player though.
Not a bad race. Door 8, Q8. Decided to start on hards.
Thankfully started just after the last corner, just!
Sorta held station despite gaining a few places from spinners but loosing places to the VW's behind. I didn't feel too far behind on hards and thankfully those behind me didn't have the pace so was able to keep on the tail of the swarm of cars ahead. Eventually 2 Meganes and 2 VW's we going 4 wide into turn 1. It was all clean. But the VW's lost out. I was coming in Lap 8 for the undercut, but a long stint on mediums. It worked. I gained on those ahead including one in the top 3. They came out right in front of me. Turn 1 the next lap and they went wide giving me the space. I pulled away but an Italian was not far behind either. They couldn't quite get close enough for a move and raced very clean. Kudos to Stefanostefano-f. Eventually their pace and my fading tyres meant they would get through at turn 1 eventually. The gap behind was around 3 seconds so I could relax a little and concentrate on keeping my tyres a little. In the end I crossed the line 5th for a great result.

The Italian and I thanked each other for the clean race. Generally the racing ahead looked clean despite the close nature at times. I'm not sure how it was behind but only 15 finished; With only 2 of those loosing DR. So clean lobbies can be found.
I was worried about fuel. Pitting early I didn't have enough to go 15 laps. However some minimal fuel saving. (A couple of tactical short shifts per lap) gave me 0.3 at the end. (I think my driving style helps there.)
Good luck for those still to run.
I’m almost done recovering from my cold/fever. What do you think the tire strategy should be for the Manufacturers Series round coming up at the Red Bull Ring?

Went again and this time changed the tires correctly!! 2nd place but sooooo frustrating.

Started 4th and was into 2nd by the end of lap 1. We managed to pull out a gap on cars behind but I was so much quicker than the car in front and he spent the whole time defending for his life, constantly blocking any move I made. Was driving me mad! I came in lap 11 with him pitting lap 12. That’s when I saw he was on Hards so explained the speed difference. I had a 2 second gap over him when he exited the pits. He closed it down and went past with 5 laps to go. His tires then started to die and it was then back to insane blocking and defending to stop me getting back past. I had the run on him out of the final turn but he weaved over to block me so 2nd place it was. Excellent close race, just mega frustrating.

Not too fond of this layout but the car is pretty nice to drive at least

Not an amazing quali and poor starting position on the rolling start. Was in a battle with a Frenchman and WiFi Password. Tried to undercut them both but it didn't work out in the end. Was pretty close to them throughout but not the most exciting race in the end
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Ugh. This is one of the races you feel like you understand the DR resetters. I'm at the point where I'm just not fast enough. Was very close behind a Swiss Cayman all race, was five seconds behind him when we went into the pits. I went from 25 to about 60, he went from 21 to 97, came out two seconds behind me but he still reeled me in and there was nothing I could do about it. There was no point in me saving fuel, I was just too goddamn slow. This is the whole thing about where in business you're 'promoted to your level of incompetence' and I wanna go down one so I can be fighting at the front rather than having to go 'yeah, 12th, that's fine'. Where you know you've hit your skill level and don't have the time or inclination to do any better.
Well, despite my misgivings, I ventured into the FIA lobbies today.

I have been running many ( all! ) of my group 4 cars in practice this week and had come to the conclusion that I had no idea at all which car to run!

After deliberating long and hard, with 5 minutes to go before slot 1 I opted for the NSX.

Imagine my surprise when the first lobby appeared with just the one Honda driver……

Anyhow, managed to qualify 6th and switched to hards for the start. Some argy bargy on the first couple of laps but less than I anticipated. Certainly it was less blatant than in the daily races.

A couple of folks on mediums did pass me prior to me pitting at the end of lap 14 with bingo fuel. This was as a result of a little fuel saving on laps 13 & 14.

Rest of the race was uneventful. Passed a couple of folks who had run the opposite tyre strategy and finished 7th on track. This was promoted to 5th as two drivers had managed to abuse the tyre requirements. This netted a most welcome DR gain which tbh is what I had hoped when I opted to run.

Buoyed by my modest success, I went again in slot 2 in the NSX and again qualified 6th. This success was short lived as I forgot to switch to my preferred option of hard tyres for the start. My tyres really faded fast and I decided to go for two stops, pitting first after 7 and again after 14 having run the hards for the second stint. I pit early on the hards so as not to have to fuel save again when the mediums were reintroduced.

Ran well on the final set of tyres and managed to finish 6th this time.

Slot 3 was to be my last of the day. NSX again and qualified 6th again. Managed to duplicate my first run of the day, this time finishing 5th on track with more consistent lap times.

All in all I really enjoyed these races following the unpleasantness I have endured in the dailies recently. 👍
I’m almost done recovering from my cold/fever. What do you think the tire strategy should be for the Manufacturers Series round coming up at the Red Bull Ring?
good to read you are feeling a bit better....:)

qualify on softs...(I suggest to qualify on pole to make things easier 😁)

M/H are mandatory for the race, race itself is 19 laps

start on mediums till you are (almost)out of fuel, switch to the hards for the remainder of the race.

or start on hards if you qualified in the back of the grid, do a few laps, and change to the mediums for the remainder of the race.

not sure if one can make it to the end without running out of fuel, but if you can then start on mediums change to hards at lap 18 or start on hard, and switch to mediums after lap 1.

and most importantly here at the RBR, stay on the dark stuff, avoid track limit penalties!!!!
NA Slot 1, A/S Lobby, 177 points, Door #1

What a breath of fresh air this round was for me. Qualified P7 and spent most of the race driving alone. Towards the end, two other Meganes ahead started battling, allowing me to get close to them. They didn't play nice for long though, as one tried to dive bomb the other on the final lap, but failed. This allowed me to snatch P4 at the last second. A much needed one-and-done after a rough past two rounds.


I’m almost done recovering from my cold/fever. What do you think the tire strategy should be for the Manufacturers Series round coming up at the Red Bull Ring?

good to read you are feeling a bit better....:)

qualify on softs...(I suggest to qualify on pole to make things easier 😁)

M/H are mandatory for the race, race itself is 19 laps

start on mediums till you are (almost)out of fuel, switch to the hards for the remainder of the race.

or start on hards if you qualified in the back of the grid, do a few laps, and change to the mediums for the remainder of the race.

not sure if one can make it to the end without running out of fuel, but if you can then start on mediums change to hards at lap 18 or start on hard, and switch to mediums after lap 1.

and most importantly here at the RBR, stay on the dark stuff, avoid track limit penalties!!!!

On the contrary, it's RBR so there's a strong concertina effect through the field and not a lot of corners that really exploit tyre compound differences.

If you qualify top 5 probably start on something softer. Lower than that, consider a harder compound. Reasons being:

* Cars ahead of you are just going to waste time and tyre advantage fighting through the field. Remember there's two hairpins that other players will bleed time fighting for position. As long as you're close on a harder compound, you're winning.

* Being slightly slower can allow you to run at your capacity, and establish a rhythm instead of battling. You can sit tight and save fuel in the draft behind.

* Opens you up to an under/overcut once you do pit, as pit stop cycles will spread the field, making it easier for you to overtake the cars now on the worse compound more efficiently. Either through the pits on an out/in lap, or quickly after their stops when they're trying to get back up to speed

Also always save fuel when necessary. Less fuel used is less fuel taken during stops, means easy time can be gained on the competition basically for free.

Source: At Maggiore Nations I went from qualifying P7, half a second off the pace to P1 in the race just by racing with my brain.
And yeah guys, I finally win after a while and got promoted to A as well. Got the pole in my third lap after nailing the final sector. The race was vert tense, closely followed by two guys during all the time but I made no mistakes (unlike in my first attempt) and survived. One of my best races and my 19th win. Sadly the replay bug happened, but it's a win and 136 points in the bag (never scored this high on a FIA race). I really enjoy driving that Megane.